Chapter 2

Panic Before the Flight

Syanja sent the company an email when she had made up her mind after two days. Her mother approached her when she was seated at the dining room table and joined her. 

“So when are you leaving? You emailed them, right?” Syanja gave her a quick glance before grinning broadly at her. Her mother was aware that she had already made up her mind. 

“I finished it already, Mom.” The mother of Syanja gave her a back pat. To prepare dinner, her mother got up and went to the kitchen. Syanja was anticipating the email of confirmation. 

To assist her mother, she headed to the kitchen. She was aware that she wouldn’t be able to see her family after a few days. 

“Mom, let me cook today.” Her mother gave her a smile and a nod. Stepping toward the refrigerator, Syanja looked for some vegetables. “Mom? The vegetables have vanished. For dinner, I want to prepare something spectacular.” Her mother approached her and gave her a head slap. 

“You can see the vegetables in front of you.” She smiled as she turned to face her. She is aware that she needs her assistance to accomplish anything. 

“I’m sorry, Mom.” When her mother grinned, Syanja began washing the vegetables. 

She placed them in the bowl after washing them to dry them. She grabbed a knife and began chopping up some vegetables. She diced the potatoes first before cutting the capsicum into small pieces. She then cut carrots and red peppers. She chops the vegetables and then washes the chicken. Her mother had her in her sight. What’s for supper, exactly? She spent a lot of time and work making her food. 

“At last, I succeeded.”


Everyone arrived for dinner as Syanja was beaming brilliantly. Her two brothers and parents. Her little brother then looked at the food she had prepared for dinner after they had all taken their seats and begun eating.

“Wow! What’s that?” Syanja was grinning as she watched his response. She gave him the food after taking the plate. 

“Here it is. Eat it, and let me know how it tastes.” He took a bite while nodding. He gave a headshake. 

“It’s delicious,” he said as everyone turned to look at him. They all chuckle and begin to eat.


Syanja went to her room after supper, grabbed her coat, and hurried downstairs to join her family, who were waiting for her to go outside for some fresh air. 

“I-I’m ready,” She said, panting heavily. They laughed at her clumsy actions and left the house.


Syanja was seated and awaiting her flight after two weeks. She is a little anxious because this is her first airplane ride. Her mother made multiple attempts to make her feel better. 

“Relax! Not to worry.” Syanja gave her a nod and awaited her turn. She stood up and went to each person as the flight called out. She gave tearful hugs to her parents, brothers, and father. 

“I’ll miss you all,” he said. She then moved in the direction of the checking area. She gave them a final glance before turning away and waving.


She then stepped onboard the aircraft. Syanja sighed deeply as she sat back in her chair. I’m finally leaving my country. As the plane took off, she peered out the window. She tightly closed her eyes and closed the window curtain. After some while, she slept out. The 12-hour flight to her destination was finally completed. She left the waiting area and began seeking for a driver to pick her up at the airport. 

She was looking for someone when all of a sudden, the individual whose name was written on the board caught her attention. A man in a black suit was waiting for her when she hurried there. 

“Syanja here. Are you expecting me?” He grinned as he gave her a look.

“I’m Lee, Miss Seok. I’m coming to get you.” He then collected her luggage and moved in the direction of the parking lot. She was so ecstatic that she was beaming while looking around. It was a glorious day with a chilling air hitting her in the face. She shut her eyes and enjoyed the lovely weather. 

“Miss Seok, please, this way.”

They moved in the direction of the car as she opened her eyes and nodded at him. He loaded her belongings into the car’s trunk. 

“Please take a seat in the vehicle, Miss Seok.” She gave him a small nod before hopping inside the vehicle. 


They arrived at their destination one hour later. She exited the vehicle and admired the stunning home. 

“It’s really lovely. What made you bring me here?” He remained silent. As she moved closer to the house, she noticed her name written on the door’s side. 

“It is, in fact, your home, Miss Seok. I was directed to bring you here by Mr. Vim.” Syanja gave him a smiling glare. He retrieved her baggage from the trunk of the car and set it down next to the front door. 

“I have to depart right away, Miss Seok. I’m glad to have you.” Syanja entered the home after giving a nod.

Syanja’s jaw hit the floor when she walked inside the house. Inside, the house was lovely. There is a large TV launch in it, and everything is well-placed and fully equipped. She combed the entire house. She begins to beam with joy. 

“Wow, it’s really lovely. I had no idea how much they would do for me.” She entered her room and began unpacking her belongings.


She eventually went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. She hurried into the kitchen to prepare dinner after taking a warm shower. When Syanja realized she hadn’t spoken to her family after arriving, she was in the middle of preparing dinner. She picked up her phone and made a call to her mom. 

On the other side, Syanja’s mother was preparing breakfast in the kitchen when her phone abruptly rang and caught her attention. She grabbed her phone and fled. She had a lovely smile covering her lips. 

“Oh Syanja, I’m so happy you called at last.” In the order she forgot to contact her before, Syanja nervously laughed. Syanja consumed her meal and cleaned the dishes while speaking with her mother. Syanja told her mother about the lovely home that she was given by her company. 


After an hour of on-call conversation, Syanja informed her that it was late at night and that she wanted to go to bed. Syanja also informed her mother that she would begin working the following day. Syanja hung up and immediately walked to her room. She jumped into the bed and wrapped herself in the duvet. Syanja set the alarm on both her table clock and mobile device. 

“At last, I can go to sleep.” She inhaled deeply, then closed her eyes and entered her fantasy world.


Totally concentrated on his future project, Jung-Hoon was working on his laptop while sitting on his bed. He was drowsy and his eyes felt heavy. He was in no mood for a nap at the moment. He had to finish it before dawn. His back was supported by the pillow. His eyes began to feel heavy out of the blue, and he soon dozed off.

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