Chapter 4. Close


“This isn’t my fault, Gianna. I had no idea something like this would happen. You can’t be mad at me for something I can’t control.” I try to reason with my sister but she has her back turned to me as she lays in bed. She hasn’t stopped crying or stepped out of her room since that huge bomb was dropped on her yesterday and somehow, she blames me for it.

She turns around and sits up in her bed glaring at me with hatred in her eyes, tears running down her cheeks.

“Why does it have to be you and not me? I’ve always been the perfect one. I always did what I was told so why are you the one getting a happy ending?” Gianna says raising her voice at me with every word and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this angry.

“You call this a happy ending?” I feel my anger rising too. I know she’s hurt but I won’t let her blame for something that’s not even my fault. I didn’t do this to her.

“Do you know what father told me yesterday? He threatened me with your life to get me to agree to marrying Dante so don’t you dare think that I derive any pleasure from having to spend the rest of my life with that monster. I had dreams Gianna and now all of them are crushed because I have to take your place. So don’t talk to me like I’m happy this is happening.”

I’ve never been one to cry, but if my sister keeps talking to me like I’m the reason her life is falling apart, then I might lose it. Is she really going to ruin what little bond we have because of a man? A man we barely even know…

“Oh please Isa. I know you’re happy this is happening. All your life you’ve been a black sheep and we all know mommy and daddy hated you. You were always the outcast and now you have a chance to shine. You’ve always hated me. You’re happy this is happening because finally you can show mom and dad that you’re not as worthless as they think you are.”

I can’t stop the tears from falling at her words.

“Is that really what you think Gianna? After all what happened, that’s the conclusion you’re drawing? Are you freaking kidding me right now?” I ask her in disbelief.

“Just go away Isabella. Leave me the hell alone. I have nothing now. Word will spread out soon that I am the faulty Giovanni. The one who can’t get pregnant and no one will want to marry me. I’m sorry Isabella but I just can’t look you in the eye and be happy for you when in a couple of weeks, you’ll have everything I’ve always wanted.”

I feel sorry for Gianna but at the same time I’m boiling with anger. “Gianna…”

“Just get the fuck out Isabella!” She stands and pushes me out of her room and slams the door in my face. I don’t even stop the tears from falling anymore. I lean my head against Gianna’s door and just cry.

Her life as we know it is basically ruined and she’s looking for someone to blame but, she’s my sister. I just wish she would let me in instead of shutting me out.

“I told you not to talk to her.” I hear my mother’s voice from behind me and I wipe my eyes quickly as I turn to face her. She has a scowl on her face as she looks me up and down.

She has always preferred Gianna to me so I’m sure she blames me just like Gianna does. Gianna was the perfect daughter and to my mom, she deserved to be married to Dante more than me. If only they knew I couldn’t give two fucks about Dante Giuseppe.

“She’s my sister mother.” I say and start walking away from her. I don’t have energy for her right now. As I walk past my mother, she grabs my upper arm with more force than necessary and I can feel her fingers dig into my flesh.

“Mom, you’re hurting me.” I say as I try to break free from her hold but she doesn’t budge. She pulls me closer to her and speaks to me very quietly with venom in her voice.

“You will never be better than your sister. She doesn’t deserve what’s happening to her. It should be you and not her who can’t have children.” My mother says and lets go of my hand with enough force to send me backwards a few steps.

“Your future husband is downstairs and ready to take you to the hospital for the tests. I hope the test results are positive. At least that would for once mean you have something to contribute to this family.” My mother glares at me for a second more before escaping into Gianna’s room.

I knew my mother always resented me, but nothing could have prepared me for the words that just escaped her lips. And also, Dante is here already? This early? Thank goodness I’m already dressed up because I woke up really early. I could barely even get any sleep last night after what happened.

I wipe away any sign of distress from my face and put up a nonchalant look. I spot my father discussing with Dante downstairs and he cuts his conversation short once he spots me

“Ah. Isabella. Come, don’t keep Dante waiting much longer. It’s time for you two to go for the tests.” My father says quickly. I’m sure he must have preferred it to be Gianna instead and not me marrying Dante, but still, he doesn’t care. Whichever daughter he gives away doesn’t matte as long as this alliance pushes through.

“So you’re just going to let me go alone with him?” I say without offering a glance at Dante. I don’t need to look at him to know that he’s glaring at me right now.

My father spares me an irritating look. “He’s to be your future husband Isa. He’s not going to hurt you. Now go.” My father says and turns towards Dante. They exchange a manly handshake and my father disappears up the stairs leaving me alone with the devil.

I don’t even spare him a glance and I start walking away from him when I feel his hand wrap around my hair which is currently tied in a pony tail, stopping me in my tracks. I gasp at the electricity that shoots up my body when he moves closer to me, his hands still wrapped around my hair.

His chest comes in contact with my back and I inhale sharply at how warm his body feels and I’m hyper self-aware because if she moves just a little bit closer, my ass will be touching his groin.

“Let. Me. Go.” I say in annoyance but all he does is tighten the grip he has on my hair, but not enough for it to hurt me.

“You look sad.” His voice is deep and raspy and I hate myself for thinking of how good he sounds.

“And you care because…” I ask him, my voice coming out weaker than what I expected.

“I don’t know about you but I like what belongs to me to be in perfect condition. Whatever’s making you sad, get over it. If those test results come out positive, then the marriage will push through whether you like it or not.” He says and lets go of my pony tail.

He walks past me and turns his head slightly to glare at me in that way he always does.

“Get in the car.’”

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