Chapter 5. Maid

I also glanced down the windowsill where the small picture frame was.

My lips twitched as I recognized the man in the photo. He smiled broadly as he hugged the woman from behind.

Even a few shots had him there with wide smiles. I wanted to close my eyes because of the pain that was dying in my heart. My system would not accept it, even though I knew he was in good shape after all I still could not accept what his life had become now.

I couldn’t help but caress his face in the photo, at least here to relieve the pain in my heart that I had been hiding for several years.

But suddenly I was startled by a sneeze so I looked up at the man on the third step of the stairs. I quickly returned the picture frame to its previous position as I realized here was his attention.

“Ah, you got a good shot here.” I averted my gaze. I avoided looking at the white T-shirt he was wearing and khaki shorts.

He didn’t answer instead he walked closer to me so I arranged for us. I smelled the shower gel he used, an indication that he had just finished taking a bath, so my plan to avoid him I haven’t done yet because it has paralyzed my strength.

“Those photos are the most memorable moment of my life, meeting the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life.” It barely lifted a frame in which he seemed to propose to Alessandra.

“Beautiful.” I said softly but I wasn’t sure if I said it properly because of the vibration of my voice next to him. I didn’t agree with what he said either.

“Yes, she’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever known in my entire life.” He continued.

I couldn’t help but bite my lips because of the rush of emotion that envelops me right now.

“It’s good to hear that from you, obviously you really love your wife?” That’s one question I wanted him to answer.

“Of course, I do love my wife!” he immediately answered.

I smiled bitterly at him and shook slightly.

“How about you? Are you single or married?” his question explicitly to me.

I quickly raised my face to him with full of emotion. I wanted to get angry at his question, I wanted to hurt him and slap him on his face because he didn’t know how much pain he was giving me tight now. I couldn’t seem to bear to pretend that I was okay in front of him because my tears were already welling up in my eyes.

“Hey, are you alright?” There was a hint of concern when he grabbed one of my shoulders. His pale eyes were questioning so I couldn’t move.

“I’m just fine,” I said slightly backing away causing him to let me go.

There was a moment of silence between us as he saw me wipe a bead of tears from my eyes. I noticed his lips moved to speak but I was stunned to look behind me.

“Dinner is ready!” Alessandra’s voice awoke in the silence of the two of us.

“Let’s have dinner first,” he told me as he left me to go to the dining room.

I took a deep breath first before I stepped my feet into the dining room.

“Sit down, I’m sorry if I only served fried chicken, because I really don’t have time to cook because of the event I’m rushing today.” Alessandra started me and glanced at Gabriel.

“No problem...” I smiled.

“What’s your name? I’m sorry I forgot to ask earlier.” Alessandra smiled wryly at me.

“Emory Meredith Grant, my friends call me Meredith,” I slightly glanced at Gabriel whose attention was still on the food.

“Woah, nice name huh? I’m Alessandra and my husband Gabriel.” She introduced again.

I barely nodded and turned my attention back to the food.

“Where do you live here?” she asked again.

“It’s just in the village, I actually just moved here a week ago.”

“Hhmm, okay.” She responded.

I glanced at Gabriel again as if no one wanted to ask about me.

“I’m just here for a vacation.” I added.

“Ah, we’re here for good as it’s nice to live in a quiet place, away from the chaotic city and the noise of the cars.” She smiled at me.

“Yeah, you’d better be away from people,” I agreed.

“Oh my God! You’re married?!” Her eyes widened as she stared at my finger where I was still wearing the engagement ring and wedding ring that Hezekiah had given me.

I grabbed it quickly and without saying a word glanced at Gabriel who looked down at me.

“Come on may I see your ring?” she bothered me so much that even though I was embarrassed.

I held out my hand to her and she held it from the other table.

“Beautiful, look at mine?” She pressed her hand with the same ring to mine.

I was devastated because the ring she had was obviously more expensive than mine.

“Who’s the lucky guy? Is he with you on vacation here today?” she asked me again.

“No, I’m just alone here,” my weak answer.

I saw the slight shock on Alessandra’s face so I decided to just drink the juice in front of me.

She didn’t ask any more questions about me because she turned to his husband while I was quietly listening to their conversation.

I thought that Gabriel’s formality brought him all the way here but when his wife was the one talking to him, his satisfaction came out and he smiled. It was also often a joke to her wife that even though it was corny on the outside, he was still laughed at by the latter.

“I’m sorry. This is how Gabriel and I really talk.” Alessandra apologized to me.

“It’s okay.” I smiled slightly at them but when I turned my gaze to Gabriel I saw his strange look in my answer.

“Really? One of these days I hope you can visit us again, bring your husband with you so we can meet, right dear?” She even grabbed the latter’s arm who barely nodded at what she said.

“I called mommy, and until now she still hasn’t been able to find a maid here at home, because we’re far from the city.” Alessandra started with his husband again.

“Is that so? I’ll call Marcus maybe he has an acquaintance who can come in with us.” Gabriel told to Alessandra.

I straightened my back when I heard their conversation. Did I hear right? Are they looking for maids here at home?

“All right, I’ll call Ferry about that too.” Alessandra replied to her husband.

I gripped the cutlery tightly and gathered air in my chest before speaking.

“Are you looking for a maid?” They glanced at me almost at the same time.

“G-I would like to apply?”

“I’m sorry?” Gabriel asked me with a frown.

“I want to apply as your maid,” I said boldly.

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