Book cover of “Depth of Hatred“ by Winter Snow

Depth of Hatred

  • Genre: Romance
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Winter Snow
"I wish I had never met you!" "How deep is your hate for me to say that?" "I hate you so much! I swear I will make you grieve for as long as we live together!" She is his unwanted wife, and he hates her. He is a billionaire who was mistakenly accused of sexual abuse. A lie that brought shame to him and his wealthy clan. As a result, his grandf... 

Chapter 1

Ten-year-old Melisa, with his family, flies to Europe. They will have a one-week vacation in one of the most popular tourist spots there. They are too excited about their trip. Unfortunately, the plane had a problem because of the sudden weather change. The weather gets terrible. Heavy rainfall. The loud sound of thunder and lightning flashes affects the plane's smooth flight. Lightning struck a part of a plane that crashed. The plane went down on an unknown island before reaching its destination. Even worse of all, the plane landed in a body of water where the shore is more than several meters away from where the plane crashed.

Melisa was trapped in her seat while her family members were safe after they ran out of the plane, which was about to explode.

Melisa struggles to remove her seatbelt. Fire spreads around her. She is not alright. She can't breathe.

Finally, she removed her seatbelt. She ran as fast as she could to get out of the plane, which was about to explode.

Before it exploded, Melisa managed to get out, but it was just a matter of seconds.


She jumped into the water. Float again.


Some glasses were shattered!

Debris was scattered everywhere.

PAK! A large piece of debris hit her head, causing her to faint and lose consciousness. Her body was submerged in the water, then floated again.

The big waves splashed on Melisa's body and carried it away from where the crash occurred. Because she lost consciousness, her body was carried away by the big waves on the other side of the island.

Fortunately, her body was entangled on a log that floated on the water like her body, which was carried away by the big waves. Melisa's body was taken to the seaside near a fishing port and a beach resort.

A few hours later. Slowly, snowflakes fell. The cold snowflakes falling on her face woke her up. When she wakes up, her head and body are in too much pain. She can't remember what happened. Why is she floating on the water alongside the log? And sadly of all, she doesn't remember who she is.

Melisa's palms perspire even in cold weather. A drop of sweat trickled down her forehead. She scanned the area for any signs of human beings. It's dark out there. She doesn't even know where she is.

In the distance, she sees faint lights from distant buildings. What she sees is a hotel and restaurants and cottages near the beach.

The cold wind bite made Melisa's teeth clatter. At the seaside, she feels cold. Because she was too chilly, hungry, and dizzy, she lost consciousness again.

But an hour later, she was awake and felt nervous when she heard voices meters away from where she was. Then he saw several men in a group of six. They walk along the seashore, heading to a distant place that her sight can't reach. They look like gangsters. Melisa prays that they will not notice her place. She feels afraid of them because they look savage. Melisa was relieved when the men's group passed by without noticing her. She is still sitting on the seashore where she was carried away by the big waves.

Several minutes later, Melisa heard a motorboat approaching. An old man drives it. And there's a man and a woman who look like passengers. They get off the motorboat carrying a seafood container as they walk to the seaside. The woman notices Melisa, so they stop walking and approach Melisa.

“Hey kid, do you need help? Are you lost? Are you a fisherman's daughter or a tourist?”

“Yes. "I need help,” Melisa said, feeling nervous because she was not sure if she would trust strangers.

“Come with us.” We live in a nearby town. We own a small seafood restaurant at a nearby beach resort. Don't be afraid… my husband and I will help you until you can return to your family…” The woman said, smiling at Melisa.

“Thank you.”

“Anyway, what is your name?” the woman asked.

Melisa couldn't answer immediately because she didn't even remember her name until she saw a small written name on the bracelet she was wearing.


“Alright. I'm Lupin and this is Esmeralda.”

“A pleasure meeting you Ma'am, Sir!”

“Nice meeting you too!”

Melisa travels with them to their home. Melisa notices that the house they live in is ungraceful. She meets their two children who always quarrel and make trouble, disturbing the peace inside the house.

Melisa thinks she needs to get out of the place as much as possible. Unfortunately, she doesn't know where she is heading. She doesn't even remember herself.

Weeks passed. She was still stranded in that house because she didn't remember where she lived. Esmeralda and Lupin's true attitudes slowly reveal and treat her badly. Since she has no money to spend during her stay at Lupin and Esmeralda's house, she needs to do plenty of household chores. This is in exchange for living in their house.

“Melisa, darling, since you have no money to spend on your expenses and there's no such thing as free board and lodging here. I'm afraid you need to help me do household chores here in the house in exchange for us allowing you to stay here. I hope it is fine for you."

“Yes, it's fine with me, Aunt Esmeralda. Please don't send me out of your house because I don't know where to go…”

“Alright, dear. All you have to do is start cleaning the whole house first and do the laundry later…okay?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Okay. Good girl! Come on, start doing it.”

A month later…

“Melisa, it's been another month, but you still don't remember where your home is. I have no choice but to send you out of my house because it appears to me that you will be a burden for me…”

“Aunt, please don't send me out. I have nowhere to go….please?”

“Alright…. Hmm… I think the jewelry set you are wearing is expensive…are you willing to give that to me?”

“What if I give it to you? Will you allow me to stay in your house as long as I don't remember where my home is?”

“Hmm… Yes…”



When Melisa heard what Esmeralda said, she removed the jewelry she was wearing and gave it to Esmeralda immediately.

“Here…take these!”

Melisa wears jewelry. Esmeralda sold her to a pawnbroker. Then she allowed Melisa to stay in their house for a longer period. They do not know where they will bring Melisa to find her family again.

Since Melisa's jewelry is valued highly, Esmeralda and Lupin got additional capital for their small seafood restaurant.

Lupin also bought a second-hand vehicle, an old pickup truck. He uses the pickup truck to buy seafood from the fishing port to cook in their small seafood restaurant near the beach resort. In that beach resort, many wealthy people hang around, and they are mostly clients who order food from Lupin and Esmeralda's restaurants.

On the other hand, Melisa's family, relatives, and friends are mourning the news about Melisa.

The rescuers and airline authorities claimed Melisa died in that tragic plane crash. They concluded that Melisa was trapped inside the plane and could not escape before it exploded. Melisa is alive and has temporary amnesia.

Because officials have confirmed that Melisa was dead after their thorough investigation, Melisa's family believes such reports are true.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

In an elegant living room, a handsome rich man sits on a long sofa holding a bottle of brandy. He drinks and cries. He is Travis, Melisa's father. Not only that, but he can't accept that he lost his favorite daughter to his stylish, sophisticated dead wife.

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