Chapter 4. Little Lamb

Bear's POV

I stand before her, peering into her eyes. She’s scared for Ethan, which is sweet but unneeded. His fate will be far worse than Mich’s. I look across her body. Fucking perfection, her dress purposely smaller than needed to cause her breasts to flood out of the top. Her hips are perfect for grasping and god, those lips… Tainted red and plump, perfect fucking lips and all I can think about is kissing them, kissing them while my hands devour her entire body.

“Please, don’t hurt him.” I watch as tears fill her eyes.

Tilting my head, I smile. “Now, you have me wondering, little lamb. Why are you so upset that he will die? Has he touched you? Taken from you what he had no right to?” I lean closer, my hand still wrapped around her neck. Fuck, she smells like heaven. My cock hardens against my jeans. There’s blood smeared on her neck from my hand. Now that is hot. Yet the pang of jealously somehow swells within me at the thought of Ethan touching her.

“No, he hasn’t touched me. You’re wrong. And I have the right to give myself to anyone, to let them use me in any way!” She glares at me, which makes me laugh. So feisty, but her body is trembling against my touch, and I can see the fear in her eyes.

“Is he dead yet?” I glance back towards where Mich is. I see someone shake his head. “Then cut the other hand off and let this be a warning. No one goes near my little lamb.” She looks at me, shocked, her hands fighting against me.

“I am not your little lamb!” Her foot stamps on mine at the same time as her head swings forward and hits my nose. I just smile at her.

“You can fight, little lamb, but you’re mine.” I watch her eyes widen, and I hear the slam of the knife against the table. “And if you don’t play nice, that will be you.” Again, I watch as her eyes somehow widen even more on hearing my words before her face twists into a defiant expression, a look that tells me she is about to fight so good and hard, and god, if it doesn’t send a jolt of electricity through my body and make my cock harden. I groan slightly, my eyes fixed on those perfect lips again. Every part of me is begging to kiss them, to fuck her mouth with my tongue until she forgets how to breathe until her mind is so consumed all it wants is that kiss to move down her slender body and between her legs.

Groaning, I snap back. “You’re staying here tonight, little lamb. I can’t take you home tonight, and I don’t trust anyone else to.”

“Fuck you!” she sneers at me before punching me, which only makes me grin more and her eyes widen. “You fucking psycho!” She has no idea. My little lamb has no idea.

“Come on, little lamb, sleep and then I will make sure you get home tomorrow bright and early, ready for Saturday’s party.” She looks at me, confused. She has no idea, does she? I laugh slightly.

“How do you know about the party?” Oh, maybe she does know about the party but doesn’t know what it is for?

“Because it was created for us, little lamb, to come to claim what’s ours. To finally meet you, to bring you home with us. If not, then I guess Jamie comes to this city and learns the ways of the Wolversons.” Her brother is the second option. I know Jamie well, and he won’t last in this city. He plays the bad guy over there, but everyone knows when it comes to dealing with people, he does it behind closed doors. He plays the role well, but once those doors are closed, it is no secret that he keeps his hands clean. He doesn’t even watch those people whose deaths he orders die, no, he tells his little people to do it and then pretends he is strong enough to.

“Saturday?” she stammers, looking at me in shock.

“Yes, little lamb, so you need your beauty sleep, and I have a friend to deal with. I promise nothing untoward will happen.” Turning, I begin to walk back through. “Someone clean up Mich and his mess.” I look back at her, watching as her eyes stay fixed on me. “Come, little lamb, don’t make me ask again, because I won’t.” She steps forward, slowly following me out. At the car, I open the door for her. Her eyes are on my chest. I can see she has questions but is holding them back. Closing the door once she is in, I walk to the driver's side and drive back to my place. Soon to be hers too. I need to stop. I keep saying she’s mine when in fact, she isn’t.

She gets to choose one of us to marry, one of my brothers or me. Of course, she could choose the loving Dante, although I know he won’t let her near him. No doubt he will be a cold-ass cunt and push her away every chance he gets. She seems crazy, which I love, but Gunner is crazier than me, so maybe he will match her, and she will choose him? I guess Zane, if she goes for the quiet types, would be the brother that she falls for: quiet but one angry motherfucker when he is set loose.

