Chapter 3

Elena - POV

I blink my eyes, feel the soft bed under me, and look around. The dull pain in my head was still there. I recall the images of a handsome hunk and his enormous dick.

“Jeez, I sound like a pervert,” I muttered.

“So, still thinking about my Dick,” I gasped, hearing the deep voice. My gaze met the blue ocean orbs in the dim light. He smirked at me. I struggled hard to keep blushing under his stare.

“No,” I whispered, trying to conceal my embarrassment. He smirked at me. I averted my gaze from him, so I could breathe, as his intense gaze made me vulnerable.

“Where am I” pulling myself from this strange warm feeling around this man.

“Wolf Land,” he replied. It tore his expression as if he wanted to avoid saying that. But when he told Wolf Land, the image of him transforming in front of my car appeared, and fear gripped me as I clenched onto the bedsheet.

“Wolf Land. Where in the world is this place” I asked, trying to look around, not him. As my heartbeat fastens because I am confident this man is a beast.

“Far away from Minnesota. Elena, if you feel fine, you can travel back to New York,” he said. I looked at him, and his gaze was stoic. Unlike the amused orbs, he peered at me. When he mentioned New York, I felt dread at the thought of facing the media after being cheated on by my fiancé.

I didn’t like to travel to New York and pretend to be strong in front of the media. Not only that, but I prefer to hide and cry.

“Hey, relax” His deep voice made me look at his ocean-blue eyes and warm palms on mine, his scent of pines tinged with whiskey. My heart beat faster at his stare, which didn’t show emotion yet. I sensed tranquility at his touch. What the fuck is the feeling? I felt like a warm cocoon.

“Ms. Hayes, are you okay?” Yuri walked in as she saw Mr. Ford’s hands were on mine, and I pulled my hand from his grip.

“Yes, just a little ahead,” I said. Yuri nodded and gave me some water.

“Umm…. Are you guys Wolf? Like a magical creature who transforms.” Mr. Ford and Yuri stared at each other and then at me.

“No, we are not,” Mr. Ford replied sternly. “Just because it’s called Wolf Land, it doesn’t mean we are wolves. We are a clan who stay away from the cities”. I looked at him to see through words if he was lying to me. But his emotion didn’t tell me anything. I saw him transform into a human from a wolf. Was that my illusion?

“Ms. Hayes, the doctor said you are almost healed,” Yuri said with a smile, and I knew she was discreetly saying quickly to leave this place. Maybe the clan or tribe doesn’t like outsiders.

“I will take my leave in two hours,” I said. It was already near dawn. Yuri nodded, but Mr. Ford gave a blank stare. They left the room. I gazed out the window.

I didn’t have the phone with me to contact my secretary. I regret throwing my phone and everything out of the car.

I turned on the television and found out that cops were looking for me, and the media twisted the story and made me look emotionally depressed. My reputation is at stake just because of asshole Jake.

I wiped my tears from the emotion of anger and frustration. I was bubbling inside of me. Jake won't get away from this. Jake played me, and I would take him down. That asshole made me look like a fool in front of the world.

A knock came on the door. I looked at Yuri standing at the doorframe with a sympathetic gaze as she watched the TV News and then at me. I quickly wiped my tears.

“Yuri, I have a favor to ask,” I said, trying to avoid looking at her expression, as I didn’t like the sympathetic gaze on me.

“Yes, of course.”

“Can I have your phone?” She extended her smartphone. I dialed my secretary and told her to send the car. Yuri wrote the location for the vehicle to be sent, and I informed him of the address on call.

“We should get going, Ms. Hayes, because we are far from the location of the car sent by your secretary.” I looked shocked at her words. This clan stays discreet. She didn’t even let my car come into this region.

I stepped out of the Manor; the parked car looked like a new model of Tess, the most expensive vehicle I wished to buy.

“You like cars?” Yuri asked as she caught my gaze at the vehicle. I nodded with a smile. I looked at her and then around to see if Mr. Ford was there, but he was not.

“Looking for something.” Yuri’s brown eyes twinkled with amusement.

“I want to thank Mr. Ford if he is busy,” I asked. Yuri nods solemnly.

“I will convey the message to him,” Yuri said as she got into the car and started our journey to the destination. Yuri spoke about how happy she was to meet me, talk about my films, and asked if I would work on a famous web series for the second season. Yuri was questioning me, just like the media and fans. I want to be quiet. I would rather not be rude to tell Yuri to shut up.

Finally, the ride ended, and I saw my limo and security team waiting for me, and the media were also on the scene.

“Are you sure? Will you be okay out there?” Yuri asked, looking at the press reporters.

“I am used to the pressure and spotlight”, I gave her a small smile. She looked at me and nodded as I stepped out of the car, the camera flashing and the mic coming in front of me.

“Elena, what happened to you?” the report asked.

“Elena, did you run away because of your fiance?” The other female reporter asked.

“Are you leaving Hollywood?” asked another reporter.

The security pushed the reports away from me, and Janice sat opposite. Her gaze looked at me with concern and the bandage on my head. I gestured for her to be quiet. I needed peace as Yuri ate my ears throughout the whole ride.

“What is the status?” I asked quietly, looking at the moving car window.

“Not good, Ms. Hayes. The film producers are not happy, as the media are slandering your name after Mr. Jake’s interview,” Janice explained with concern. I smirked, not gazing at Janice, who would look at me in confusion.

“Ms., are you alright?” Janice’s concerned voice made me look at her.

“I am fine, Janice. Set up an interview with the media tomorrow.” Janice nods her head and works on the laptop.

Jake, that asshole, he dared to say I am a toxic person to be with, was when he was obsessed with me.

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