Chapter 2

Cruz’s POV

“Ashi’s on her way,” I told my Dad, Eric. “I don’t understand what’s happening, Dad.”

I was with my Dad in a pack meeting when Dad received a message from the enchantress through the mind link.

He’s the Beta. Every concern comes to him.

Today was the mapping where the she-wolves who reached the age of eighteen will know where their mate is from.

Something goes wrong with Ashira’s mapping process. That’s what I was sure of, and we immediately drove home once Dad received the news.

“Let’s wait for Ashira. She must be looking for answers, as well. Once she’s home, we’ll talk.”

My Dad said, and he entered the door to his study. My mom, Ophelia, followed right after.

I’m the only child of Regal Pack’s Beta. Alpha David’s son, Victor, will take over the pack in a few weeks. He’ll be given the Alpha title once his 21st birthday comes. The same goes for me to be entitled to the Beta position.

I heard a loud thud of paws getting near. My sense of smell tells me it was Ashira in her wolf form.

I ran towards the back door. She must be frustrated to know something that she shifted! I took a robe hanging as I was on my way out.

Ashira’s white wolf stopped in front of me. Her emerald eyes looked at me, and I almost forgot that we needed to talk to Dad about something. Her wolf is stunning, though. She’s not my blood sister, but I treat her like one most often when she’s not irritating... I guess.

I prepared the robe and held it wide with both hands. I ensured the robe would conceal Ashira’s naked body from my eyes once she shifted back.

‘Close your eyes, ‘ her wolf said through our mind link. I rolled my eyes before following her bossy command.

Like hell, I’ll like to see that, I thought.

I felt her grabbing the robe from my hands. I opened my eyes a few seconds later, and Ashira was wrapped entirely in the robe.

“What happened?” I asked.

Ashira walked past me; her breathing was uneven from running. She stepped inside the house, heading towards Dad’s office.

“I don’t know. Something went wrong with my mapping. I’m yet aware of what that means.”

I followed her as we walked inside our Dad’s study room.

Eric is already seated on his chair, holding an old book. My mother standing beside him. My Dad looked at us, and my mother rushed to Ash and grabbed my sister in her arms.

“Everything will be alright,” Ophelia assures Ashira. Ash just nodded and looked at my Dad again.

“The Enchantress called me a ‘stealer.’” She said to my father. I could hear her voice shaking, but she sounded more confused than scared.

“She can’t be wrong. You might be.” My Dad said as he took a deep breath.

“What does that mean? The way she said that to me sounds like I’m a danger.”

We took a sit in front of Father. I was just listening to the conversation, trying to understand it.

“It’s not like that. You’re not dangerous, Ash. Being a stealer means,” Eric paused for a second while waiting for my Mom to get near him. Once she wrapped her arms around Dad, he continued. “You can produce a pup with anyone, mate or not.”

My eyes widened by surprise. That’s rare! No, that’s new!

I have yet to learn something about that. A wolf is destined with one mate. Only one. We can only have a child with that fated person, so hearing this confuses me!

I decided to speak when Ash was stunned and unable to speak. “Does that mean she can have more than one mate?”

Ashira is eighteen years old, and the main reason why she can participate in the mapping ceremony.

With her age, she’ll be able to feel the mate bond once she meets the one, but as per my Dad’s words, does it mean that Ashira can feel the mate bond with every male?


“No. Of course not! Her mate is only one, just like the others. That is too special to share.” Eric held Ophelia’s hand as he said that.

“I heard a ‘but,” Ashira stated, sounding slightly calmer than earlier.

The thought that everyone won’t fight over her because of her failure-mate bond makes her less worried.

“They will smell it on you.” Sabi ni Eric kay Ashi. “Those wolves who’s lost their mates will recognize you as a ‘stealer.’ Once they do, they’ll bend everything to get you.”

“Only those males who lost their mate?” I asked, and he nodded.

My mom’s hand moved to rub my father’s back. I just noticed how my father is shaking. His wolf is getting angry at the thought.

“B-But why? I-I’m confused..” Ashira asked.

