Chapter 4


  The mating hall seemed to be noisy and full of crowds. I wasn't really a fan of so many people gathered around, but I needed to get used to it if I wanted to be a good and great Alpha. The blasting music made everything less awkward.

  Mother wouldn't let me out of her sight. Everything seemed boring to me. The people at the party had full and blossom smiles that showed that they loved this celebration that occurred once a year. The ladies kept sending me some seductive signs. One of many of them even went as far as pulling her sleeve a little to show me her little oranges.

  “Mother, I need to get something upstairs,” I whispered close to her ear before leaving. I was midway up the stairs when a familiar hair and petite body caught my attention. 

  “Wait, is this real?” I asked myself. 

  “Ace, there is only one way to find out.” I let out as I pushed through the crowd to get to her.

  “Lucia,” I yelled, but she ignored me, which I hated. I sighed deeply before twirling her around. The moment she turned around, the confusion in my face was clear, but it was hard to look away. 

  I hated to admit the loss of control in those eyes of hers we're putting me through. Why do I feel this pull just looking at her? “Mine, Mate,” My wolf yelled in my head happily. There was something about this creature that got me so taute. I was surprised when my hands held her chin but she crouched her gaze on the floor. 

  Why did she do that? Do I disgust her? “It’s a command and not a request. Look me in the eyes,” I let out with a little frustration and irritation at why she wouldn't stare at me in the eyes. The ladies in the mating hall would be pleased to glare at me at just any time. 

  Was she deaf or something? I just told her to stare at me in the eyes. The heat I was feeling was a burning sensation that I just couldn't explain, “I said, look me in the eyes,” I let out, as I could feel her chin shaking in my hand. 

  “She’s blind,” Shawn let out and that instantly made me confused. “Blind, Lucia,” 

  “Are you blind?” I asked, not wanting to believe that the moon Goddess sent Lucia as someone else. Lucia is the only blind woman that would ever love me. Why wasn't she answering? “Don't let me repeat myself, are you blind?” I yelled. 

  “Yes!” she let out as my hands went shaky. 

  “A blind mate,” I let out in frustration. “I’m blind Ace, blind people are useless,” the voice of Lucia echoed in my head. “The moon-goddess must be great to have blessed me with a blind-mate, a useless and weak one. What can a blind person do? They are of no use,” I let out.

  yes! They all run away like Coward. 

  I can't let anybody put me down. “I, Alpha Ace ray d king reject you for a mate,” I let out. “I don't want to ever set eyes on you or you might not survive being alive if we meet again.” I let out before leaving the mating hall. 

  “Ace? Wait up,” I heard Shawn's voice.

  “I don't want to hear you speak, just get me all the strongest alcohol we have in stock.” I let out.



  I couldn't help it as a huge smile plastered across my lips. Coming to the red moon pack was actually a great idea because it led me to Sabrina. My thought lingered on what happened a while ago, when she ate from the spoon I fed her, and I couldn't help but blush at her reaction. 

  I grabbed the cup of juice in my hand as I headed back to where I left Sabrina. 

  The glass I held in my hand went to the floor from watching the heart-wrenching scenery in front of me. Why did the moon Goddess have to bless her with such an asshole? Did he just call her weak and useless? 

  I was going to punch that douche in the face but he had already rejected her and broken her into a million pieces. I ran after her but the wind outside was too heavy. I knew she wouldn't have gone far.

  After multiple turns, I found her clutched tightly on the floor as she cried her eyes out. I wasn't going to stop her from crying. “You’re amazing and I would be glad to be your mate,” I let out. “I mean when you go through dash time and cannot think straight or ahead, you should think of the people who still care for you and love you,” I let out. 

  “I’m sorry, but this hurt so badly,” she let out. 

  “Yes, I understand that it's supposed to hurt, I won't stop you from crying but I'm here to give you a shoulder to lean on and cry on,” I let out as I pulled her into a tight hug. 

  “Jasper, I want to remove the pain I feel in my chest.” she let out shakily. “I can't guarantee that you will ever forget this incident, but I can help you forget your pain for now,” I let out, caressing her back gently.

  “Here drink this,” I let out as I handed her a cup of liquor. “What is this Jasper?” she asked, shaking the contents. “Don't worry I won't poison you, it's something to help relieve you for the night.” I let out. 

  “But why are you helping me? I mean I'm useless,” she let out, making those words sting. I couldn't help it as I hit her chin with my hands. “Ouch, why did you do that?” she asked, making me smile. 

  “Just drink up,” I said as she gulped the su*****ce

  “It tastes bitter, Jasper, but I love the aftertaste. Could I have more?” she asked, making me nod even if she couldn't see me. 

  After gulping down five cups, she was still asking for more which I had to get. “Wait here, I will get you more.” I let out before heading inside to get her another cup, but before I could head back she was gone.

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