Chapter 4

Caelum's POV continues

She giggles on the other end, I can sense her joy and it makes me somewhat happy, I may not love her like I did my little minx but I love her, Scarlett is my friend before anything. That's conceivably why our relationship serves so well, we are more friends than lovers, not that she's a bad lover, no she's fairly promising in bed as she is at her work. I have noticed Scarlett has fallen for me over the years, she no longer has to pretend she loves me for the media but I could never bring myself to love her like a man should his spouse, the only thing I can offer her is assurance. Assurance that no other woman comes above her no matter how many times I fuck them, she's the one I go back every time. I believe one can only love immensely once in a lifetime.

A soulmate, a twin soul and I already had mine so there's no hope for her there. Scarlett lets me have my toys, she has never once come in the middle of me and the women I fuck, if anything she recommends women she thinks I'd like. Most of them being her model friends that she pretends to catch me in bed with by mere coincidence and it gains her leverage on them. They have to let her take whatever job they have if she yearns for it because they owe it to her for fucking her husband. I don't mind that she uses me, I too use her to keep my parents and the media quiet about my Casanova ways.

“Okay love, I have work to do.”

“Wait, I have to travel the day after tomorrow, will you be home tonight? ” she asks, the desperation in her words evident. I know what she wants and I can't deny her anything, it's her right and I'll feel bad if I let her go away for three days without fucking her senses out.

“I will, and you better be naked when I get back.”

Scarlett giggles, “ Mr. Kline gets whatever he desires, who am I to deny him his wishes.”

I cut the call and set the phone on the desk. Sex is something I always look forward to with or without Scarlett, I like having an outlet for my anger. I switch on the laptop and go through the statics for my dad's shipping company, sales were down last month because of a new company offering the exact services but at cheaper rates. I took care of it and we're almost at top again, I like being on top, in both sex and life.

       AURORA'S Pov

I slip past the numerous club members and new clients making my way to the backdoor. It's unguarded, the security team is obviously busy helping maintain order at the other entrances. I swipe my card on heard a lot of people say, this is where dreams go to die. My hand reaches into my bag for my card, swiping it through the card reader to unlock the doors. The people that work here say this is where dreams come to die while the people that come here say it's where dreams come alive.

Both are right.

Fantasy Elite is the house of sin.

If the devil had favorite places, Fantasy Elite would make top of the list. The most despicable beings of all creatures in the world come here to get treated like royalty. This is where sadistic, masochist, all sorts of perverted men and women come to fulfill there desires and get treated like royalty for exhibiting their diabolical ways. Fantasy Elite is not just a strip club, it's a sex club. One requires a membership card to be here, our clients consist of seventy-five percent men and thirty-five percent women. We offer a number of services, surrogacy and sperm donations included but the most popular ones are the strippers, alcohol and sex. Most people simply come to watch and at first, I used to wonder what kind of sick minded person would want to watch other people fuck, it disgusted me down to the bone but after watching it for so long, I got over it.

Many people enjoy engaging in orgies while other prefer to watch and they get so aroused that they touch themselves as they watch. I've done it too, I've gotten off watching other people fuck like animals without purpose and I'm not ashamed of it, not when there's so much else to be ashamed of. It's seldom that I engage in the orgies or threesomes because it would ruin my value if people saw me like that so often. Think of me as Fantasy Elite's rare commodity, one you keep hidden behind closed doors and charge a fortune to showcase to the world and when you do, you put it in a glass case to protect it from damage. However, the damage was done years ago. I didn't become the best asset Fantasy Elite has by luck, no. Luck is something I haven't had in a long time, I worked hard for it, I endured a lot of pain for this moment and I walked through blazing fire to be where I am today.

Most women envy the position I'm in, they loathe seeing me at the top yet they have no clue what it took to get here and the worst part is I never wanted this, it just happened. You'd assume I have it easy after enduring hell but no, nothing comes easy for me.

They tell you good things happen to good people, well I was a good girl once. I ate my vegetables, did my homework, got straight A's and went to church. The same church where my grandfather preached about a God that doesn't love me, he said God loved everyone but I always had reason to believe he had his favorites and I wasn't among them then, I'm not among them now.

The only disparity between then and now is I have accepted I'll never make the cut, I have broken all ten commandments and I don't care much for his mercies, he has never shown me any. If I could count the times he did right by me, I would count on my fingers. One of them being the time I became one of Fantasy Elite's special workers. I enjoy the spot I'm in, I work three days a week, dropping breadcrumbs when I do so the client's come back for more. I also do special appearances and work as an escort for wealthy men that can't bag a hot date. I accompany them to events and for the right price, I end up denuded for them. Those are the nights I get wasted on liquor like my life depends in it, and nights like this too. I had to drink a lot to prepare myself for my performance tonight, I wouldn't have done this sober, I needed a push. Yesterday, I spent all day with Emelia and it was nice, despite being best friends, we barely hang out outside of work just us too. On off days, I spend time working in my apartment if I'm not accompanying clients to events of their choice.

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