Chapter 3

Thick smoke filled the atmosphere. The weather was so dark, and great heat filled the surroundings. The high mountain has been scattered and torn down because of the fatal clashes between the two beings.

Rey Reed Smith rolled on the earth, his body healing slowly and his breath rough. His face was filled with dirt. All the bruises on his body were starting to heal, too. He groaned, spilled blood, and cleaned his mouth.

He gathered all the strength in his body, summoned his Alpha power, and yanked himself up. He shakes his head and repositions himself, facing his enemy.

“We can do this all day,” the second man said, smiling. “This is one of the reasons why I chose you. You had great endurance. You won’t give up easily. You’re the perfect vessel for me.”

Rey Reed scoffed, “Lord Rey, or whatever you called yourself, you had made a great mistake by messing with the wrong being.”

Lord Rey shakes his head to show that Rey Reed Smith was wrong. He knew what he was doing. He will never make a mistake. Only if Rey Reed Smith knew that he had been monitoring him ever since he began his quest for revenge. He had known that Rey Reed Smith would be the perfect vessel for him to possess. That’s why he took part in his death. He hijacked Rey’s soul and brought him to the Middle Land so he could free the people from the curse of Xavier Knoll.

“I know what I’m doing,” Lord Rey said. “I chose your body because we’re related. We had the same blood running through our veins. I’m the first of your kind. I’m one of your ancestors. I am your forefather!” Lord Rey hollered while his blue and red eyes shone brightly. Thunder is clasping in the sky, and lightning flashes.

Lord Rey was getting impatient already. He had tried telling Rey Reed Smith that he wouldn’t be in his body for too long. He only wants to possess him and free the people from the curse of Xavier Knoll, the Alpha who was betrayed years ago. However, Rey won’t permit him. Lord Rey tried to force himself inside, but Rey’s hellhound power is making it hard for him.

Lord Rey has been watching Rey Reed Smith ever since the court case. His spirit had been monitoring him, going everywhere with him, and protecting him when necessary.

He was there when Rey Reed was taken to the Adirondack Mountains and forced to fight in the arena with other werewolves. He was there when Rey fought the twin alpha. He was the one who sent the pangolin to help him. He was there during all the adventures of Rey in New York. He was there when the pink killer wanted him dead. He was the one who made the bullet to infiltrate Rey’s skull so he could bring him to the middle-land and borrow his body to lift the curse of Xavier Knoll.

He was able to force Rey here because of the connection between them. They’re blood-related. He was the ancestor of Rey Reed Smith. But Rey won’t agree with him because he has no access to his memory.

It’s not that Lord Rey wanted it that way, but he had no choice. Things will not go well for Rey if he gains access to his memory. Sebastian will hunt him down quickly. He locked his memories to protect him and unlocked them when necessary. It was his plan all along. He was only hoping Rey Reed Smith would agree with him and stop fighting him. He’s just too stubborn.

“I’m tired of your gibberish,” Rey said, frustrated. “I’ve heard enough of your lies. So, let me return to my realm, and all of us can live in harmony.”

Lord Rey shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry, son, but I can’t allow that. You’re the perfect vessel for me. You’re the only hope I had to save the middle land once again, and I can’t let that opportunity slip by me.”

“Then you leave me no choice,” Rey elucidated. “I can’t let you possess my body anymore.”

Rey stomped his feet on the earth and let out a primordial roar. His voice fills the environment, and it shakes the foundation of the mountain itself. Instantly, Rey Reed transformed into a creature with bright red eyes, long fangs, and fire blazing around his body. He transformed into a hellhound.

“Let the game begin, son.” Lord Rey smiled.

He unsheathed his two blades, his red and blue eyes shining brightly, and the gauntlet on his arm glowed. All the gems that were neatly arranged on the gauntlet glinted, showing that they were ready for war. The same goes for the two blades, the undead, and the ancient sword.

With immense speed, Rey Reed Smith dived for Lord Rey, his hand folded in his fist, and he brought it down for Lord Rey’s head. At the last second, Lord Rey froze him in time by using the time gem and then used the power gem to blast him away.

As Rey went flying backward, he twirled his body in the air and docked. At the same motion, he leaped up again, charging toward Lord Rey once again. This time, Rey Reed Smith folded his fist, kept spinning his body, and aimed for Lord Rey’s head to crush his skull.

