Chapter 3. Second Chance

Mira’s POV

I always had this super power to sleep through my worries.

Have you ever done that? Umm, it’s more like hibernation but since I am human, they call it depression.

Anyways, I found myself sleeping. Sleeping always made me feel great.

But then this was no normal sleep. I could feel that something was different.

Was it the bed? Was it much softer than my recliner? Don’t be fooled, I am a pauper. My recliner was simply a sofa that doubled as my bed.

I touched around before slowly opening my eyes.

Voila! I was definitely in someone else’s bed.

Then the stream of thoughts came rushing back in, the drama, the rejection, the humiliation and then I remembered the pain.

I sat up with a start and caught my head in between my hands.


It hurt. It hurt real bad. I could feel the cloth of the bandage wrapped around my head.

“Take it slow girl! You will make your skull crack open again.”

I could barely see his handsome face through my cloudy vision. I rubbed my eyes. It wasn’t like I needed glasses. Why did everything look so translucent?

I tried rubbing the fog off.

“Take it slow girl. You hurt your head. It’s not a surprise if your vision got bad. Give it some time. The doctor said it will be alright.”

I turned towards him with such a force that my skull wiggled like a jello.

But he grabbed me right on time. His arms were strong and muscular but his grip was gentle.

The moment I breathed in his scent, all my pain washed over. It was a very familiar scent. Was it a very popular perfume?

“You came right in front of my car last night.” He explained while he helped me lean back.

His breath on my face felt like the virgin air from the mountains. “It was raining cats and dogs and, ummm, honestly, I was out driving my own car but, you know, I don’t yet have a license. It doesn’t mean I am a bad driver. I drive all the time,” he immediately protested but I hadn’t uttered a single objection.

“But since I didn’t have the docs, I couldn’t take you to a hospital. I didn’t know what to do. So I brought you straight over here.”

I tried to look around, for the first time. My vision had cleared a little. It felt like I was in a suit. The room was huge and all white, with a master bed where I was, a side table and a chandelier on top. Had he brought me to a hotel, because he couldn’t take me to a hospital?

And then I looked down. My clothes were changed and I was wearing a matching white nightgown.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” The shriek left my mouth, knowing full well how the intensity would hurt my head.

As if I had summoned them with my shrieking spell, a line of maids and butlers came rushing. They poured in through the entrance.

“What’s the matter young master?” They asked in unison. Their question was directed at the boy though my voice was what had drawn their attention.

“Did you change my clothes and bring me to a hotel, just because you couldn’t take me to a hospital?” I continued with my protest even though they had just ignored my existence. I had just been rejected yesterday, that didn’t mean anybody else could have the opportunity to have me, that too, without my consent, no matter how handsome or attractive he was. That was my inner conscience.

“I didn’t change your clothes. Mrs. Smith did.” A round woman stepped forward from the line. She bowed and smiled, standing in the front,

“And this isn’t a hotel. I brought you back to my house.” He completed the statement, in his defense.

“Your house?” I had to gulp. I might have been a pauper but I had seen what was supposed to be elite homes before. This was different. Different, as in huge.

I looked around once again and this time my face came, dangerously close to his nose.

I gulped once more.

With my vision all cleared up, his beauty struck my heart like a thunderbolt. How could a male be so pretty?

I didn’t realize but I was actually glaring at him and he looked kind of flustered.

“Ahem! Young Master. Since the young miss is already awake, we will take it from here. You can go and rest. You have not even taken a nap since last night, young master. We are worried about your health. The young miss looks weathered. I am sure she will be alright and she will be up and running in no time.”

And the ‘Great Wall of Mrs. Smith’ came right in between his visuals and my sight.

It was like an eclipse over the bright moon, shining in the night sky.

“Are you sure she will be alright?” I heard his effort at resisting but I knew it was as feeble as his voice.

I fell back on the bed as I saw him being escorted out of the room.

The smiling face of Mrs. Smith zoomed in on me, “Are you hungry young miss?” Her question kind of resonated like a threat.

“No, thanks!”

I tried to sit up but was brutally pushed back on the pillow.

“Rest!” Mrs. Smith ordered with a stern smile. “Rest till you have fully recovered. We don’t want any trouble later. You will be given full compensation for the accident and after you leave this mansion, you will not know any of us or our young master.”

I moved back as she leaned in. It was a terrifying site. I wanted to run away in that instance but my body would not catch that rhyme. I was still too weak.

Her hands came towards me as I ducked in fright. Was that about to land in a slap?

Phew! It didn’t. Instead, she patted my head.

“You look like a clever child. I wish you all the best in your life. Rest assured that you will be able to do things that you never tried in your entire life with the money that you will carry out of this place, in your bag.”

This time I didn’t miss the sparkle from her golden tooth as she tucked me in like a little child.

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