“They may not feel the mate bond with you, but since they lost their mates, they’ll be able to know you’re a stealer. And even though you are not theirs, they will settle with you because their wolf will be pleasured. Like they are true to their mate by you. It’s like a second chance to have a mate for those who already lost theirs.”

I saw Ashira’s body tremble. She must be scared. I feel the same for her, but my wolf knows we’ll do everything to keep her safe.

“Ashira, listen to me. All you have to do is find your mate and complete the mating process.” Dad encouraged.

The mating process will start with the guy taking his claim over the she-wolf. It’s done by biting the middle of the neck and shoulder, not too deep but enough to leave a mark. After the claim, both should mate. Or have sex in the simplest form.

Some make a claim and have sex right after. Some make a claim first and wait longer to get to know each other before mating.

“Will that fix what I am now?” Ashira’s breathing unevenly. Every piece of her is not liking the situation.

Eric shook his head. I sighed.

“Unfortunately, no. But.. someone will own your wolf. By then, your wolf will know who its mate is. The wolf won’t be confused once someone tries and take you. But you can resist those who want to steal you.”

“She’s called a stealer because she can be stolen?” I asked. Not sure if I said the right words.

“Yes. But also, she can steal other mates, son.” Eric said.

“What? I thought she was in danger for those who lost their mate.”

“ That was the danger because she’ll be in a lot of trouble once more than one wolf wants her. Since we all know that wolves without mates are a lot. But she can also steal from another male. Ashira’s wolf can trick a wolf into believing she is their fated mate. That happened decades ago, and it’s tragic.”


“A stealer fell in love with an Alpha. The Alpha was mateless yet, at that time. The stealer wants to be the Alpha’s Luna, and her greed for power and affection toward the Alpha pushes her to do it. So she seduced him. She tempted his wolf and made it believe she was mated to the Alpha. But the Alpha met his true mate. The Alpha was confused. Both females held a deep bond with his wolf.”

“What happened then?” Ashira asked, looking attentive.

“As I said, it was tragic. The Alpha decided to let his mates have sex with other wolves.”

“Wolves? Not just one? Why?” I exclaimed.

“It’s to know which one was a stealer.” My Dad simply explained. I noticed Ashira was silent while spacing out.

“That’s absurd,” I commented. Looking sideways at Eric and Ashira.

“Then what happened?” Ashira speaks again.

“The story said that the Alpha had his true Luna. And the stealer, well, she got pregnant by some wolf. Some say she was executed with the unborn baby. Some said she escaped. It is an old story, so the ending has lost consistency.”

I watched how Ashira reacted to the story. She kept moving her knuckles, probably getting nervous about what she was.

I don’t see her differently, even after knowing all this. She’s my sister. I knew her. She won’t have the heart to steal another’s mate.

“Ashira, don’t be scared. It’s gonna be okay.” Ophelia said to her. She glanced up at her and Dad, then at me. She let a small smile before speaking.

“I... I don’t know what to do.” That is all she said.

I can feel her frustrations and fear. The Beta blood in me is starting to kick in.

“I’ll find more information that might help your case. This is rare, and none from the Regal pack had encountered this.” My Dad said.

I nodded and smiled at Ashi. “Everything is gonna be fine.” I tried to assure her, but my wolf and I were unsure deep inside.

“For now, avoid being with the crowd. Just have Lucy with you at all times. The worst thing to happen is for you to be found by a mateless wolf.” Dad warned.

“Do you remember the first pack that showed on the map today?” Ophelia asked.

We all glanced her way. Confusion is present in our eyes. Both me and Dad not being sure what she meant.

“What? Don’t you know? The first one to glow up is where your mate is. The mate bond is too strong that even a stealer can never be an exception from the mapping.” My mother answered our question.

We looked at Ashira, who looked reminiscing what happened earlier.

“It was.. the Prime pack.”

Prime pack? That was the most robust pack of the North. Their members are over 500 wolves, and one-fourth of it are not fighters. The rest are the best in it.

“Having a mate from such a strong pack says you’re on the luck’s side,” Dad said.

“Right.” Ophelia seconded. “For now, stay away from the crowd, as your father said. When the annual mapping party comes, you’ll attend the ball. And you need to find your mate. You MUST find him.”

Though her words put a huge pressure, it’s the only way to do it for now.

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