Despite Rey Reed’s speed, Lord Rey saw him coming in slow motion. “Dirty move,” he mumbled.

Lord Rey spun around and threw the undead blade. The blade went flying in the air, aiming for Rey Reed Smith’s chest. Rey Reed’s survival instinct kicked in, and he docked at the last moment to avoid the blade, making him lose his balance. He came tumbling down, and he collided with the earth. Nevertheless, he didn’t give up. He stood as soon as he reached the earth.

He tried attacking Lord Rey again, but the unexpected happened. The undead blade that Rey evaded earlier turned back, multiplied itself into three, and lunged at him. After waiting for a few inches for the blade to reach Rey Reed Smith, his hellhound reflex kicked in, and he jumped out of the way. He did a surprising thing by chasing after the undead blade.

Rey Reed grabbed the handle of the blade, and it became engulfed in flame. He doubled his speed, raised the undead blade, which had also become one, and swung for Lord Rey’s head.

The latter raised the ancient blade and parried the blow, saying, “You’re still slow, son.” Lord Rey taunted, a devilish smile plastered at the corner of his lips. “I thought you could do better.”

Rey Reed Smith gritted his teeth in anger, at Lord Rey’s speech. He pushed Lord Rey backward, tripled his strength and power, and then slashed again. Nevertheless, Lord Rey parried the blow easily. As the metal clanged against each other, it let out a great sound and pierced their eardrums; sparks also flew out. It was a great blow, but Lord Rey had managed to block it without shaking.

“Now, it’s my turn.” Lord Rey said this and frowned. He pushed Rey Reed backward and swung his blade at him. He slashed at Rey, driving him back and further away. Lord Rey doubled his speed, going faster than anyone in the universe. He attacked at different angles, slashing Rey Reed Smith in multiple parts of the bodies while the time and invisible gems aided him.

Rey tried blocking most of the blow, but he couldn’t avoid all of it. It was like he was fighting with an unseen force of the earth. This man was just too strong for him to handle. He had summoned his deepest power, the one he had used to defeat his greatest enemy, but it was useless to Lord Rey. That made Rey Reed Smith conclude that he’s indeed a god. Yet he wasn’t ready to give up easily.

As Lord Rey keeps slashing him, his body heals. It healed faster than he could even imagine. He tried attacking too, but he couldn’t land a blow on Lord Rey. The man could predict his attack, and he would easily block it. Before Rey Reed Smith could think of another move, he would have landed multiple blows on him.

Rapidly, Rey Reed Smith felt himself going weak. He felt his arm getting heavier, his throat getting dry, and he was thirsty. He could feel his body healing slowly and his speed reducing drastically. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore. Lord Rey directed a heavy blow to his head, which he managed to block at the last second.

Lord Rey pressed the blade against his shoulder, forcing him to go to his knees. “You still have a lot to learn, son.” He paused, “With your current skills, you can’t defeat Sebastian, Dylan, and other threats in this land. You wouldn’t be able to defeat Alpha Kyle and his commander in this state.”

“And who are you to lecture me?” Rey growled.

Lord Rey smirked, “I’m not lecturing you; I’m telling you what will happen in the future.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Rey Reed insisted.

“I know,” Lord Rey said, and disarmed him. “That’s why I’ll be taking control again and locking your memory. I’ll only open them one after the other whenever it’s time.”

Rey screamed, “No! You can’t do that.”

Unfortunately, it was too late. Lord Rey opened his mouth and breathed into it. Rey blacked out.


“Rey!” Gaius screamed, rushing into the room. “Rey Reed, wake up. My brother is in danger. He’s missing.”

Instantly, Rey jolted up from his bed. He was drenched in sweat, and he could feel a massive heat emitting from his body. He felt as if he was locked in hell.

Rey shakes his head, and it aches. As he tried to stand up, the dream he had flashed in his head. Rey didn’t need anyone to tell him that it was reality. Whoever it was that possessed him came to his subconscious. Rey felt himself getting infuriated.

“Rey!” Gaius slapped Rey on the face, bringing him out of his thoughts. “Some bandits crossed my brother’s path and kidnapped him.” He hollered.

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