Chapter 3

Caelum's POV continues

“It's not little.” He abjectly argues.

That's all he says, the rest of what I said has gone in one ear and out the other but the remark of his dick being little has sank in. I shake my head, Kohen is the most problematic of my siblings. I three sisters, as well as two brothers, Kohen being the most requiring one.

“You know what Kohen, get your money elsewhere I'm not giving you a dime, I'd rather wipe my ass with it before handing it over you. You made your bed now lay in it and oh, buy some condoms with whatever change you've got left from the abortion or stay fucking celibate!” I roar cutting the call before he gives me a retort.

I scroll through my call log, five missed calls from Scarlett, fifteen missed calls from my mother and three from my father which I'm sure are my mother trying to see if I'll pick up the phone which I did not.

I already know the purpose of her calls and no, I don't have the answer she's looking to hear.

"Caelum dear, is Scarlett pregnant? " she casually asks as if Scarlett is living to be knocked up by me. When I tell her no, her voice becomes low, like she's disappointed but a month later she'll call to ask the same question once again, this has been going on for six months.

Persuading Scarlett to try for a baby, answering my mother's phone calls that are baby based questions half of the time and giving my father an apologetic look every time I see him. All this needs to come to an end but my parent's won't quit until they get a grandchild out of me. You'd think they would be satisfied having raised and birthed seven kids of their own but no, they want me to bring a child into the world. Don't get me wrong I love children, I adore my sister's children very much and so do my parents but they want one from me, they want a son from their first son.

I call Scarlett and she answers almost immediately, I bring my phone to my ear. “Hey love, you called? ”

Scarlett huff's, clearly annoyed by whatever it is that is happening around her. “Why weren't you picking up my calls Caelum?” she doesn't give me a chance to reply as she speaks again,“ Your mother was calling while I was on set and asked me to go over because it was an emergency. I dropped everything and went to her house, worried something happened to her or your dad but you know what she did? ”

“Hmm, what? ” I ask, immediately regretting my decision to call her. Right now she's sounding more pissed by the second. I can imagine her with her hand on her waist and her leg shuddering because she's mad and can't seem to control or notice it. I smirk at the thought, seeing Scarlett angry is a cute, she looks pretty even then. I can hear noises in the back as she shushes them, “Your mother had a fertility specialist and a gynecologist at her house. That was the emergency, she wanted them to take a look at me and see if anything was wrong with me because I must have infertility problems seeing I have been with her son for so long there's no way I couldn't not be pregnant!”

I can't help but laugh, subsiding back into my seat. My mother tends to be dramatic and as much as she wants a grandchild from us, she still doesn't like Scarlett very much. My mother started to dislike her the minute I introduced her as my new girlfriend years ago.

“You can't seriously be laughing Cae, because I left the shoot the company is pissed off.”

“I know, sorry. I'll talk to my mother but love, you know if you'd just get pregnant, she'd leave you alone.”

“Of course, but not right now Cae, I have a contract to uphold if I breech it, my prestige is ruined. No one will ever want to work with me again, and no I don't want you to touch my work, you know I don't like it. ” she whines, the pitch of her voice annoying the shit out of me right now.

I nod to myself and sigh, “We don't have time Scarlett.”

“I know, which is why I told you about the surrogacy option. Many people are doing it and it'll be our baby, my egg, your sperm. We'll basically be renting a womb.”

I unintentionally snort out a laugh, “You can't just rent a womb Scarlett, no woman is will willingly endure nine months of pregnancy and hand you the baby.” I know there's a lot of women out there selfless enough to do this but I prefer she carry the baby, so I can enjoy the experience of being a dad from the start. Scarlett likes children but she doesn't love them enough to beg me for one and its never bothered me because I didn't plan on having kids with her, if it were up to me, I wouldn't even consider having kids. I only ever imagined myself giving babies to one woman, and Scarlett isn't her. But then again, I remember why we need a child now. My father was diagnosed with an illnesses in which treatment is a waste of time and the prognosis the doctor gave him was two years or less to live and his one wish is to meet his first grandchild from me. He doesn't care if its a boy or a girl, he just wants a grandchild produced by me and whatever woman, if Scarlett is unwilling.

“Cae, why are you quiet? ” Scarlett asks, I had forgotten she was on the other end.

“Yes love, what did you say? ”

“I said, we can try for a baby in three months, I'll work on terminating the contract and I'll get more contacts when I get pregnant. But mean time, let's try a surrogate? I'll still have a baby even if it works, then we'll have two.”

I pounder over her question, the reason she's telling me this is because she's considered it more times than once and she already has surrogate's of her choice lined up, waiting for me to give her the go ahead. And so I do, I give it to her. “Whatever you want love, give my parent's a grandkid and choose your surrogate wisely, I don't want some bitch running off with our kid because they decided they are attached to it.”

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