Chapter 2. Heavy

Lea’s POV

[Flashback continues]

It had been vacated because there was a high tide coming. But the patrols must have missed my little silhouette. With less than five feet tall and a skinny little structure, I must have blended out quite well in the dark backdrop.

It was only my silent sobs trickling down in perfect harmony along with the song of the waves that were crashing on the hard rocks.

Was it their futile attempt at defying destiny, trying to break through a path that was already blocked? Were they just as naive as me?

I have been on cloud nine lately.

It was honestly quite surprising for my life to start sorting out so beautifully.

Jake and I were like brothers and sisters, raised together by my aunt when our parents passed away.

My aunt had taken me in when I lost my whole family in an accident. Jake came into the household when I was almost ten and he was around eleven. His mother had died in childbirth. He used to come to visit my aunt often because she was his neighbor. But when he lost his father to alcohol, my aunt had no other option but to ask the poor child to call her own house his home.

He could not have been happier.

He had a hard life when he was living with his father.

That as*hole would beat his own child and steal his hard-earned money to gamble and buy bottles.

Jake’s life actually became easier after he became an orphan.

My aunt did not discriminate between either of us. We went to the same school, ate from the same plate, and even played with the same toys and with the same groups of friends.

My aunt was a widow, and she had lost her only son in a car crash. It was no wonder Jake was her favorite because, obviously, he was a male, and perhaps she saw shadows of her son in him.

Living with him was like breathing in the air. It was normal. It was my habit. It was an everyday affair.

I could not have ever imagined that something else was even possible.

And then it happened.

That was a great audition.

The once-in-a lifetime opportunity that took Jake places. Places that were too far.

He slipped away from my routine, and it was at this point that I realized what he had actually meant for my existence.

It was impossible for me to keep living away from him.

We talked every day and every night over the phone, but it was not enough.

I had to go where he was. I had to be near him.

He made a place for himself within a year. He was, as they called him, an overnight hit.

“Lea, pack your bags and hop onto the next flight in the morning.” His voice was so fine and so full of glee when he had ordered me, and I had followed it like a fool.

I left everything behind instantly.

My aunt, my studies, my part-time job, and I was on the flight, tapping my feet gleefully.

I had no idea what I was signing myself up for when I got off the plane and stepped into the night air.

I took a cab and went straight to his new place, almost dying with anticipation.

I was about to knock when the knob clicked, and the door opened suddenly.

I was about to pounce on Jake, but instead, the person in front of me was not him. It was a girl. A beautiful girl dressed in a miniskirt and a sleeveless top in the color neon pink

She looked a little startled when she saw me.

Before I could answer, I saw Jake coming out as well, adjusting the buttons on his shirt, and then he smiled at me.

“Lea...” He did not have to do much. Just the way he called my name melted everything inside me.

I kind of pushed the girl and went straight for him. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up.

“Lea... Lea... Lea... Gosh, you are finally here. I missed you so much.” And he kept twirling me around again and again and would not put me down.

I had forgotten completely that a third pair of eyes were watching me, and then she cleared her throat.

“Ahem... Jake. Are you done with your merriment? We need to get going right now. Did you forget? In fact, we are already running late.” She pretended to look at her watch.

Jake immediately put me down. “Oh, yes. So sorry, Rosa, for keeping you waiting. Lea, I need to wrap up a shoot. You unpack and relax. Order some food and take a rest. We will talk when I get back. Alright?” He pressed my cheeks between his palms, and then he was hurriedly gone.

I stood there like a wall for some time, and then I began doing just what I was told.

The hands of the clock ticked very slowly.

I ate, I slept, and then I woke up again.

He was not yet home.

I looked at the clock. It was three in the morning. I tried calling him.

He was unreachable.

The loneliness was killing me already, so I decided to go out for a walk.

One moment I was so excited to finally settle with him and meet him. And the next moment, I was starting to feel like an unwanted guest.

Was it jealousy? Was I overthinking? Could I blame it all on the hormonal imbalances in our young, growing bodies?

I was not used to seeing Jake around women. And definitely not beautiful ones.

It had always been him and me, and the rest of our friends were practically all male, with the exception of Tara. She was a tomboy.

And there I was, sulking and walking, trying to forget my unknown sorrow, totally oblivious to the danger that lurked ahead.

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