Chapter 3


My dad and Nora lived three hours away in a small town. As promised a taxi came to pick me up by six in the morning. I barely slept wondering what Nora wanted to talk about. It had to be serious if she called me herself. It made me scroll my sister's Instagram, but I knew it wouldn't give me any answers. She hadn't posted any pictures in a while. Most of them were of her on vacation or simply spending money with her rich friends. 

I hadn't seen Sydney since Christmas two years ago. It wasn't even a planned meeting. I didn't have a relationship with my half-sister. It sucked too because when I looked at her I saw myself. Except I was a little darker and had a thick head of curls. Otherwise, we had the same brown eyes, pointed nose, height and weight. We could be twins, but we lived totally different lives. 

I wasn't sure I could help them though. They weren't the type of people to ask me to lend them money. If they asked, then I definitely couldn't help. 

I fell asleep on the ride there because of my frantic night. I sent Lilly a text letting her know where I was going, but I told her not to tell Mom. I didn't want to worry her. I woke up when we made it to the little town. It was a little town with deep pockets, dad wasn't the only billionaire that found solace in the tucked-away town.

It took the taxi driver about fifteen minutes to the mansion. The sky above us was grey. I hoped it wasn't setting the tone for this meeting. Though, it simply told us that it might rain. I only wore a light fleece because of how chilly it gets in the morning. I didn't expect to have it on the rest of the day.

"Here we go, ma'am." The taxi driver said.

I swallowed. I didn't remember the mansion being this imposing. Or it could be because the bricks had gone darker with time and the weather. The garden was welcoming and pampered. I paid the driver and carried my tiny handbag and dragged my feet to the front door.

I was only going to my dad's house my heart shouldn't be beating so fast. Did he even know I was coming? I got to the front door. I should turn around, nothing could be so urgent that Nora needed me here. Still, I found it in me to ring the doorbell. I wasn't good at waiting so the thirty seconds I stood swaying in front of the door were mini agony.

"Yes… Miss… it can't be." The elderly housekeeper blinked a few times then looked back into the house.

She must feel like she's seeing double. Though, there was an obvious difference that made one question which girl was who. 

"Yeah, I'm Gia." I waved, not knowing what else to do.

I didn't know how long this lady had worked here, I knew my stepmother never kept the house help long.

"Forgive me, I didn't know you were coming." She smiled, the gesture reaching her eyes.

She opened the door for me and I held my bag to my chest before I stepped through the door. It was just Dad's house no need to freak out. Once through to the foyer, I couldn't keep my eyes off the place. They had done some serious redecorating. Brand new diamond chandeliers and dark wooden floors replaced the light wood flooring. The open staircase was still the same.

"Would you like some tea, Miss?" The elderly lady asked. Her uniform reminded me of Mom's pink waitress outfit even though the lady wore a black uniform that went down to her ankles.

"Yes, I think I could do with tea."

"Oh, you're here." 

I looked up to the top of the staircase. Nora pushed her brown hair back and strolled down the stairs. I wasn't sure if she was glad to see me or distressed. 

"Helen, bring us tea to the library," Nora said, strolling ahead of me. 

Where was Dad? I wanted to ask instead I followed Nora into a library lacking a burst of colour. The whole room was painted white. The furniture was white too, the bookshelf behind the desk was painted pearl white but carried dull titles with grey or black covers. Nora opened tall baby blue curtains, revealing clear double doors leading to a tiny patio. 

"I'm really glad you could make it." Nora's tone was low as if we were having a secret conversation.

She opened the door and stepped out into the patio. The sky was lit up one bit. At least I would have tea to keep me from freezing.

"What's this about? I could barely sleep last night. Are you sure dad's okay, where is he?" 

"Yes, yes he's fine. The problem does involve him though. It involves all of us." She bit her lip.

How did it involve me I was barely part of this family and I didn't remember getting into any trouble lately. Helen walked into the library with a tray of tea and mini sandwiches. She set down before vanishing.

I stared at Nora, expecting her to continue.  She swallowed before picking up her teacup. "You know your father has many businesses and many associates whom he does many deal with."

"Okay…" Where was she going with this?

"Yes, and one of these deals is in danger. We agreed and we can't live up to our end of the bargain. His partner will be very upset if we don't honour our part of the deal."

I set the cup down before I could even drink. "How do I help?"

"Darling, I can't seem to find— Gianna?" Dad chuckled.

"Dad…" It was like seeing a superstar for the first time that's how I felt. 

I stood and stepped into his embrace. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair which was quickly frizzing. I was mad at him more than not but it felt good to be around him.

"Hello, sweetheart, what a surprise." He laughed and pulled back. 

His blue eyes had aged as did all of him. He almost looked fragile.

"Nora, did you know Gia was coming?" He took a seat next to his wife.

"Of course, I called her." Nora sipped her tea as she said it.

Dad stared at me then back at his wife. 

I shrugged, "She still hasn't told me what's wrong."

"Nora… this isn't any of Gia's concern."

Well, that hurt like a bee sting to the face. I brought my bag to my lap. Moment of joy over. 

"She's your daughter too Ronald." Nora blasted.

"I don't want her involved that's final." Dad stood up before I did and stormed into the library. Nora followed him.

"You had no problem letting Sydney do it!"

"Sydney and Bradley already knew each other and were comfortable with the arrangement." Dad waved her away.

"Listen," I cleared my throat, prompting them both to look at me. 

"Dad doesn't want me here. I shouldn't have come. I'm going to go."

"No, Gia. I want you here. I don't want you involved in this deal. It's just business with a partner who needs money."

Nora frowned at him. 

"Then what does Sydney have to do with this?" 

Nora and Dad shared a look. Nora sulked and folded her arms.

"You might as well tell her Ronald."

Dad motioned her to go outside. Once seated he explained the situation. I gripped my bag the entire time.

"Sydney was supposed to marry the son of an associate of mine. Wolfe, we call him. It was strictly business. Though, Sydney and Bradley knew each other, they went out so they were comfortable with the arrangement."

"Okay, what's the big deal?"

"Your sister vanished! Ran away and the engagement party is tomorrow night! Right here."

"Tomorrow night?" I gasped. Oh, Sydney what a scandal. Maybe she got cold feet.

"Everything will be fine Nora. I'll handle this." Dad insisted.

"You're being ridiculous. Wolfe isn't a man to double-cross. What will we do when a thousand high society people show up here tomorrow for an engagement ball and there isn't even a bride-to-be?!"

"I'll ask for a postponement." Dad waved her away, but I saw the worry on his face.

What kind of shit had my dad gotten himself into? Who was Wolfe? I couldn't just google a man named Wolfe and find out. 

"Ronald, Gia is almost identical to Sydney we could do this."

"You want me to pretend to be Sydney? No one's going to fall for that." I rolled my eyes.

"Hair can be fixed and skin tone can be explained. All we need to do is fool a few people for one night. A lot of twins do it already."

"Bradley will see right through this stupid plot." Dad spat. Did he have that many options?

"I'd rather deal with Brad than his ruthless father. Gia, name your price."

I bit my lower lip. Did they even know where Sydney ran off to? What if she magically showed up at the party?

"What do you want me to do exactly?"

Nora and Dad shared a long knowing look finally Dad hung his head in defeat. He really was out of options.

"Marry Bradley Wolfe in place of your sister."

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