Chapter 4

Camille’s POV

“Oh damn! I’m so sorry.” I threw a napkin at him before packing Harriet’s dyed pink wig into a messy bun.

“Are you okay?!” I hollered at her and tried to help her clean up.

“Yes, I’m fine. I will go grab the seat Mason is offering.” She finger poked my chest. “You have maximum fun, you look good in that dress.” She winked and went with Mason.

The skimpy satin dress Harriet forced me to wear was riding up when I mounted a pole but I didn’t care. Most people blame flexibility on weight and size but I’m a plus-size woman with a natural talent for dancing. Although I can’t confirm if it is the small quantity of w**d I inhaled that let my reticence flow into thin air and my confidence rose with every buzz beat that the DJ played. It was a euphoric pleasant feeling and in my case of floating somewhere between being drunk or high, I gave in to my temptation and shot a glance across the crowd to the bar and my eyes landed on a fucking gorgeous man, leaning against the bar with a drink in his hand. The stranger in dark gray slacks and a white button-up, the sleeves neatly rolled to his elbow had been burrowing glances into my head all night. His eyes followed swiftly my every movement and the curves of my body all night.

He sat amid the company

He took a sip of his drink and waved at me. He looked at me with one eyebrow arched and a corner of his mouth curling in a sexy smile.

“A glass of the finest champagne from our 1960 collection, milady?” A barman walked up to me and presented a tray.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I didn’t order any drink.”

“It has been paid by that young man seated over there.” He nudged his head at my admirer in sexy pants. I watched the muscles in his arms flex as he brought his drink to his lips, his eyes flickered to mine and he winked.

At that point, I could swear my core had soaked in all those sexiness because it was too hot to handle. I was dying internally to be fucked by this attractive stranger.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and picked it from the tray.

“I thought you might like a change of liquor, this time around garnished with the interest of a young handsome man like myself.” A body sprinkled with a great ap******siac fragrance pressed behind my back.

The was my admirer previously seated across. His cologne and fresh masculine scent wafted through my nostrils like a deliciously baked pastry.

“Hey, stranger!” I steadied my body and moved slowly in sync with him and the beat.

“Hey gorgeous, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” His baritone flowed into my ear like music. I wanted the DJ to stop already. I just found the perfect rhythm I wanted to listen to all night. Perhaps with the both of us naked under a huge white duvet.

He touched my hand gently and twirled me to face him. A smirk appeared on his face, as well as small dimples that enhanced his chiseled jawline. He was smoking hot and if I wasn’t careful around him, I would end up with a second-degree burn.

“No, but I did scrape my knees when I crawled up from hell,” I swirled my drink in my glass and took a long sip.

“Feisty, I like it.” He grinned at me, revealing his perfect set of white teeth. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the natural color or if he bleached them monthly intermittently.

I grinned, I loved this stranger already, his aura pleased me but he would need to work a little harder to get me dancing to his tune.

“So there are so many beautiful women flocking around half-naked right now, why are you with me?” I tucked some strands of my jet-black hair behind my right ear and looked at him from under my lashes in a flirty manner.

“You are not exactly inconspicuous love, your size makes you stand out among the others.” His honey-brown orbs pierced my soul.

Something in me snapped the moment he mentioned my size and I snapped out of my temporary fantasy. I couldn’t tell if it was inferiority complex from standing next to a Greek god who happens to be 6’4 tall with a lean muscular body and chiseled jaws or if I should blame it on Jack for helping my insecurities rise above my confidence with those hurtful words but him standing tall in front of me triggered something to me and I immediately became self-conscious, wondering if my back rolls were pronounced with the skimpy dress or if my stretch marks were all out in the open while people stared at me in disgust.

“I love my curves, imperfections, and jiggly thighs and no one said you had to.” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

“Oh don’t misinterpret my words, I meant—” he tried to convince me of his thoughts but I shut him up with a raise of my hand.

“Caution! Because my mouth has no filter. To hell with you and your judgment. I’m not going to stand here and watch you talk me down.” I balled my hands into fists and the veins in my neck throbbed.

“That wasn’t my intention, I’m afraid you—”

“I’m big, bold, and beautiful and I honestly don’t give a flying fuck about your intentions.” I squinted my eyes and shook my head.

“You know what, I didn’t even catch your name, maybe we can smooth things over somewhere else.” He tried again, this time removing his mask.

“You!” I shrieked and yanked mine off too. “You are the bastard that almost got me fired.” My tone rose an octave as I fumed in anger. My pupils were dilated and I was on the verge of bursting into tears.

