Chapter 2


I already paid ten thousand dollars to Rocco and I knew I could do better. I just needed time, something the douchebag wasn't giving me. The debt to be paid was more than this, but I thought I was doing well. If I was close to my dad, he would have given me a fancy family heirloom and I would have sold that. My half-sister Sydney was given an old diamond necklace. That would have come in handy right now. I bet Sydney didn't even wear it she had a bunch of priceless jewellery pieces. 

I couldn't ask Sydney for help. We hadn't had much of a relationship since my sophomore year in high school. The rest were just sad attempts at communication. Dad was worse I couldn't remember the last time he showed up. He lived in a different town, but he did call to ask how I was doing at least twice a week. 

I didn't have a relationship with Nora, Sydney's mother. I believed she hated me. 

I went to my room and changed into a pair of black jeans. They curved out my legs nicely. I put on a white-sleeved shirt that hugged my body well and a leather jacket on top. I wore a pair of black sneakers in case I needed to bolt out of there. 

Red Lip Nightclub was the destination for the night. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe Rocco wanted me to be Mrs Cage. Music blared from the club. I'd never been here during the night. Two bodyguards stood outside the door in front of a purple rope. They glared me down as I approached them. 

Was this place exclusive? I wondered how much a shot costs in this place. I wasn't staying long to find out. My goal was to sign the contract signing over Mom's debt to me. I wasn't going to let her lose everything. 

I stared at the tallest bodyguard. He wore black shades and a suit that looked, designer. Well, they must be paid well. 

"Are you at the right place little lady?" He asked. 

I folded my arms over my chest. "I have an appointment with Rocco." 

They both chuckled. 

"I have payments to make," I said through clenched teeth. 

"Well, I'm sure he'll be glad to see you." 

I scurried in as soon as the purple rope fell. I was hit by the scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol. It was everything I expected. Dark room with different flashing lights. Heavy music, a DJ on the desk. A bartender with a heavy armoury of alcohol.  

"Rocco can't be in his office," I whispered to myself. 

There were two stages down here with four girls dancing on the poles. I tried not to focus on the faces, but I flinched when I recognized a guy from my marketing team. He asked me out a week ago. I kept my head down and made a beeline for the bar. 

"Do you know where I can find Rocco?" I asked the bartender. 

He smirked as he wiped a shot glass. "Looking for work? I can help you out." 

"Not a chance. I need him for something else."

The brown-eyed bartender nodded. "Upstairs. VIP lounge." 

"Thanks…" I was about to leave the bar behind when the bartender spoke. 

"Be careful out there." 

He made me feel as if I was about to jump into a shark tank. Why did I feel I was? That's what Rocco was and probably so were a lot of people associated with a loan shark. I didn't know how to handle him and frankly, I didn't want to. I wanted to get rid of him. 

I made it upstairs and it was a different atmosphere. For one the place smelled of fancier cigarettes and expensive cologne. I was a sucker so sweet cologne!  

I scanned the seats of designer suits and alluring grins for Rocco. This level had a lot more poles and a larger number of working girls. I felt out of place. I wanted to run and come back tomorrow. I pulled my jacket around myself and exhaled. I couldn't back out now. 

Soft laughter came from behind me. I swirled; expecting to find Rocco, but it was six-foot-tall with blue-green eyes. I'd never seen a shade like that before. Why was he smiling at me? I didn't want anyone to smile at me in here. 

"Are you lost?" He asked. 

I bit my lip. He filled out his dark blue suit perfectly. He had a glass of wine in his hand. Is that what they sold here? Did it cost an arm and a leg?

"I would know if I was lost, wouldn't I?" I said through gritted teeth. 

He let out a silent laugh. Who was he? He had silky blond hair that he pushed back. I didn't recognize his cologne, but it was intoxicating. I nearly took a step back, but I wanted to leap forward into his scent. 

"What are you doing here?" He said low and firmly. 

"Excuse me?" I stepped back. 

"You're more than a lost sweetheart." His eyes narrowed. 

"I didn't expect to see you here," Rocco said before I could open my mouth. I narrowed my eyes at the mysteriously good-looking man as he did me. 

"Neither of you to be honest. Well, maybe Gia." He brushed my cheek with his finger.

I recoiled and he barked out a laugh. I thought I heard the handsome bastard repeat my name, but I could be wrong. 

"Consider my offer?" He shoved his fists in his pants. 

Of course, I had, but that wasn't the route I was going down. 

"Can we talk in private?" I cleared my throat. 

Rocco opened his mouth but a guy grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. 

"There's a problem with one of the gents upstairs." The young man said. 

There was another level? I stared at the ceiling. 

Rocco groaned, "Fine." 

He walked away without as much as glancing at me. I guess I had to stick around until he was done. It was just me and the man whose name I didn't know. 

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" He took two steps forward and was standing right in front of me. So close his scent had to be swimming to me. 

I dipped my head back, "A girl like me?" 

The corners of his mouth lifted, "I could only assume you're looking for work." 

"I have an associate degree for your information." 

"I doubt that would work here. Unless your degree is in other things." 

My blood boiled, but I balled my hands into fists. Who wanted a lawsuit? 

"Your disgusting," I muttered. 

He laughed. He seemed to be enjoying our exchange. I didn't understand why I was still talking to him. 

"There's worse men in this place beautiful. Plenty who would love to discover your talents." 

Oh, he was despicable. 

"Put a pig in a suit, but it'll still be a pig." 

His eyes widened and I sidestepped him. I had to get away from him. I shouldn't have been talking to him anyway. My mission was to sign over the debt to me. Not getting lost in meaningless banter with an extremely handsome and sweat-smelling man.

"I'm going to wait in Rocco's office." 

I scurried off without as much as a glance back at him. 


I did it. I signed the contract. Mom was officially free, but I still had a mountain to climb. I saw the official figure and it felt like two mountains to climb. I'd have to marry Rocco to settle this amount. Most of it was just added on interest and the money that was added on each day. 

"I can't believe this." I slumped on my chair at home. 

I loved my mom. I wanted her to be secure, but I also wanted the freedom to choose the man I spent the rest of my life with. I wanted sparks and butterflies. I didn't and would not have that with Rocco.  I couldn't have it both ways. I had to make a decision. My phone rang. I picked it up thinking it was Lilly, but it was an unsaved number. 

I normally didn't answer those, but it was late something could have happened. I hoped it wasn't the case though. 


"Gianna?" A lady breathed out. It was a voice a knew, but I couldn't put a voice to face. 

"Yes? Who… is this?" 

"Oh, I wasn't sure this was your number. It's Nora." 

"Nora." I stood and paced to the kitchen. I hadn't spoken to her in years. "Has something happened to my dad?" 

"No, no. This is urgent, however. I can't explain it over the phone. We need your help." 

"My help? What's going on?" 

"Please, come over. I'll send a car for you tomorrow." 


"Yes, it's serious Gia." 

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