Chapter 2. Finding a Mate

Megan had longed for a mate for as long as the time that it is usual for young werewolves to find their mates. Her pack mates and family who were not already mated were finding theirs by the day.

“Take your mind off it and you will find your mate”, her cousin Sandra had told her when the topic had come up between them during Sandra’s visit last fall, and Megan had expressed her concern on the matter.

“I promise you will know when it happens. It’s like magic” Sandra had said basking in the reverie of when she had found her own Jack.

And like magic, it was, the day Megan found her mate.

Megan had thrown herself into trying to improve her abilities and skills; her training and hunting. Even then she always felt like something was missing; a sense of connection; a bond that would make her feel like she belonged.

It was during one of her trainings one evening that Megan experienced something that would change her life and her perspective on things forever. She had been trying to catch up with the rest of the pack and felt pretty low at not being able to keep up, her mind a jumbled mess of longing and frustration when she sensed something, unlike anything she had ever sensed before.

She disregarded it as her imagination playing tricks on her, but it lingered, and she stopped to try to focus harder, it was then she realized there was a scent in the air, one unlike anything she had ever encountered before; something primal and musky with an underlying hint that made her heart pound in her ears.

It couldn’t be, could it? She argued with herself as she transformed which wasn’t quite successful, and followed the scent deep into the woods. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but she dared not turn back and risk losing that scent. The scent got stronger and she stopped, searching for whatever it was. She was about to give up hope when she saw him.

He was a wolf like her, but different in every way; for one his fur was a sleek shimmering silver, and he had piercing slate-grey eyes that seemed to glow like pennies in the moonlight. He was larger and stronger than any wolf she had ever seen, with an air of power and confidence that was impossible to overlook.

Megan felt a surge of excitement and fear wash over her as she realized she was looking at her mate! The one she had been searching for all her life. She had never seen him before, let alone spoken to him. Where had he come from?

“Hi,” she said almost inaudibly, not trusting herself to say more. Then he did something totally unexpected; he turned and walked away.

Megan was not sure how to react and she just stood there for a minute, before hurrying off after him, more out of curiosity than anything else.

She busted out through a clearing, a small group of wolves was there including her mate, and it was clear his position in the pack. She stood at a distance waiting for an invitation of sorts, but before she could make her move, another female, more elegant and eloquent than she was stepped into the scene and moved to his side. Megan watched in horror as she surrendered her neck and her mate bent his head and sank his teeth in while the other wolves howled in support.

To say that she was devastated was an understatement.

Jake was everything Megan had ever dreamed of in a mate; he was handsome, charismatic, and powerful; his mere presence commanded respect. He wasn’t just an Alpha, he was ‘the’ Alpha.

But fate can be cruel. His rejection in the presence of the entire pack was excruciating; unlike any hurt she had ever felt before. She felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. Her wolf howled in agony, echoing through the night.

Elvira had looked in her direction as if to say “I am his now”. Megan had slunk away into the night running endlessly and tirelessly until she didn’t know where she was any longer.

She remembered the way Jake had wrapped his arm protectively around Elvira when they were in school, and how the pain had intensified. Megan had felt like a fool for ever thinking that she could ever be with a wolf like Jake as a mate.

“Awww, I know it hurts sweetie but you just hang in there. There’s always someone out there for every one of us”, Sandra was always supportive and always saw the positive angle to problems.

Megan had refused to come out of her room for days. She wept heavily into her pillow, her heart was heavy with so much sorrow. She couldn’t bear to face the other pack members, not after what had transpired between her and Jake. Her wolf was silent and refused to come out for a long while. Megan had given up on finding a mate.

Days turned into weeks and Megan had a difficult time moving on. She tried to avoid Jake and Elvira as it hurt more to see them together. If nothing good came out of this, that she became stronger was something that wasn’t bad, as she threw herself into training, pushing her body further hoping that the physical pain would dull the hurt she felt.

She had felt like she was living in a nightmare, and unable to wake up. She hoped Sandra was right and that she would one day find her true mate, one who would never hurt her.

Megan tossed and turned in her bed, trying to wake up from the horrible dream. Her phone ringing did the work and she sat up with a start, her heart pounding. She was having that nightmare again.

