Chapter 5

Losing the most important person in my life was my breaking point. Remembering back, it was at this point I lost the will to leave.

Nothing held meaning anymore, not the urge to continue moving on when there was nothing to live for anymore.

The beautiful house, bright lights, floral gowns, and made-up face.

Speaking of made-up face, it was a lot of mess streaking down my face, soiling the white gown I wore. My shoes had been kicked off my feet as I lay on the rug on the floor, sobbing with my hands wrapped around my knees.

I couldn't fathom how many minutes or even hours I had been lying down here, blocking the outside world out. The girl who helped me dress looked helpless, trying to get me up and to the car.

All she received was a teary stare before she scurried for.

There was no use going to the church to continue this mess. The reason was dead; the cause could have been alive if two men who owned so much had just helped me out.

Greg! A burning sensation filled my chest at the mention of his name. He succeeded in his want for revenge, so he better get married to his goddamn best friend himself.

I stood up from the floor, grabbed my phone, and began to walk out of the room. Reaching the door, the knob suddenly turned, and the hinges flew open.

And in came Enzo with the most devilish countenance I had ever seen. His face was a deep shade of crimson, and dressed in a four-piece white suit; it seemed he had come down here from the church.

"What's going on, Lily " he glared at me, then pointing aggressively towards the opened door; he yelled, "The church is fucking waiting, Lily; why the fuck was I asked to come to see this stupidity, Lily!"

I smiled sadly amidst the tears, "At least all you get is your soiled face of being stood up, but I," I pointed to my chest, "I just lost my mother," my lower lips trembled, "I begged you, I pleaded with you Enzo, I promised to do anything you wanted me to do if only you save my mum."

He stood staring at me blankly, the redness of his face increasing with every word I spat out to him.

"Now my mum is dead! are you happy now?" I leaned forward, pointing angry fingers at him, "But you know what? I don't care if you get your stupid inheritance; I hope it's given to someone else, you sick fu..."

I didn't complete my statement when he suddenly pulled a gun from his side and pointed it at my face.

I gasped, pulling back from him, my knees threatening to give way, "What are you doing."

His following action was to slam the gun across my face sending me spiraling on the floor, my head going fuzzy from the excruciating pain searing through me.

I blinked repeatedly, struggling to get my sight straight, when his clenched fist came down on my face again.

I lay sprawled on the floor, feeling dead than alive, the pain throbbing in my body so much; it was hard to find the tears for it.

His hand tightened around my hair as he pulled me up so I was facing him now, his face close to mine. He spat, "What's that, Lily? Where's your big mouth now."

His fingers wrapped around my neck, and I swallowed the huge lump in my throat from the terror. 

"Stood up to? By you?" his brows knitted, "You don't make me a fool in front of anyone, or else" he pushed the muzzle of the gun into my mouth, "I promise, I won't feel no guilt blasting your fucking face off, understand!"

I nodded mechanically.

"So you know, I do not give a fuck if your mother's dead or going to hell" he pushed me to the floor, "Wear your shoes."

Sitting up, feeling the thick warm liquid sliding down my nose and the bruise on my swollen lips, I knew best to adhere.

So in pain, I picked up my shoes and put them on.

Done, I stood up, and with a slight limp, and a determination not to look into the mirror, I walked past him with my head lowered.

He held my shoulder, forcing me to stand in front of him. He flipped my veil so it covered my face entirely, then holding my wrist, he pulled me out of the door and outside into the waiting car.

In the car, he pushed a hanky into my hand. "Clean your face; it's a fucking mess."

Holding the small cloth, I reached under the veil to my face, but with each slight touch, the pain became unbearable; shutting my eyes and feeling the wetness of my lids, I swallowed my sobs.

Enzo's phone rang, and soon he was speaking into it, "I took care of her. We are on our way."

No one had to tell me it was Greg on the other end.

We reached the church about fifteen minutes later, and suddenly he was grabbing my hand, pulling me out of the car. My gait, unable to match his pace, I stumbled behind him.

