Chapter 5

"I do enjoy a curvy woman," the Wolf said, smiling down at her in approval. Her mouth was so dry, she couldn't have answered even if she could have thought of anything to say. The moment he'd touched her, her mind had completely blanked, and as he gently squeezed her breasts to see her reaction, all she could do was whimper.

The gentle caress of his thumbs over her nipples made her shiver and she inwardly cursed herself for the tingles that shot through her body. This isn't me, she thought, it's not what I want... it's not my fault. It's just biology. Maybe a little bit of the Wolf's natural charisma rubbing off on her too. In another time, another place, she might have been incredibly attracted to him.

"Stop touching her," Alex rasped from beside them, still struggling against both his restraints and the men holding him. Bella looked down at him, not realizing that pleading filled her large brown eyes, only making him feel guiltier about his uselessness.

"Wait your turn, toy," the Wolf said, not even looking at Alex, his eyes still on Bella's face as he pinched her nipples and brought her attention back to him. The slight bite of pain and pleasure seemed to zing through her, straight to her clit. "I'm playing with pet right now."

It felt like her insides chilled as she realized that these were his terms for them, his names for them. Pet and toy. He fondled her expertly, keeping her eyes glued to his, and she wanted to moan in protest from the heat that she felt kindling inside her belly. It was so, so very wrong and yet her body was responding anyway, regardless of what she wanted.

"What's your name, pet?" he asked.

Licking her dry lips, she forced herself to answer. "Bella."

"And what's toy's name?"

Alex growled but she didn't look at him. Somehow she didn't think that looking away from the Wolf would be treated so lightly a second time. "Alex."

"Bella and Alex. Pet and toy. I like it." The smile that he gave her was not at all reassuring.

Then he started sliding one hand down her stomach and Bella moaned. Not because it felt good, but because she knew what he was going to find when he probed between her pussy lips, and she didn't have any doubts that's exactly where his fingers were headed. With his other hand still on her breast, squeezing and kneading and teasing her nipple, the Wolf slid his hand between her legs. Her muscles strained as she automatically tried to close them, tried to stop them from touching her, but the bar that Jordan had secured - she'd assumed to hobble her - had more than one purpose.

When his fingers came away wet, coated in glossy fluid, Bella closed her eyes again. She couldn't look. The Wolf laughed, and something slick was spread over her lips. The smell of her musk filled her nose and she felt sick with the humiliation.

"Pet's wet, toy," the Wolf said, moving away from her. When she opened her eyes she could see him advancing on Alex, holding his fingers in front of him with the evidence of her arousal. "She's such a very good pet already, I think we should reward her."


A deep voice from the end of the room caught all their attention. Bella craned her neck to see who was speaking. Another man came forward, with a redhead by his side. She was naked, her hands behind her back, and her head bowed so that Bella couldn't see her face. Jewelry jingled on her nipples and flashes of gold shown between her legs, indicating that there was something there as well.

"Ah," the Wolf said, sounding satisfied. "Slave. I have good news. You've been replaced. You were a very good slave and you can now go home to your family." He said it with all the joviality of a man bestowing a great privilege.

The redhead's head came up sharply and Bella recognized Abby from the holos. Her eyes were wide as she took in the scene before her and the most astonishing array of expressions flashed over her face - relief, disappointment, hope and ending with sympathy.

"Thank you Master."

"I'm not your Master anymore. Go and have a good life." He waved his hand, turning back to his newest playthings. Bella caught one more glimpse of Abby's face, the relief was back as well as the strangest impression that the Wolf had somehow hurt the young woman's feelings, and then she was turning, led away by the man that had brought her in.

Bella knew the drill from the news vids. At some point today or tomorrow, Abby would arrive at the shuttleport, safe and sound. She'd be hounded by reporters the moment she realized who she was. And her family would be notified. They'd probably be there to greet her the moment she landed on the Moon and to do whatever they needed to maneuver through the social minefield that was part of being a returned "guest" of the Wolf's. While many of the younger members of their Society saw it as a point of interest, or even a badge of honor, there were just as many who saw the returned persons as damaged goods. Not that they'd say anything so insensitive in public, of course, but the stigma as well as the fascination was there.

She'd always been fascinated. And she hadn't blamed the victims. Although she hadn't thought she'd ever be in their place either.

"So toy, what do you think we should reward pet with?" the Wolf asked, as if he hadn't just released a young woman back to her real life after months of keeping her in a position of sexual slavery.

"Freedom. Let her go," Alex said succinctly. Bella stared at him, astonished. Was he really going to try and send her away at the cost to himself? Because he wasn't making any plea for his own release. And how could she leave him here, even if the Wolf agreed? She'd never forgive herself.

The Wolf laughed uproariously, so she knew that it wasn't going to happen anyway. But at least he found them amusing right now. She'd gotten the impression that he enjoyed toying with them, playing with them, but if they bored him then he'd find other ways to make them interesting. And she really didn't think she wanted to know what those other ways might be.

"Oh, I do like spirit," the Wolf said, his eyes glowing as he looked down at Alex with the same speculation and interest with which he'd examined Bella. "You two are going to be quite delightful. In fact... I know." He turned back to Bella, resting one hand on Alex's head. Alex tried to toss it off, but the Wolf just gripped his hair tightly, jerking his head upright hard enough that Alex grunted with pain. "Bella, pet, you get a choice. Do you want me to fuck you right now? Or do you want toy to fuck you?"

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