Chapter 2. Betrayal

Ellie's POV

But there is nothing greater than love, right? He is one of the reasons I can't let my father trade me the way he wants to. I know I have little chance of winning, but I am holding on to the hope that love can change the unchangeable. And I am contesting this because of him. I'm ready to give up everything for him. I love him too much to leave him for anybody else, much less a fucking stranger who I have never even met and am not even thinking about meeting.

That aside. A miracle might happen before tomorrow that will change everything for the greater good, and in a good way that will not result in the fallout between Father and I. That has been my prayer ever since I learned of that stupid agreement.

For the time being, I'm grateful for Leo's thoughtfulness in coming here tonight. I need him now more than ever. He is my only solace right now. His gentle voice touch is the only thing that can make me feel better. He is the only one who truly understands me.

A good fuck can also be put into consideration. Yeah! It will be a sweet remedy to forget everything that is beckoning even for a moment. When lastly did we even make love? I have been so absorbed in work, and he has been unbelievably understanding. Time to make up, I guess.

I push myself inside and shut the door behind me. I drop my handbag on the grey settee and was about to head to the kitchen for a glass of cold milk when I noticed something on the floor.

Red stilettos three inches high!

I freeze, staring at the unfamiliar shoes.

Aside from the fact that I dislike the color red unless it's a rose, of course, this is not my size. Besides, I don't normally wear such high stiletto heels. I might also be a workaholic, but I am such a neat asshole who would rather get late for work rather than leave my house in a mess.

I make sure everything is where it should be before I step out of my house. I also don't recall either Sherry or Rose owning these shoes, and even if they did, they can't be here without my knowledge because they don't have a spare key.

So, whose pair is this?

I shift my legs and shuffle upstairs, albeit with a heavy heart.

Ever heard of a cold chill that threatens to paralyze your spine if you don't get a grip of yourself?

Or paranoia? That is me right now. My mind is spinning with a thousand things, but I can not even make out even just one of them. And this fuel is driving me, my ghosh!

I thought I was dragging my legs and my lazy wasted ass, but I got to my bedroom door much faster than someone who ran up the stairs. Keep in mind that I have looked into the other two rooms in this house, but that pair of shoes appears to have entered the house miraculously. I didn’t see anyone. Is it a form of witchcraft or magic?

This is the only remaining room that I am about to check, and it's my bedroom. Nobody would dare to enter my bedroom except my boyfriend, who is not transgender, dah!! My friends are well aware of how much I value my privacy. I also don't go around prying into other people's lives.

I slowly turn the door open, and the first thing that greets me...

"Oooh... aah... Faster Leo... Oh, my..."

"Oh, my goodness! LEO!" I assist the blonde babe beneath him in moaning, but mine echoes with a loud scream.

My phone, along with my jaw, drops to the floor as their ugly faces snap at me. My mind spins a thousand degrees. I am benumbed!

What the fuck is before my poor eyes?

I blink a couple of times, hoping to open my eyes and realize I'm just dreaming, but...

"Ellie." More horrendous than the sight of his standing tail between his legs is the way he flatly mumbles my name as he hovers off the whore, his dick leaving her hole with an annoying noise.

I am still in denial. That is why I am not crying. But this pain is tearing my heart from inside, perhaps summoning me to wake up to the disgusting absurdity before me. But, how can this be?

This is so not happening! Someone shoot me!

I lean against the wall, tears streaming down my cheeks. Finally! I guess reality just hit me now. I'm trembling, unable to believe that this two-legged snake by the name of my stepsister and my man are shamelessly screwing in my own home. And in my bed!

What the fuck is this?

No, way! No, how? How did things come to this point? The point of my fiance fucking a whore who happens to be my stepsister in my very own bed? How long have they been making a fool of me, to the point of bringing this heinous act into my bed?

"I'm sorry you had to learn this the hard way." I jerk my eyes open in the direction of this smelly, rotten bitch.

She has the nerve to open her stinking mouth to me after sucking the balls of this… I dash to her from the corner of my bed, where she is snoozing and trying to cover her pathetic nakedness with the duvet.

Wasted efforts, though! She can't even get the suffocating smell of their fornication out of this room. I am choking on it. Everything stinks! They both stink…

I swirl around and serve her what I can afford.

"Aaah!" She hadn't expected that. I savor the pain she is experiencing as a result of that resounding slap before grabbing her by the neck and dragging her from the bed.

"You bitch, let me go!" She screeches while struggling to breathe.

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