Chapter 2. Starting from the End

Mira’s POV

[In the present world]

“You mean nothing to me! Nothing!”

That was exactly what Braze told me. In the middle of a hall room full of people.

As if that was not embarrassing, it was supposed to be the day he was officially going to announce our relationship.

Ah! Stupid me. I had even done my nails for the occasion. Guess I would just have to work an extra shift to get over that expense.

Hanging around with boys, looking for their attention, those were the last things on my already over saturated mind. I had a dog and two cats to feed, work as many shifts as I could, part-time, to collect my future college fees. I had a mother to take care of who still thought she could climb Mount Everest with severe spondylitis. I am leaving out the part where I had to study and also try to fit in my new environment. It was over a year ago that I changed schools, yet the students never saw me as one of them. Probably because I was a scholarship student and my family did not have a ‘respectable’ background.

To be honest, all they actually respected was money and honestly we did lack in that aspect.

Braze was the only one who understood me.

Look after me. Protected me from their taunting. That was until that night.

To have him as my best friend was privileged enough. I had never thought he would ever become my boyfriend.

But he did. I had no idea for what reason, back then.

I had known Braze from our art expeditions. Painting was something I really enjoyed. It took me places. And quite influential places to be precise because me and Brake, first met in one such event. From there started our journey. Our friendship.

We played together in the park, made graffiti on the walls together. We participated in many competitions, together as a team and also won a lot of prizes.

I lost touch with him when he left for the ‘ better’ opportunities overseas.

I was back inside my own shell, painting and studying.

It was one of those paintings that got me into my present school.

A prestigious one in the country. And my mother was on top of the moon.

Cunningham High. A school for the elites amongst elites.

But as usual the moment I entered the campus, bullies started taunting me, starting with my hair and going to my bag, shoes and even my innerwear brand.

Braze came as a Messiah in the middle of all that.

I didn’t know at that time, but he was the son of the school principal. His parents had got a divorce, so he was back with his mother. And boy, I honestly was so happy at that news.

It was too good to be true, almost like a dream. He came with his shining armor, saving me from the bullies.

I clung onto him henceforth, like butter and a knife. I was the butter everybody wanted to melt, he was the knife that they dreaded.

The year went by with him like a fairytale but like all stories and all dreams, it too had to come to an end.

But I never expected it to be like this. So abrupt.

He had been my boyfriend for nine whole months. And it had been me who had insisted on keeping it a secret, away from all prying eyes.

He was reluctant but he obliged.

“Mira, I can’t do this anymore. I want to let everybody know. I want to show my girlfriend off. Come one Mira! At the ball, I want to introduce you to my family. I mean they already know and adore you, but I want to make things official. Please babe!”

He looked at me with his ocean blue eyes, melting my insides as I gradually nodded my head.

I began counting my savings. Broke my piggy bank. Asked my mother for some money. Borrowed a little from my employers.

Then I went straight shopping. I got the best gown they had in my budget. Got a new pair of shoes. Then headed towards the salon. There I did my hair, my makeup and also did my nails, even after going over budget. It was lucky I knew the hairdresser. She agreed to grant me that credit.

And I already mentioned how things went downhill from there.

I had no idea why Braze was being like that. He was a completely changed person. Like, someone I did not know or recognize at all.

I was not even worried about my tears as they were dropping at an alarming rate.

The laughter from the corners of the hall echoed in my head.

It was ringing like a loud alarm bell so I had to close my ears.

Braze did not even stop to look at me after he pushed me away.

No, not just with his words, he literally pushed me off the stairs.

I was just trying to follow him upstairs to sort out if there was any miscommunication.

He cut me off like a knife cuts butter.

Smooth and clear.

So ultimately, that was our relationship. Butter and knife.

His betrayal pierced me like a dagger at the heart.

I stood up, all by myself and started walking again.

I got rid of those newly bought heels. Not because I was angry but because they were uncomfortable. I needed to walk out of there with speed, yet my feet were hardly dragging the weight of my body.

It could not be worse that it was raining when I came out.

Perhaps it was a good thing.

Nobody saw the tears staining my cheeks so made-up with makeup.

Nobody saw me because I was the only one walking down that road with my shoes in my hand, lifting a fancy gown, bare feet.

Only a few cars zoomed past me. I didn’t even spare a glance.

Until one bright light came right at me and I screamed out loud.

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