Chapter 2


My world seems to be crashing because I am in front of this asshole’s dealing terms. I hate to see his face. I loathe his guts of challenging me. He is a devil under the pretext of an archangel. A teasing smile on his perfectly carved features.

“So, are you ready to sign the deal, angel?”

I grit my teeth and scream looking at him in disdain, “Don’t call me that.”

I point to him with my fierce persona. He doesn’t seem to be phased a least bit as he shakes his head running a hand on his thoroughly gelled hair. Getting up from his comfortable leather seat he circles the table and stands a few inches away from me. I could smell his completely masculine musk and lemon cologne which was awakening the amative thoughts, I thought never existed in my personality.

Putting a check on every nerve within me, I counter him with my red blazing eyes, “What do you want?”

He gives me his signature smirk which eventually converts into a deride.

“You already know what you are here for, angel.”

My anger keeps increasing with every passing second at his way of addressing me. I stand in front of him with scornful eyes.

“I am not going to work for you, Augustus Martin. So stop dreaming that I will fall at your feet for mercy. I am ready to work as a stripper at a nightclub if that is the last chance I get to repay you off the debt of my father, but I will never work for you,” I declare with my head held high.

He moves forward and looks at me with dreamy eyes. Tucking a strand behind my ear, he gazes at me with a look I couldn’t fathom and whispers, “Feisty. If only you knew, my angel…”

I step back avoiding his touch with my bitter eyes aiming his. Poking his chest with my forefinger I face him bluntly and mark, “You will be the last person on the globe that I would approach if the earth ever falls empty of humans.”

His mocking smile was back on his lips. “Let us see if you could succeed in escaping me, angel.”

He looks down to me standing erect with his hands inside his pant pockets. The nerve of this Adonis. Wait, Angelica, control your emotions. You are again falling for the devil. My sanity tries to teach me.

“Try all you want, I will make sure nobody employs you except me,” he speaks to me, emanating his dominating yet electrifying demeanor.

Why do l always fall for his charms? I shriek inwardly with my hands in fists and stomp away from his irksome but tantalizing presence not before gazing at him for one last time.

Looking back was a blunder I made. I did not miss the dejection in his optics which instantly raised a pang to my chest. Ignoring my grieving heart I face him straight and firm.

“I accept your challenge, Mr. Augustus Martin. If ever I accept your job, I will sign the deal. I will work for you for the next two consecutive years without a hitch but in the peroration you will be the person landing on your knees begging me for repose,” I dare him equally.

Augustus Martin, you just made the biggest mistake of your life by threatening me not to find a job. Welcome to hell on earth, courtesy of Angelica Evans.

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