Chapter 2. Brother

“Congratulations, young master Hubert Wang, for logging into our apocalypse simulation game ‘Doomsday 2060’. From now on, the system will always be by your side, supporting you in saving the world. We wish Master Hubert to shine brightly and open the doors of survival to the world soon. The system needs to rest and recharge now and will return to assist you when the apocalypse begins. Goodbye!”

Afterward, the white light disappeared, and Hubert’s room returned to normal. He opened the window to look out, and everything was as usual, so he could hardly believe what he had just heard was real. But after checking himself and finding he could summon the space, he knew everything was true.

Hubert waited until the evening when Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang came home, and then he ran downstairs to tell them everything, replacing the part where he bought the game disc himself with a dream from the Wang family ancestor.

He also summoned the space, causing the atmosphere in the house to drop instantly. The fear of the 2060 apocalypse was still fresh, and it was coming back too soon to prepare.


Hubert was rolling on his bed, tossing and turning but still feeling bored. Mr. Wang and his two brothers took care of the task of gathering supplies while he wanted to do something but was unable to. The news of the apocalypse had already spread across the country. Because Edward Wang—Hubert’s father—was the Minister of Defense, people trusted his words without a shadow of a doubt.

Hubert checked his space, which was already filled with enough food, clothes, and necessary tools, while Mr. Wang took care of things like weapons. The fact that he had a supportive space was known only to his family and was not disclosed outside.

Hubert thought he also did not tell the cultivation method of absorbing energy, nor did he reveal that he could cultivate, so he was always seen as a child needing protection. But he had a younger brother and a sister below him, so why did they still pamper him so much?

“Hubert, come down for breakfast.”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

The one who just called was his eldest brother, Theodore Wang. The door was not closed, so when he looked out, he saw his serious-looking brother looking at him. This person was always the strictest with him and had disciplined him many times. He was also the one Hubert hated the most but felt the most sorry for.

Theodore was the eldest son of the family. Naturally, he had to study hard and hone himself, the one predetermined to replace Edward’s position as Minister. He was twenty-seven this year, holding the position of Deputy Minister, with the power of being under one person and above thousands in the military. To reach the situation he is in today, Theodore had no leisure time, no time for playing or looking for a girlfriend, and he was a golden bachelor that any girl would want to share a bed with.

“The apocalypse is coming, and you need to nourish yourself well. Who will protect you when the apocalypse happens?”

“I can protect myself.”

“Just with the space you have?”

Hubert didn’t want to argue with this man. Theodore had always opposed him, so he defiantly pulled the blanket over his head to avoid listening.

After a lengthy silence, assuming Theodore had left, Hubert emerged from the blanket, only to find him still there, staring intensely at him.

“Why are you still here?”


Theodore’s voice seemed softer than usual, carrying an indefinable hint of frailty.

“You have a safe zone and thus can’t become a zombie. But, we don’t know who in the house could turn. Who… who will protect you when the apocalypse strikes? Who can shield you?”

“I’ve told you I can handle myself.”

Hubert sprang from the bed, pushing Theodore back with both hands, intending to drive him out and close the door for some peace. Yet, Theodore was immovable, capturing Hubert’s hand with his own. Was he planning on punishing him by making him kneel again? No twenty-year-old should have to kneel!

“Hubert, what will you do if I become a zombie?”

Taken aback by the sudden question, Hubert was momentarily speechless. If Theodore turned into a zombie, would he kill him, or would someone else in the house take him down? If Hubert were the only non-zombie in the family, what would he do?

However, this was a pointless question. Research indicated that the descendants of those with special powers would not turn into zombies during an apocalypse. His ancestors were such people, so his family wouldn’t become zombies. Theodore’s words were meaningless. But Theodore continued:

“For twenty-seven years, I’ve never lived for myself. But, Hubert, you can. So, you must give it your all…”

“You always say the same thing, and I don’t want to hear it! Besides, how can the Wang family become zombies? Even if you’re crazy, try not to be too delusional!”

Fed up, Hubert pushed past Theodore and left.

“Where are you going?”

Theodore swiftly grabbed Hubert’s arm, his dark eyes inscrutable.

“You always underestimate me. Just leave me alone!”

With a swift motion, Hubert broke free and ran off, oblivious to Theodore’s hurt expression.

Theodore understood all of Hubert’s words, but they weren’t biological brothers, and Theodore wasn’t a true descendant of the Wang family. His adoption was a secret known only to a few close military friends and his adoptive parents, kept hidden to protect his career.

Theodore’s biological parents used to work in a national scientific research institute and had entrusted him to their superior, Edward Wang, due to their busy schedules.

Then disaster struck: the institute was bombed by enemies, and Theodore’s parents were killed. Finally, Edward Wang adopted him, and from then on, his surname was changed to Wang. So, his real name is Raymond Joshua, not Wang.

If possible, after the apocalypse, if he doesn’t become a zombie, he’ll reveal everything to Hubert, telling him how much he values him. Saying that he genuinely loves his younger brother like siblings, not just the cold exterior.

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