Chapter 3


I get off the elevator with my cell phone in my hand and without looking back, I do not know where I am anymore, I am lost and stunned.

Did this happen?

I know it's a childish attitude, but I even pinch my arm to see that everything was very real, for a moment I think about what could have happened if the elevator did not work again at that moment, would I be so crazy as to have sex with a stranger in a Company elevator in the middle of the night?

I turn around and wait for the elevator again, when I enter this time there is no mysterious man, just me and my unanswered questions, I climb to my floor and finally find my bag in a corner.

When I get to the ground floor, I close my eyes and take a deep breath feeling the fresh night air caressing my face, at least I hope my face is not all red...

I walk a few meters seeing my friends leaning against a wall of the building, Sam is with his arms crossed around his body, while Matt fights or argues with someone on the phone, when my friend's blue eyes meet me, I see him rush to call another taxi.

“Wow, you took your time! Were you making out with some guy in the elevator, or what?”, Matt says grinning after finishing the call.

God, damn it!

Matt and his exaggerated sense of humor, but at least this time he got it right.

This mysterious man seems to have come out of a book of erotic romance, because I never imagined that this could happen to me or another woman in the world, thought that a situation like this only existed in novels and romantic books, but I see that the impossible is very capable of becoming completely possible for anyone, let alone when you expect it.

Still looking at my friends without being able to say a word, I see Sam uncross his arms still staring at me.

“You guys are too quiet, did something happen? Did you see an evil wolf, Red?”, A little smile appears in his mouth making me blush with shame.

I turn my face not to embarrass my reaction since it would not be a good idea to tell my friends that I lived a crazy and exciting experience with a stranger inside the elevator while they waited patiently for me outside.

“Let's stop talking, let's do this?”, I decide to change the subject immediately,

Our friend puts his hand on my heart as if disappointed with my sudden change of subject, I make a face and walk away a few steps to understand that I want to leave here soon.

“Okay, let's go! Let's enjoy a party as it should!”, to my happiness, she falls into mine and forgets the previous subject.

Thank God for the...

In a few seconds, a new taxi appears, and a laugh escapes me when our friend enters the car giving a little shake nothing subtle, Matt follows her with a smile on her face, but doubt prevents me from doing the same as them.

Wow! I haven't had the time or opportunity to see the face of the mysterious, but what if it's a co-worker?

The heartbeat accelerates quickly leaving me totally in shock, watching my expression, Matt asks me if I'm okay, but I can only agree with the head and then I get into the taxi.

To my happiness and unhappiness, several weeks have passed since the exciting event inside the elevator and the Company's birthday party, the normal days have returned, and the teams have returned to their activities quickly.

And as always, I'm at my desk at work which makes a boundary with Matt's, we're working on a project that Adam, our manager passed us earlier this week.

“Matt, I love you, but sometimes it's more than necessary to be silent while your colleague is focused on work.”, I say snorting to hear your singing by my side.

“I know that, but I can't help it, princess!”

“So, speed it up, because if you don't finish this image before our shift ends, I swear you'll regret it!”, I threaten in a playful tone.

“Hmmm, this seems very interesting to me, you, and I alone in these dark rooms, the excitement caused by the forbidden, my fertile mind has some ideas in mind that...”

“You should propose this to Camily, I'm sure she would accept it immediately.”, I say referring to the human resources manager.

A despicable little woman who started picking on me from day one, a complete fake who hates her with all my strength and who is very apparent in the passion she feels for Adam, but sometimes she is content to hit on Matt in a very subtle way.

I do not blame the cow, since my friend is beautiful to die for, a bad-boy vibe makes women crazy.

“Trust me, she'd love to throw those silicone boobs in your face!”, Mocking with a smile.

“It may be... I'm afraid of suffocating.”

An uncontrolled laugh comes out of me, calling and attracting several looks from our other colleagues who must think we are crazy, but Matt is right, Camily is very gifted. Congratulations to her plastic surgeon.

“Our princess, you are very mean to me...”, he says putting his hand on his chest with a dramatic expression on his brown face.

The face with a would face that makes him laugh before returning to face his computer still with a stupid smile on his mouth.

This is my routine working with Matt, the advantage is that I'm never down, he always finds a way to cheer me up with his antics.

At noon we are tired of getting our eyes glued to the screen of our computers, so we met Sam for lunch at one of our favorite Italian restaurants near work.

“Wow, my day was full! I'm finished!”, Sam comments with a tired expression.

Samanta works as a secretary in the reception of the building, sometimes I wonder how she can meet that huge crowd that does not stop parading around the building daily.

“But at least, you don't have a disturbing being who has to endure every single day...”, I say looking at Matt and listening to Sam's laugh.

“Each one with their problems, but their problem there at least is beautiful!”, she chews pointing with a fork in the direction of Matt who blinks grateful.

“Do you still practice pole dancing in that studio?”, I ask taking a sip of my natural juice.

“Yes, that's my refuge! In pole dance classes I forget that I must deal with executives stressed daily”.

The waiter interrupts us to pick up our dishes and take our dessert order.

“You know, the rumors about Camily are getting bigger and bigger.”, my friend says rolling her eyes.

Yeah, Sam hates the human resources cow, too, so we're a team against Camily Sparke.

With a twinkle in my eyes, I lean towards Sam when I hear the cow's name, when it comes to speaking ill of that woman, I'm always willing.

“Looks like Adam's pretty tense, huh?”, she comments.

I confess that I never understood the relationship between these two, I have seen Adam being kind and other times being cold and insensitive to her.

And to our misfortune, when Adam is being cold to her, the consequences fall on us, as the cow discourses her moodiness on the poor employees of the Company.

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