Chapter 3

Alessandro Maurizio


"Boss, for real, you're gonna kill her."

"Shut the fuck up." I seethed. "You're the reason she's here right now." Accompanying my words, I let go of her and she stumbled back, a sick satisfaction settling in my veins when I see her rubbing her neck, coughing profusely.

A glance at her told me her neck was slightly bruised. Good. When she looks in the mirror and sees my mark on her, she'd have to reconsider everything coming out of her mouth.

I trained a hard look on Carlo. He knew the rules. He knew not to employ a girl to sell d***s, and most especially not one who looked like a teenager. She'd be easy to break if a rival ever kidnapped her for information. "I'm so sorry, boss. It wouldn't happen again."

"Damn right, it won't. I'll kill you if you ever make a mistake like this again. She's not even twenty-two yet." That was another rule. I didn't want to be responsible for kids dropping out of college because they felt they'd gotten a stable and well-paying job, even if it was illegal.

"I swear, it won't."

Seeing the honesty in his eyes, I nodded and went back to my chair. I still had work to do after all. "You're dismissed." They didn't move though and I looked up at them irritated. I hated when people didn't follow my orders. "What?"

Carlo lowered his gaze to the ground, still embarrassed by the mistake of hiring a girl. "What do I do about her, boss?"

I didn't have to think twice about it. "Fire her." Her mouth dropped open as she gaped at me. Did she seriously expect me to keep her in the business? She wasn't even trained. "If you don't close that mouth, sweetheart, I'll put it to better use."

She snapped her mouth close and I had to resist a chuckle, only for her to open it again. "What? What do you mean by firing her? I didn't do anything!"

Agitated, I rubbed my forehead with a sigh. She was beginning to piss me off and at this point, I could actually kill her. Her life was only spared the first time because she technically didn't do anything wrong and I didn't just kill innocent people.

"I'm pretty sure you know this, Jordan, but my word goes," I spoke in a deadly calm tone that had her gulping. I knew she was scared of me. She was only trying to mask it with false toughness. It was a smart move, only she wasn't doing so well. "Right now, I'd like for you to get the fuck out."

The unreasonable twat opened her mouth to speak again but was saved as Carlo dragged her ass out, probably the only smart one between the two. Saved because I honestly didn't know what I would've done if she dared to defile me one more time.

I wondered why the hell she even wanted to involve herself in something as dangerous as the Mafia. Did she have ties? 

Completely abandoning the work I had to do, I clicked on Google and typed her name in. Jordan Miller. The only thing that pulled up was a picture of her and a private Instagram account.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Patrizio. "Find out everything on Jordan Miller," I ordered as soon as he answered on the first ring.

"Yes, boss."

I went back to clearing out the database on the two men whose lives I'd just taken in the living room. If they had any family — hopefully, they didn't — who wanted to report them as missing, the police wouldn't even believe they existed, and if they did, they were easy to silence.

It didn't take an hour before Pat knocked on my door, coming in before I could permit him to. The only reason he was able to do that was that we grew up together. I was thirteen and an only child when my padre brought Pat home. He was from Italy, just like us, and had recently lost his family.

I was elated. It wasn't easy being an only child, especially not you were being groomed from a young age to take over as the don. Pat made the training bearable as I finally had a partner to mock the trainers with me. 

We didn't necessarily take those training seriously, and my padre didn't force it on us either. It was only when the house was attacked and my parents were killed I was forced to grow up. I was sure the only reason I was spared was that they wanted to come back another time to finish the job if the recent cryptic messages we were receiving were anything to go by.

My father's underboss taught me all I needed to know until he eventually retired, wanting to live a peaceful life with his wife and children in a small town away from Chicago.

I'd kill and die for Pat, but I would never tell him that. Vulnerability wasn't allowed in a business like mine.

"I've got a folder on her, boss."

He dropped the folder on my desk and dropped himself on the chair Jordan was previously occupying. I picked it up deftly, opening the first page. It was just basic information like her name, age, date of birth, religion, and other boring shit. 

The next page was about why, when, and how she started dealing with d***s. She looked so fucking innocent and scared, I wonder how the hell she was able to keep up with the perverts she sold to. The page also showed all the jobs she'd worked before finally settling on d**** dealing. Did she know that she could get apprehended?

The last page was on her parents' death. They were killed in a fire, and if I'd learned anything from the Mafia world, it was that things weren't always as they seemed from the outside. I had to look more into this, but I didn't have the energy for that at that moment. It'd have to wait. For now, I wanted to unwind.

"Thanks." I directed at Pat as I stood up, him standing along with me respectfully. We began to walk out together. "If possible, find more on the death of her parents."

"You're oddly interested in this girl's case."

I gave him a wry smile. "It isn't every day I summon all my dealers and see a teenage girl standing in between them."

"Fair enough." He nodded.

I stopped in front of a door. "You're returning with me to Italy in a week."

"As you wish, boss." Pat rolled his eyes with a smile that I felt like punching out of his face. He always said I was too demanding, but I didn't make any effort to change. If I wanted to get things done, I had to be assertive. "Have fun." He smirked.

"Oh, I will," I smirked back at him with a devilish twinkle in my eyes. Opening the door, I was met with the same blonde girl I'd left on the bed. She was still in nothing but her panties, her breasts exposed, and her hands and legs cuffed to the sides of the bed. What excited me though was the gun placed in between her open legs. I'd been pleasuring her with it before I left and it was satisfying that she hadn't moved from her position for more than an hour.

That was what I liked, obedient little girls that wouldn't run their mouths off and get themselves strangled. Although, the one on the bed would probably love it.

Her head turned to the side at my arrival and she licked her lips in anticipation. "Welcome back, master."

A sinister smile played on my lips, as I approached her. "You're still in position."

"I'm yours to use as you like, sir." The blonde said it like it was rehearsed.

I didn't waste any time ripping her panties off, the last piece of clothing on her, seeing her pussy already glistening. "Oh, I'm gonna use you alright," I informed her, trying out the strangling thing on her. If possible, she got even wetter. Feeling satisfied, I uncuffed her. "You're mine to use right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get on your fucking knees, darling."

Her limbs were tired from lying down idle for so long, but she didn't waste any time falling to her knees and putting her hands behind her back.

And that was exactly what I did.

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