Chapter 4. Duty Over Desire

Year 2,014 of the Creator (Flashback) 

Asghavia, capital city of Volcaris, now home of the Estors.

On a cold, half-moon night, a cloaked figure strode into a busy tavern tucked in a corner of the street of Shayr, known for its many brothels and taverns, located on Babr's crossing, a road which eventually led up to the dragons' arena in the east.

The figure tried to be as inconspicuous as possible as he dodged a lousy drunk and sat on a table hidden in the far corner of the noisy tavern.

Up on the hastily crafted stage by the entrance, a pretty red-haired singer dressed in revealing clothing, belted out a melodious tune with a seductive sway of her hips as drunk men and women hollered and cheered.

The cloaked figure was neither interested nor impressed with the flowing movements of the redhead's body though, as his striking eyes, black as midnight flitted across the expanse of the tavern, searching for one person in particular.

She had spotted him the second he entered the tavern. His confident and purposeful gait gave him away. Even with his disguise, she could never mistake Prince Daegal for another because he was unlike any man she had ever met.

"Is it me you seek or another, my Prince?" Daena asked, her voice a low, sultry whisper as she sneaked up behind the cloaked figure, slinking her arms around his shoulders and pressing the softness of her breasts against his broad, hard back.

"Who else shall I seek if not you, my beautiful, beautiful Daena," Prince Daegal smiled lovingly as he whispered back, his own voice a low rumble of rich baritone, a sharp contrast to hers.

He pushed back the hood of his cloak revealing his face, a face Daena never grew tired of seeing.

He grabbed Daena's wrists gently, guiding her to sit on his thighs. The first day Daegal had met her, she was with her master, supplying drinks to the winery at the Unity Rock, the castle and seat of power of the entire continent.

Her aching beauty and strength mesmerized him as he watched her heft crate after crate of wines, beers and juices produced in the Summer Islands and within Volcaris, from various wagons and onto the racks at the winery.

He had been instructed by his father, Emperor Vulcan, to supervise the unloading of the shipment of drinks much to his annoyance, but after seeing her, the eighteen-year-old Prince's annoyance flew straight out the door.

She had been extremely formal, wanting no relationship between them other than Prince and Subject, but after nearly a year of secret letters and meetings, she finally allowed herself to love him freely.

The only thing holding their love back was the unpleasant difference in their statuses. The Imperial Prince could never be seen taking a commoner as a life partner and they both knew that. So, for the better part of a year, they would meet in secret, with Prince Daegal making sure to never be seen.

However, what they were not aware of was that the emperor had eyes and moles in every corner. It wasn't long before the he discovered their amorous affair.

"I do hope that I am the only one you would actually be looking for in this kind of place," Daena giggled.

"You already know the answer, my love," Daegal whispered, his hands disappearing under her long, silk gown to caress her thighs gently. Daena gasped softly as his fingers trailed up north to rest on her shapely hips.

Their breaths mingled with each other's, hot against their faces as they leaned in to share a kiss. Before their lips could connect however, Daegal stopped short, his eyes leaving her face to rest on two people he hadn't noticed before.

The two men sitting by each other at a table in the center of the tavern looked vaguely familiar.

"What's wrong, My Prince?" Daena asked as she noticed his attention had been shifted from her.

"Nothing at all. I just thought I saw someone familiar," He responded, his eyes never leaving the two men.

"Should we leave?" Daena asked again.

"No, it's quite alright…" Daegal's words trailed off once the two men rose from their seats and began to walk in his direction.

He could recognize the constellation of stars wrought in silver which was the crest of the Estor tribe anywhere and that was exactly what inscribed in the armor of the two men when a light breeze blew to the side, one of the cloaks of the men.

"Get out of here, Daena. Out the back, now!" Sensing the urgency in his voice, Daena didn't ask any further questions as she took off running.

When he was sure she was gone, Daegal placed his full attention on the men, rising to his feet as they got to his table.

At nineteen, Daegal towered over most men, both in his home kingdom of Nebulos and in Volcaris, but these men from his father's personal guard were taller and bigger with bullish necks and shaved heads. Sometimes, their height and demeanor intimidated him.