At the church entrance, I spotted Greg, and Enzo approached him and then pushed me toward my cousin, who caught me without stress.

"Get your fucking cousin in order," he snarled at Greg, "else her blood will be the next thing on my hands."

He stormed into the church.

Greg straightened me, then, raising the veil, he grimaced at my face before dropping it down, "Jesus, Lily, look what you did to yourself."

"My mother is dead, Greg," I gritted behind the veil, "I don't want to go through with this anymore."

He shook his head before linking his arms to mine, "Too late, spitfire. Stay calm; else even I won't be able to save you from Enzo."

We began to walk into the church, where the tune of 'here comes the Bride' filled my ears.

Everyone stood up, looking at the bride on the aisle with no clue about the crime hidden behind the veil besides how he had gathered so many people in a very short time.

"That's Enzo's mum, " Greg whispered as we passed a woman in a milk-colored suit and a fashionable white hat. "She's not happy with whatever Enzo is doing."

"As she shouldn't."

Greg slightly laughed, "It isn't going to favor you."

Finally, I stood before Enzo, staring at the monster who glared back at my veil. 

I could hear everyone taking their seats.

And the priest began, "Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we gather here today to celebrate the beautiful union of Lily Silviano and Enzo Dimitri. As a priest, it is an honor and a privilege to be part of this joyous occasion, joining these two souls in holy matrimony."

I numbed myself out, refusing to feel anything else, not the pain, not the terror, and definitely not the impending danger that seemed to close in on me with every second that passed.

"Marriage is a sacred bond, a covenant not only between the couple standing before us but also with God."

I wanted to scream at the priest, yell that God didn't give a shit about this marriage and not about me.

Or maybe not about anyone. Mum dying was proof of that.

I tried not to glare at the art on the church altar wall.

"...Today, we witness the beginning of a new chapter in their journey, a chapter filled with love, understanding, and shared dreams."

A shadow suddenly appeared at the entrance, catching my attention, and when I turned, meeting the green eyes, even in my dilemma, I frowned.

In a black suit jacket over a skin-tight black polo shirt on black pants and shoes, he had a cross pendant dangling from his neck.

Dark hair was smoother now, and he seemed to stare straight at me.

It was the crazy guy I had crossed paths with at the hotel, and for some reason, he suddenly looked taller and attracted attention as he walked down the aisle with so much purpose I thought he was coming down to me.

In his right hand, swinging as he walked, was a bouquet of Lilies.

What was he doing here?

I didn't know how long my eyes were stuck on him, but when Enzo's harsh whisper of, "What the hell are you staring at?" I returned my attention to my soon to be husband Puzzlement still pulling in my head.

I noticed the priest had stopped talking, and Enzo pulled close and lifted the veil off my face.

At the sight of my face, the church erupted in mutters, mumbles, and whispers. Even the priest caught his breath.

Behind Enzo, Greg pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disappointment. 

"what happened here" The priest demanded.

"None of your business," Enzo muttered calmly, "Continue with the sermon."

The priest's face reddened with anger and disgust, "I will do no..."

In a swift pull, Enzo's gun was right at the center of his head, "I do not like to repeat myself, Father. Get this fucking ceremony done with."

And the priest's face turning white in terror, suddenly losing his relaxed demeanor, began to stutter, "Pl- place the rin-ring on her..."

I turned my head to spot the stranger in the back seat of the church; his fingers tightened around the bouquet's stems, eyes glaring straight ahead at me.

Enzo began to slip the ring into my finger.

'If you need help, call this...' 

Wasn't that what the stranger had said, staring into my eyes while pushing the paper into my hand?

"Lily..." Enzo called my name, and I turned to face him again

He tilted his head at the ring, sitting on the bed, "Your turn."

At that moment, I was willing to try anything and everything to get out of this hell before it enveloped me completely.

I turned to the stranger whose eyes had not left me, then forcing my swollen lips open, I mouthed, "ADLER."

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