“Why do you want me?” Her soft velvet voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

“It’s not about wanting, little lamb. It’s about a deal, and if we don’t collect on that deal, the cities will see us as weak. Don’t get me wrong, I want you, I want to see your body tremble beneath mine in pleasure, but this arrangement, no matter what, has to be upheld,” I explain. I don’t want her, not in marriage, but I want her in my bed, in my kitchen, my bathroom, hell even on the garage floor, which I am pulling into now. She doesn’t reply, just sits quietly. So, I get out and open her door, waiting, watching as she stays sitting.

Fucking brat. “Out, little lamb,” I order while glaring down at her, watching as her arms fold across her chest and fuck if it doesn’t just make my cock jump to attention seeing her breasts pushed higher and spilling out of that dress more. Groaning, I pull her from the car, and she screams, fighting against me. I wrap my arm around her and throw her over my shoulder before striding to the lift. I scan the card, step in, and press the button. I guess it is time for my brothers to meet my little lamb. As I walk out of the lift, I am instantly in the large foyer. Gunner grins at me, seeing my little lamb. I need to stop with that. She isn’t mine… Yet!

“I see you brought me a toy,” Gunner says as he strides towards me.

“Not a fucking chance, meet our little lamb, Emmi, who snuck past the checkpoint.” I place her down and her eyes fall on Gunner. I watch as her body trembles, and she pushes herself into me. So, she is scared of him? I want to laugh slightly, partly because she does well be scared of him.

“Ooh, so it’s my little kitten.” He steps closer, and I feel her body tense.

“I am not your fucking little kitten or his little lamb!” she insists, standing up defiant, and I see the glimmer of happiness in Gunner's eyes. He better not win.

“You will be my little kitten, you need to choose one of us, and I am sure as hell it will be me.” He moves closer to her, and she tries to back into me more, not that she can.

“Can I just go home, please?” She looks up at me, and I swear she is trying to seduce me with those damn lashes.

“Tomorrow, as I said, I have someone to deal with. Too many people would love to grab you, little lamb, regardless of what may happen. Taking you would give them power and get them anything they need.” Mich was proof of that.

“She can stay in my room, can’t you, little kitten?” Gunner smiles, and I feel her body tense against me, my arms wrapping around her as my head drops.

“Don’t worry, little lamb. He is harmless, really. You will have your own room.” I feel her relax slightly. We wouldn’t do that. Okay, Gunner would, but I won’t let that happen. She stays out of our beds until she decides. Regardless of how much I want her.

“Not tonight brother, she gets her own room, her own bed to sleep in. She needs her beauty sleep for Saturday, remember?”

He nods. “Next time then. You said you have someone to deal with?” He perks up more, and I nod. I do: Ethan. Firstly, I need to know what he knows about my little lamb, then make him aware that he should never have let her escape. The conversation can wait, though, because I am fucking famished, and the smell of dinner has been teasing me since the moment I walked through the damn door.

“Later, brother. I need to get in on some of that action in the kitchen. Are you hungry, little lamb? No poison, I promise.” I smile, keeping my arms wrapped around her so she doesn’t feel so scared with Gunner almost eating her alive with just his eyes.

“I suppose I could eat.” Her words are quiet as she keeps staring at Gunner. I will warn him to leave her alone, for now. The last thing we need is her trying to escape again. I watch as he walks off towards the kitchen, and as soon as his eyes are off my little lamb, she breaks out of my hold. I can see the fire building behind her eyes and decide to stop her now, not later.

“Look, it is too late to do anything. You got yourself into this mess by sneaking over the line. Accept it is what it is. Eat, then I will show you to your room. Kicking, screaming, and fighting won’t gain you anything, not tonight.” I walk towards the table and pull out a chair for her to sit on.

I turn and look at Emmi; her eyes stay on me, and a groan escapes my mouth at her stubbornness. “Come on, sit and eat.” I watch as she walks to me, sitting in the seat before I push her in. “Stay there. I’m going to go check on those two and see how long this food will take.”

I turn to walk to the kitchen door and see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Laughter escapes my lips at the sight. “No running away, little lamb. That elevator doesn’t work without a card, and the stairs are locked as well. The only way out is downstairs where the cars are.” She can try, but she won’t get very far. I turn and walk through to the kitchen to see how the food is going, hoping it won’t be long. She looks like she’s planning something crazy, and after hearing about how Mich ran from her after she beat up three guys, while it would be fun, it wouldn’t be good.

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