Chapter 4

Deep in thought as to what she wanted to do with her life, Topaz sat on the hospital bed after Adams had left to go see how his company was being operated on since he left “Was it right for her to think it through and accept?

What if her abusive husband? But maybe he wouldn’t care that much since she was rushed to the hospital by Adams he had not even as much as given her a phone call and that was when she realised that she had not held her phone since she was brought to the hospital may be the bastard had taken her phone thinking she was going to die and no one was going to find her body she was bitter as she sat on the bed thinking of good things that could come with her being in a fake marriage with Adams.

Just as she was thinking deeply Doctor entered the ward with a piece of paper containing all of her results and the vitamins she was supposed to be taking as she was expected to be healthy for the sake of the baby.

A hundred million was no child’s play and if she had this money she could not only take care of herself and the child but also she could file for a divorce and then boom she would be able to be free from this man who had caused her to come to this hospital in a condition that looked worst than that of a beggar.

All she wanted was to be happy. That is her baby would be given the best life forever and she too would be fit from it because as it was if she accepted him she was going to through all of these thoughts just kept her thinking so much that she had a headache but she had to rest as she turned on the bed and go to sleep she needed to take her time before she made a decision she sure was going to regret the rest of her life she had somehow hurried into getting married to her husband thinking if she got married to him he was going to change is the abusive man he was and treat her right but she was wrong as he not only verbally abuse her he went on to hitting her with his fists and making her bleed sometimes and all she could do was hide her pain under a fake smile and some makeup and she looked like everything was going well.

Her husband was never that bright in school as they had schooled together and she was the one who helped him without his projects but at the end of the day he began having the money and instead of taking care of her, he became more of a beast than a companion to her.

These things roamed through her head and she found it difficult to agree as to how she could validate her feelings.

At some point, she had thought her husband had bipolar because he would be calm and nice to her and the next he was throwing tantrums and blaming her for something that had happened years back when they were dating as high school sweethearts the mistake she made on that faithful day was to ask him to go see a doctor.

She remembered having entered the emergency room that day and tan away after that but he had found her and somehow he managed to convince her into moving in with him and promised to be a good man with no hitting and battering of her as his then-girlfriend.

Even though she was stupid to have gone back as her friends said but she felt in her that the man who had won’t her back into his arms was a changed man little did she know he was a narcissistic bastard who only wanted to validate his ego because he knew whatever he wanted he was going to get it and he treated her like one of his properties and since she didn’t know she was pregnant before now it only meant he didn’t know she was pregnant with their baby and here she was having a juicy offer of making her life and that of her baby super comfortable for some years because she was going to be taken care of as per a piece of paper signed contract for the countries biggest business tycoon and eligible bachelor how lucky could she get?

Her mind was made up and she was going to do what her heart wanted her to do she knew whatever decision she was taking was for the betterment of her life and that of her baby.

She thought touching her stomach which was as flat as a chopping board for now.

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a good place in her life she just loved being positive at all times she wanted to be in a place of bliss and not to think of her terrible life of brutal beatings and hurt.

Topaz wanted to get to her feet and she was going to start doing that now so she slowly drifted off to sleep with beautiful thoughts coming to mind as she dreamt of a better life with no abusive husband.

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