Book cover of “Under the Same Sky: The Next Chapter“ by Amber Lust

Under the Same Sky: The Next Chapter

  • Genre: Romance
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Language: English
  • Author: Amber Lust
"Do you always wear clothes that make it so hard for me to concentrate?" Gwen, your favorite rising star, makes a huge mistake—she cheats on her first true love, Steve, the sports star every girl dreams of. Now, Gwen is facing the consequences of her actions. Can she win back Steve's heart, or will he turn the tables and find comfort in someone ... 

Chapter 1

Paula looked proudly around the table at the young women gathered there. Charlotte, Jordan, and her three daughters were enjoying a relaxed lunch with Beatrice Patterson at Marsh’s Landing. The girls had grown into accomplished, beautiful women. Charlotte, once skinny and angular in high school, had blossomed into a woman with curves in all the right places.

Beatrice, visiting Sparta for the first time, was clearly impressed with the restaurant. She was pleasantly surprised by the photos and posters adorning the walls.

“Wow, this place looks like a shrine to Jordan Quick and the Anderson family!” Beatrice exclaimed, eyeing the decorations.

“Yeah, it’s kind of a running joke here. Billy pushed his dad to expand this section just to fit all these photos. He’s working with his dad now that he’s out of college,” Charlotte explained. “With the new hospital and Lady in Red Performing Arts Center in town, it made sense. Look how packed it is at lunch!”

“Well, actually, Grandmother Patterson, these photos are more about your grandson,” Gwen chimed in with a grin. “Steve’s the common thread in every picture. Everyone here is connected to him in some way. Jordan and us Anderson girls just happen to be a bit more intertwined than most.”

“Would you like a little tour of the photos?” Steve’s grandmother asked. “My eyes aren’t what they used to be, but I can still appreciate some amazing pictures, even from here.”

“Count us in!” Gwen enthusiastically replied. “Most of these pictures involve us anyway. Let’s start in the original dining room where Billy’s dad first put them up.”

The group made their way to the older section of the restaurant, eagerly sharing the stories behind each photo with Beatrice. They showed her the first ‘Lady in Red’ dance, the ‘Emerson River Rescue,’ the posters Lisa and Gwen collaborated on with Steve for ‘The Lady in Red’ clothing line, the ‘pass,’ and the plaques awarded to Jordan, Gwen, and Steve by the school board for outstanding citizenship.

Diners paused their meals to watch and listen as the famous ladies of Spartan Nation recounted the history behind each photo. Many patrons took out their phones to capture videos or snap pictures of Jordan Quick and the Anderson sisters.

“Are we causing a scene with the other diners?” Beatrice worried aloud. “Seems like we’re attracting quite a bit of attention.”

“Hardly,” Kate chuckled. “Billy and his dad struck a deal with Steve that includes all of us. It’s incredible, but every week, hundreds of people come here just to see these photos and maybe catch a glimpse of Steve or the rest of us.”

“Billy offered us free meals every time we visit, hoping it would bring us here more often,” Charlotte explained. “In theory, it’s meant to draw in fans of Steve, Gwen, and Jordan, which is good for business here.”

“Steve actually told Billy that offering us free meals would make us uncomfortable here,” Kate explained. “So, they worked out a different deal. We come here as often as we can and pay for our meals. In return, the restaurant provides free breakfast every morning from 5 AM to 9 AM to any child or adult in need who walks through the door. Lady in Red Productions splits the cost with the Marsh family.”

“That way, we’re happy to support a restaurant that gives back so much to the community,” Kate continued. “They set up a big buffet every morning in this room, serving over a hundred people, mostly kids, who are going through tough times.”

“All of this helps Marsh’s business because we’re seen here, being friendly and approachable to everyone,” Jordan added. “You can see how people watch us, take pictures, and even videos. They come from all over just for a chance to interact with Steve, Gwen, or the rest of us. It supports Marsh’s and lets them keep providing those free meals.”

“The boys really came up with a win-win situation,” Beatrice acknowledged. “It’s quite clever. Oh, and I see that incredible photo of Gwen in Russia with that newborn baby. I remember being there when that happened! What an amazing trip. And those pictures of Gwen and Steve with world leaders, and performing in Sochi at the stadium grand opening.”

“It wasn’t until Steve went to the Academy back in the States that I realized how huge that trip to Russia was,” Gwen revealed. “Our song, ‘The Glory of Love,’ topped the charts when we got back home. We were all over the papers and news channels. My issue of ‘Maxim’ sold out. Morning shows, talk shows—everyone wanted Jordan and me to appear.”

“We couldn’t go anywhere without causing a scene with traffic and security,” Gwen reminisced. “Jordan and I were all over TV that first month after we got back from Russia. I told Steve he lucked out being at the Academy, away from all that. He could focus on school, training, and football.”

“Then ‘Can’t Live’ dropped in mid-July, another huge hit from a movie that hadn’t even hit theaters yet,” Gwen continued. “And just as that one started to cool off, Mom released ‘Midnight Lights’ and it blew up even bigger! It was topping charts by Labor Day.”

“It was all a bit overwhelming for me, honestly. I was in demand everywhere I went, and without Steve around to keep me grounded…” Gwen paused, reflecting. “Charlotte and I headed to Stanford ten days before Labor Day for our film premiere.”

“I remember those early days at Stanford like they were yesterday,” Gwen recalled with a touch of embarrassment. “That photo with Jack Timberline isn’t exactly my proudest moment, but I insisted the Marshes hang it in its place on the timeline. It helped me keep perspective, reminding me how close I came to messing things up.”

“Charlotte and I showed up at Stanford early, had freshman orientation and a week of classes before ‘Midnight Lights’ premiered over Labor Day,” Gwen continued. “We decided to room together in a women’s dorm—no distractions or drama from co-ed living. Both of us were in serious relationships and not looking to meet guys or deal with the social scene.”

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