Chapter 2. A Situation


** Seven years later **

“Bry, baby, we have a situation to attend to.”

I look up from the computer monitor as Jacob struts into my office with a folder in his hand. His devilish grin is the first thing to greet me, but the sparkle in his light brown eyes warns me it isn’t all business that he is after.

I raise an eyebrow. “Why do you always start a sentence with Bry, baby, when you want me to do something for you?” I motion my hand for him to continue. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

My eyebrow raises even higher at the mischievous look in his eyes as he sits down in front of my desk. “I got a phone call from a pack way out along the edge of the werewolf territories. They need our help.”

Ah. There it is.

I sigh. “So, you want me to go out to the territory for you, since you can’t go. Why can’t you go?”

He slides to the edge of his chair. His eyes shimmer even brighter as he replies in a deep and sexy voice. “Baby, you know I have the outing with my father. You and Hunter agreed to pick up my load while I was off with the family. Are you backing out on me now?”

I shake my head. “No. I’m not backing out. However, I have a feeling there is something a little more to this trip than just a family outing and you refuse to tell me. We have been in a relationship for over 7 years now and friends since we were old enough to talk. I know you better than you know yourself. You are up to something.”

He shrugs his shoulder as if he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. However, I can’t miss his slight gulp, which proves he is up to something. I just need to figure out what.

“Bry, baby, I’m not up to anything. You can ask Hunter.”

A snort escapes from me as I stare at him. Is he serious? Hunter will cover for him, no matter what. I would have better luck asking some random person in the pack than Hunter.

I narrow my eyes and point my finger at him. “I don’t believe you. However, a pack is in need. I’ll go help them, but do you have any information on them and what exactly do they need help with?”

He leans forward and sets a folder on my desk. As he points to it, he chimes, “Everything should be in there. If not, you can let me know, and I’ll get whatever else you need.”

I glance down at the manilla folder and take a deep breath. How do I let him talk me into these things? Oh, yeah. Because I love the big goof.

I pull the folder towards me and open it up as he replies, “The first thing is, they need a good security check. They are having problems with rogues. However, once the securities are enhanced, I’m sure they will need some better training. Whatever they are doing right now doesn’t seem to work if the rogues are attacking all the time.”

I nod as I scan through the information, and he adds, “The pack isn’t too big, but it is big enough that they shouldn’t be having these problems. I’m sure you will whip them into shape in no time.”

Ah, there it is again. Me doing all the work. I really need to change how our relationship works. The same goes for Hunter. Between the two of them, I always end up doing all the work.

I take a deep breath and look up from the folder. “You owe me. I’ll need to add it to the growing list of things you owe me for.”

He flashes me his famous puppy dog eyes and pouts, “Oh, com on, baby. I’m not that bad. Maybe you are thinking of Hunter instead.”

I raise an eyebrow and snort. “I know exactly who I’m talking to, and your cute puppy dog eyes won’t work on me anymore.”

He leans forward and rests his arms on the edge of my desk as the sparkle in his eyes grows brighter. In a deep, husky voice, the same one he knows drives me crazy, he teases, “Are you sure? I think I’m winning already.”

Dang it. I hate it when he knows he is right. However, I’m not giving in so easy this time.

I sit up straight in my chair and grunt, “Yeah, I’m sure.”

My stomach flutters as his pout disappears and his devilish grin reappears. He slowly stands up and as he walks around the edge of my desk, I can’t stop my betraying eyes as they roam his muscular body and stop at his chest. His black shirt stretches tight against his muscles, outlining each one to perfection.


He stops beside my chair with our eyes still locked with each other, and in a soft and sexy voice, he has me dripping wet and soaking panties as he purrs, “Are you still sure?”

He leans forward as I slowly nod. However, my confidence is now gone.

As he slowly turns my chair towards him, he shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

My core throbs while he slowly scans my body. I can almost feel his eyes looking right through my clothes at my naked body.

His eyes stop on my chest and darken. “I’m so glad that Hunter and I are the only ones who can see your true form. I can’t imagine letting anyone else devour you. You are only for me and Hunter to ravage.”

Almost as if Hunter has heard his name being called, he dashes into my office. However, I don’t take my eyes off the god-like body in front of me.


My heart hammers against my chest as Hunter whines, “Jacob, you know you aren’t to start without me. Plus, this is going to be our last night together before everyone leaves. We are going to make it special.”

A shiver runs through my body as his voice drops to that sexy tone I love with his last few words.

I’m going to make sure to make my trip fast. I don’t want to be away from these two for too long.

As Hunter rounds the corner of my desk, he pulls off his shirt and tosses it to the side. At the same time, Jacob gives me his all-knowing grin and stands upright while he takes his shirt off too.

Lord have mercy. How am I supposed to deny these two works of art?

I muster up what little courage I have left and softly whine, “Not in my office.” However, it doesn’t come out as a demand, instead it sounds more like a question.

Hunter flashes me a brilliant smile as he stands next to Jacob. “We want tonight to be special. So, we are starting in your office. Then, at some point, we will make it home to continue in our bedroom.”

Jacob licks his lips as he scans my body again. “We also have a gorgeous little black lacy nightie we want to see you in. I want to know if my imagination is true about how amazing and sexy you will look in it. I bet you will look better than other woman.”

I ignore the slight pain in my heart as my chest heaves and my heart races.

Hunter steps forward and, as he leans in towards me, he adds, “We are the luckiest alphas to have such a gorgeous and amazing omega.”

Jacob nods and also leans down towards me. “Yes, we are the luckiest alphas alive to have Bryanna as ours.”

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