The pain of course was a lot less now. That had happened a while ago. She still felt left out, though she was stronger now, and transforming was much easier even though she only did when she was going to hunt. Megan sat up in bed, thankful that it was a dream and nothing more.

Her phone rang off, and she thought about last night; the fight, her walk, her thoughts, and the dream.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, the doorbell rang. Megan sighed, not in the mood to deal with anyone at that moment. She threw her legs over the edge of her bed, walked barefoot to the door and opened it. Ryan was standing there with a sympathetic look on his face. She remembered her thoughts about him the previous night and blushed. Ryan didn’t miss it and raised a brow. Megan stepped aside to let him through.

"Hey," he said softly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "How are you doing?"

Ryan knew exactly what Megan was going through and had tried to be there for her every step of the way, and for that she was extremely grateful.

Megan shrugged, not wanting to burden Ryan with her worries. "I'm fine," she lied, trying to put on a brave face.

Ryan didn't buy it, though. He could see the pain in her eyes and knew she had been thinking again especially after their ordeal with Jake the night before. He knew exactly how she felt. He had been through it himself; the recurring tears, the wrenched heart, the mockery and laughter, the endless feeling of inadequacy, it was what drove him from his hometown to come and start afresh here, unfortunately, the news had gotten here somehow, but it still wasn’t as bad as back home. No one knew him here, so it was easier to ignore.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Meg," he said gently, using the nickname he had given her years ago. "I know it hurts, but it will get better. I promise."

Megan sighed, feeling deflated. She didn't want to cry in front of Ryan, but she couldn't hold it back any longer. She just felt tired …of everything.

She collapsed onto the couch, burying her face in her hands as sobs wracked her body.

Ryan sat down next to her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. He didn't say anything, he just held her as she cried, letting her know that he was there for her.

After a few minutes, Megan's sobs subsided and she pulled away from Ryan, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said, feeling embarrassed for breaking down that way.

Ryan shook his head and patted her gently. "Don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just glad I could be here for you."

Megan gave him a small smile, feeling grateful for his friendship. "Thank you, Ryan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ryan returned the smile. "Anytime, Meg. You know that."

There was a somewhat awkward but comfortable silence for a few moments before Ryan spoke up again. "You know, there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you."

Megan raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"

Ryan took a deep breath, his heart racing. “Well I’ve just been thinking…” When he didn’t say anything, Megan looked up at him “I am listening”

“Well, seeing that there is nothing for us here…” he trailed off, his voice a bit shaky about the suggestion he was about to make. He decided to just say it any way. She was either going to accept or reject it. He had been rejected before, so that won’t be a first. He held both her hands and looked into her eyes.

“Let’s just leave”, he blurted out. Megan's eyes widened in surprise. “What? You mean leave the house?” she wasn’t sure she understood what he was saying. “ No, I mean to leave this town. Let’s just go, start a new life, and maybe we’ll find other mates”, Ryan sounded excited now that it was out. He had been thinking about it while he was hunting last night after seeing Megan to her house.

"I-I don't know," she stammered, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

She had never thought of Ryan in any way other than as a friend before now, but now that he had said it, she realized that she he probably had more feelings for her than she cared to admit. She didn’t say anything.

Ryan smiled and shifted in his seat nervously. "I didn't want to say anything before because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but now… I thought maybe we could explore this."

Megan chewed on her bottom lip, considering his words. She had always trusted Ryan and felt safe around him. Maybe this was what she needed. Maybe if she stayed on a bit longer she would get another mate. She was confused.

“I don’t know. Where would we go? Won’t the pack be sent to look for us? “, Megan stood up, her head spinning with so many questions.

It sounded exciting; a fresh start, but what were the consequences? It was a bit too much for her to digest all at once.

Ryan sensed her reluctance and his smile faltered to a half smile. He stood up.

“I didn’t mean to overwhelm you. I’ll just let myself out and if you need to talk…” He made for the door.

Megan’s head was reeling, she didn’t want him to leave. As scary as the idea was, it seemed appealing.

Ryan had his hand on the door handle when she stopped him.

“Wait!” She said quietly but firmly, she had not made her decision but she knew something for sure, there was an attraction between them, one unspoken and that was what she wanted to explore right now.

She went to him and kissed him on the lips, then drew back shocked at herself. Ryan was too shocked about her reaction but it was something he had thought of more than once and he drew her close to him and returned the kiss in full.

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