"The emperor has sent us to bring you back to the Unity Rock," The shorter of the two who still towered over Daegal, said gruffly.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked.

"It is our job to know things," The taller of the guards said simply.

Prince Daegal sighed heavily, running his hands over his face. He could only hope that Daena had reached home or somewhere safe.

Knowing the kind of person his father was, he knew that he might not be able to see Daena for a while.

He followed the men out the door to where they had three horses from the imperial stables waiting outside. He had snuck to the tavern from the Unity Rock on foot and would now have to return there on horseback.

During the ride back to the Rock, he began to think of different ways to stand up to the emperor and make him understand that he was in love with Daena and could see himself spending the rest of his adult life with her.


"From the day you were born, I have taught you one very important lesson countless times, Daegal. Your duty to the Estor tribe, Nebulos, Volcaris and the rest of the fucking continent comes before personal desires. Isn't that what I have taught you?!" Emperor Vulcan yelled as his temper rose.

"Yes, father," Daegal answered softly with his eyes cast down to the stone floor. When he was ushered into the throne room for an audience with his father instead of either of their chambers, Daegal realized that he was indeed in a great amount of trouble.

"So, can you tell me why you have been frolicking around with a prostitute in the streets of the capital?" Vulcan asked, trying to contain his anger.

"Father, she is not a prostitute! I love her and I will not allow you to criticize her virtues!" Daegal argued as he began to fume.

"Oh, so I should not address her as what she is because you have developed some…irrelevant feelings for a commoner? What sort of spell could she have cast on one of the most advanced wizards the continent has ever seen, to cause him to forget his duties to his tribe?" Vulcan inquired furiously as he stared down at his son.

"My feelings for her are genuine and not at all irrelevant, Father, please! I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and only her!" Daegal exclaimed, pleading with his father with folded hands.

Emperor Vulcan could not believe that the son he had spent his time raising had turned out to be so weak as to let a common woman rule over both his heart and mind to the point of making him forget his duties to the continent.

Daegal on the other hand had no issues with performing his duties to the continent but he would not relent if those duties wished him to the apart from the woman he was in love with.

Emperor Vulcan knew what he had to do. It was a decision he would have chosen not to make had his son listened to him. He could not have his heir be weak and a victim of emotions. He would save his son from himself.

"Bring the girl in!" Vulcan instructed to the guards standing on either side of his son.

Daegal looked around in bewilderment. Surely, it could not be who he feared it was. He had seen her leave with his own eyes. No, she was safe in her house.

"Please, let me go. I swear to never be a problem. Please!" A voice Prince Daegal knew all too well, cried out as the bearer was dragged into the throne room, the burning torches lining the stone walls illuminating her figure as she struggled fruitlessly against the guards.

The guards threw her at the steps ascending to the throne without care. She landed on her hands, a short cry of pain escaping her lips.

Daegal stopped himself from rushing to her as he had originally wanted to, so as to not incite more of his father's anger.

"What is this? Why have you brought her here? She has done nothing wrong. If you are looking for someone to punish for the supposed wrongdoings then punish me but spare her! Father, I'm begging you!" Daegal pleaded, taking a step forward.

Daena was shaking like a leaf. She had no idea of what the emperor might do to her for being involved with his son. It wasn't her fault that she was born without royal blood flowing in her veins. Muttering a prayer to the creator, she slid her eyes shut.

"I am punishing you. What is about to be done might seem cruel to you, but it is necessary as it would teach you to be stronger, my son," Emperor Vulcan said to a confused Daegal, his tone softer.

Nodding his head to his guards, they understood his instructions and began carrying them out. The taller guard came up behind Daegal, locking his arms while the shorter guard stalked toward Daena, unsheathing a dagger from its place on his hip.

Realizing what was about to happen, Daegal began to struggle against his captor but all to no avail. Fear and anxiety flooded his being as the shorter guard grabbed a hold of Daena. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she mouthed, "I love you, My Prince."

And her throat was slit open.

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