Chapter 4

Jordan Miller


"I'm... gonna swinggggg from the chandelier, from the chandelier!" I watched Catherine slide on the ground, her knees scraping the floor as she sang her heart out. "I'm... gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist, like it doesn't exist."

I smiled wryly. If only I could live like that; like the next day didn't exist, like I didn't have to worry about finding money for my tuition if I didn't want to be forced to take a student loan. And one thing I hated was being in debt, which was why I paid off my father's debt as soon as possible, even if I never knew about it until he was gone.

In a way, I was jealous of Catherine. She was living without a care in the world while I was there trying to think of ways to make a living.

It was the only reason my friends were at my place at that moment. When I'd come back from the mansion last Friday, all my supplies were gone. I didn't know how they knew where I kept them, but they did and managed to strip them away from me. Alessandro had been fucking serious when he said I was fired. I didn't think he was bluffing, but I also didn't think he would act that fast. Since then, I didn't know what to do.

I had tried applying for jobs close to the university, but no place was hiring. The only one that had a vacancy offered seven dollars per night and I could only work three nights a week. Of course, I didn't take it. Seven dollars couldn't pay my tuition.

"You're thinking again." A whisper in my ear from Spencer brought me back to reality and I smiled sheepishly at him. "Just like you've been doing these past few days."

He was right. For the past few days, I was always caught lost in my thoughts. They didn't know why though. They thought I had a full scholarship, just like Spencer, and only had to worry about rent and feeding.

At the beginning of our sophomore year, Catherine had suggested we rent a place together, wanting to reduce the money I needed to spend each month, but I refused. I couldn't have her around d***s. She was a recovering ad***t. Besides, I wasn't sure if I wanted anyone to know what I've been up to, was up to.

"Jordan." Spencer raised an inquiring eyebrow that had me shaking my thoughts away.

"Sorry, sorry. Just thinking about stuff."

I said it dismissively, expecting him to drop it, but this was Spencer we were talking about. He wasn't my best friend if he didn't take everything I said seriously. He turned me around on the couch so I was facing him properly. "What's wrong?"

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Blake eyeing us suspiciously. I held back a chuckle. I knew he had a thing for me, but I didn't know how I would break it to him that it wouldn't happen.

I opened my mouth to say nothing, but Spencer shot me a stern look. I chewed my bottom lip as I tried to think about what to tell him.

"I lost my job."

Spencer's face scrunched up in confusion. He was quite adorable with that expression on. "How?"

Jordan, think. "Uh... Some people reported my account, I guess, and it was taken down."

"Create a new one then." He shrugged as though that was the solution to my problem. I wish it was that easy. 

"Do you know how hard it is to get a job with a new account? I'd have to start building my career from the ground up." I was exasperated, even if that wasn't what I was annoyed about. It was Alessandro. Thinking about him made my blood boil and I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him in a while. How could he just strip someone of their means of living and not feel remorse? "Temporary career," I added when a cocky smile formed on his lips.

He pursed his lips. "I don't know. Maybe, I could talk to my manager and see if he's hiring?"

"Don't worry about it, Spence. I'm sure I'll figure it out." And I would. I just didn't know how yet.

A couch cushion landing on my face broke our conversation and I looked at the culprit with a scowl on my face. Catherine smiled sheepishly at me. "You guys are acting secretive."

Spencer shrugged. "It's not a secret. It's just-" this time, I hit him in the face with the cushion that was thrown at me. When he gave me an appalled look, I gave him a look that read that he should keep his mouth shut because it indeed was a secret.

I didn't want all of them to start worrying about me, and I definitely didn't want my unemployment to be the topic of our conversation tonight.

Spencer dragged his thumb and index finger across his lips in a zip-like motion and then turned to meet Catherine and Blake's curious gazes. "Turns out it is a secret, sorry."

I facepalmed. Sometimes, Spencer could be an idiot.


Catherine batted her eyelashes seductively and the bouncer let us in. I was quite shocked, Catherine didn't seem like the type to socialize with people like that.

After a movie together at my place, we'd decided to hit a club. The guys had to go home and get ready while I and Catherine got ready at my place. I was a bit thinner than her, but I had a few dresses that would suit her, considering I loved dresses a lot.

My dress on her was overly fitted and accentuated all her curves, which was probably why the bouncer let us in without a problem after she whispered something in his ear and batted her lashes at him. Pretty girl privileges.

After that, the boys had come back to pick us up, so we could all go together, and for once, I wasn't the designated driver. Spencer, understanding my predicament, took on the role.

"I'll go get us drinks. Find us a table." Catherine told us before she disappeared into the crowd. 

"I'll go with her," Spencer announced as he followed after her.

"You okay?" Blake spoke into my ear because of how loud the music was as we went to find a table. I was sure he'd been itching to ask me that, but we hadn't been left alone since Spencer announced that it was a secret.

I almost licked my lips but restricted myself so I wouldn't mess up my lipstick. "Yeah. I am."