I’m usually not a weak bitch and I’d like to blame it on my period but I have dealt with so much stress that it is slowly becoming a trauma. I hated the selfish bastard for putting me in this position and it is a miracle I still got to keep my job.

“That was all on you.” He pointed an accusative finger at me. “You wanted to ruin my company at all cost despite apologizing to you. It was you versus me and you shouldn’t be surprised with what option I went with.” He shrugged his shoulders, giving me a nonchalant look.

“Ugh! I hate you and stay the hell away from me creep.” I stabbed my fingers on his chest repeatedly before storming off.

“I think we can try to patch things up since it sort of worked in our favor.” He held me by the elbow.

“And how exactly did that play out? Huh?” I balled my fists, resisting the urge to smack him hard across the face.

“I was able to save my company and you kept your job after a little scolding.” His breath fanned my face as he slowly drew me closer. “I’d like us to start again, miss?” he titled his head waiting for me to help him out.

“You are pathetic, you can’t even remember my name, can you?” I scoffed.

“Like I said earlier, our first impressions were fucked due to circumstances so yes I forgot your name but you can help me out since I’m making a bit of an effort.”

“You didn’t catch my name because I didn’t give it. Having a vagina doesn’t stop me from believing that my balls are bigger than yours so fuck off, stranger.” I smiled and politely shoved my middle finger in his face before attempting to walk out of the club — feeling empowered.

“Uh oh! Not so fast, miss.” He grabbed my hand and twirled me till I was in close proximity to him, backing him.

“The reputation that precedes me states that my ego is quite fragile and doesn’t do well with people poking it no matter how little it is.” He tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear, whispering.

His minty breath tinged with vodka fanned my neck and I could feel goosebumps rising immediately. This stranger with a big fat ego was doing things to my body — things I haven’t felt in months. If being so hot was illegal, I would have called the cops on him.

“Wait a minute, I’m not drunk enough to listen to your bullshit.” I bit back sarcastically.

“No problem, I only need your attention so I will buy you another drink if that will get you to concentrate.” His hands trailed my shoulders slowly — dangerously heading to my waist and I held my breath in anticipation for what this living lucifer had in store for me.

A bartender came with another glass but this time around it was a shot of tequila. “So your points exactly? Mr. Fragile Little Ego.” I smirked.

“I like to consider myself as some form of a predator.” He rubbed my waist and slowly danced with me. His brown hair was carefully pulled back, the sides shaved into a fade, and a light stubble covered his jaw.

“What sort of predator?” My baritone was low. I felt myself giving in to whatever he was doing to me.

“Ever heard of werewolves? They are pretty legendary.” He pressed my body closer to him. I could feel my butt pressing against his erection and boy! He was damn big.

“Yeah! I was addicted to Twilight Saga as a teenager and I saw some bunch of other movies but they are simply a myth.”

He released a low peal of laughter. “I’m surprised at your level of ignorance, love.”

I rolled my eyes, feeling insulted. “I didn’t peg you as the superstitious type. Why do you think you can relate to wolves?”

“Because they are vicious, dominant, hunters, powerful, and most importantly, they don’t end a brawl without having the last walk.” As soon as he said that, an arrow pierced straight through my shot of tequila that was about to go into my mouth and it shattered into broken fragments of nothing with the liquid content splashed all over my face.

“What the hell!” I screamed wide-eyed with my heart pounding ferociously. The music stopped immediately and everyone turned to stare at me like I was crazy and was playing some sort of prank to ruin their fun time.

“Someone attempted to kill me! An arrow was fired at me.” I bent down to pick the arrow but it was nowhere to be found. I turned back to stare at my strange admirer and he simply stared at me in amusement.

“She is crazy.” A guy in his late sixties eyed me.

“Change your c***k d***er, woman.” A disguised high schooler booed me with a scorn on her face.

“Why don’t you come here and let me teach you some respect.” I scoffed.

“The next round of drinks is on me, fire on DJ.” He hollered into his hands and immediately the music was on again only this time it caused me a migraine. Everyone cheered in excitement and danced with more agility and vigor.

I stared at everyone in the club wondering who my supposed assassin was but found only wasted people grinding and doing things meant to be done in the dark. My eyes fell back on my admirer with a series of questions bugging my head simultaneously.

“Who the hell are you?!” I took several steps backward and grabbed a bottle on the ground to serve as a weapon.

“Your knight in shining armor.” He smirked at me before disappearing into thin air.

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