Blake's eyes followed me as he pushed through the crowd, creating space for us to walk. He didn't believe me, which was why he said, "If you say so."

We finally found a table and I was about to sit down when something caught my eye. I froze, causing Blake to frown as he was waiting for me to take a seat.


I blinked repeatedly. "I need to go to the restroom. Save my drink."

"But we just got..." the rest of his voice faded into oblivion as I dashed down towards the direction I saw him. Well, as much as I could run in a crowded room. That was until a guard stopped me though and I realized I'd reached where customers weren't allowed to go.

The guard eyed me. "Who're you?"

I wanted to answer him, but then I saw that Alessandro was about to disappear through a door behind the guard, and I did one of the stupidest things; the only thing I could think about at the moment. "Alessandro!"

Alessandro paused and turned around with a furrowed eyebrow, his face contorting in anger when he saw me. I gulped as he marched toward me and I started to wonder what the hell I was thinking when I decided to follow him. 

"Boss, you know her?"

Alessandro didn't answer the guard as he held my hand in a tight grip, pulling me along with him. As soon as we passed the door, he let go. "What the fuck is your problem? Did you come looking for me?"

"No," I shook my head in fear. I'd forgotten how scary he could be. "I came here with my friends."

"And then you followed me? Why?"

His harsh gaze almost made me not talk at all. "I- I just wanted t-to talk to you."

He laughed and started walking down the dimly lit hallway. I followed him. "If it's about the d*** d*****g, sweetheart, I'm not changing my mind on it."

I had a strong feeling he wouldn't. Alessandro didn't look like the kind of person that could be swayed. "But..."

"No buts," he interjected sternly. "Turn around and go back to your friends if you value your innocence."

I frowned. I didn't think I was innocent, but I wondered what he meant by that. "I'm not innocent." 

Alessandro stopped walking and turned around sharply. I took a step back in fear. He let his gaze run across my body and I shivered, the thin short material seeming non-existent. 

It felt like he was looking right at my naked body, and not at the dress I'd bought for myself a few weeks ago after making great sales. If I knew I would've lost my job, I wouldn't have wasted my money on it.

It was a plain red dress with single spaghetti straps that had a deep v-neckline, showing a lot of cleavages, and ended just below my ass. It was complemented with a pair of four inches silver stilettos. I knew I looked hot, and Alessandro just verified that by the lust in his gaze.

"You aren't innocent, but I was talking about your mind. You shouldn't follow me if you don't want it to be tainted with darkness." He resumed walking again, expecting me to follow, and I did. "Besides, why are you dressed like a hooker?"

"What if I'm a hooker?"

"Wouldn't be surprised." We stopped at a door and he glanced at me again, his gaze lingering on my breasts for a while before snapping back to my eyes. "If you follow me inside this door, I can assure you you won't remain the same. I'm about to kill a few people and it won't be as easy as you saw the last time. These people deserve torture and that's what I'm going to give to them. Do you really want to see lone limbs scattered across a room? Want to see what happens when a person defies me?"

"N-no." I let out a shaky breath, not even hesitating to process his words. I'd heard his method of torturing was ruthless and I didn't want a front-row seat to that.

He smiled wickedly and I watched as a cloud of darkness overtook him. "Good. Now, take your pretty ass back to your friends and find a legal job because you're not getting your old one back."

Alessandro didn't wait for a reply from me before he opened the door and disappeared behind, the strong stench of blood hitting me full force in the two seconds that the door was opened.

As advised, I went back to my friends, telling them I got lost when they asked why I took long. I found myself taking shot after shot, trying to get Alessandro out of my mind and the way he looked at me. 

My friends tried to stop me, but Spencer assured them that I needed it for this one night. I'd kill him the next day for that though. No one liked waking up with a hangover.

I drank and danced and drank and danced, and I was pretty sure I did more drinking than dancing, which was what influenced my bad decisions.

When I saw Alessandro leaving the club, I followed after him again, hoping I could give him reasons why I needed the job, but when I got outside, I only saw the dust his car left behind as it was driven away from the club.

Pouting in annoyance, I called Carlo. He didn't answer at first, but I didn't give up. I called until he finally picked up, greeting me with an annoyed, "what?"

"I need to talk to your boss."

"I'm not getting killed for you, Jordan."

I scrunched up my nose. Alessandro wouldn't kill him, would he? "Pretty please, Carlo. I really really need it for school."

"Are you drunk?"

"That's not the point." I giggled. "Just tell me when he'll be around, so I can come to convince him not to fire me."

"That won't be possible."

"If you don't tell me, I'll come anyway." I hissed in annoyance. "And then, I'll tell him you told me to come."

If I wasn't intoxicated, I wouldn't have had the courage to talk to him like that, and I think he thought the same because he clicked his tongue in anger. "I'll let this go because you're drunk. I'll ask him if he wants to see you, I can't guarantee you'll get an answer though."

Carlo didn't wait for me to thank him before he hung up on me, and I giggled as I tried to find a pocket in my dress that had no pockets. If only I knew what I was getting into when I made that phone call.

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