Chapter 3

A week passed by with Benjamin getting the hang of how to deal with Sapphire.

The first evening Sapphire woke up crankily. For most of the day, she was sleeping. Only woke up for her drink and food and promptly went back to sleep.

The social worker from child welfare had mentioned that Sapphire had a terrible night the day before. She kept waking up at night asking for her mama.

Benjamin had panicked seeing Sapphire jutting out her lower lip, ready for another session of wailing.

Madison, one of the caretakers of the Lockwood household, had come in for rescue finally.

She had instructed Benjamin to take off his shirt and hold the baby close to his chest.

The skin-to-skin contact, it seemed, helped in bonding.

The baby initially wriggled in his hold but later snuggled into him.

She had gotten that kind of warmth only from her mama before. And she lapped up all that warmth she was feeling for the whole three weeks.

“Keep talking to her, Benjamin. Sing her a lullaby,” Madison had instructed him then.

“I don’t know any lullabies,” Benjamin whispered.

“It doesn’t have to be a lullaby. It could be a discussion of stock markets for all she cares about. Your voice and tone are what matter. Talk to her in a soothing way. Make her feel secure, Benjamin,” Madison said.

Benjamin held the baby securely against his heart and talked to her in a soothing voice.

He talked about her mother and the years they spent together.

The baby looked on curiously, not particularly understanding anything but liking the way he was talking.

A week later, Sapphire got used to her uncle being around.

Madison brought a bowl of baby food for Sapphire.

Benjamin placed the baby on the newly bought high chair.

Sapphire made a face seeing the mushy paste in the bowl.

“Don’t make that face. You have to eat, baby,” Benjamin said and took a spoonful of food towards her lips.

“No…” Sapphire turned her face sideways.

“The first thing you say to me is a No. That’s bad, Sapphire,” Benjamin chided softly.

Sapphire jutted out her lower lip again.

“Sapphy no bad,” she said, her lips trembling and eyes filling up with tears.

“Aww. Sorry, Sapphy. Sapphy is a good girl. Now eat like a good girl,” Benjamin said, coaxing the little girl to open her mouth.

She had her dinner with lots of fuss, and Benjamin felt completely exhausted by the time she finished.

Not even during a sports session at university did he feel so exhausted.

“Come on. Time to sleep again,” Benjamin said and laid her on her new baby cot.

“Good night, Sapphire,” he kissed her on the nose.

“Ayt ayt, Benji,” she said.

Benjamin looked at her in surprise.

“Uncle Ben it is. Call me Uncle Ben,” Benjamin said.

“Benji,” she repeated with a giggle.

“Stubborn, just like your mother,” Benjamin said.


The next morning Isabella walked into the boss’s office with his coffee, with milk and sugar, of course.

She knocked on the door and entered when she heard a firm come in.

“Good morning, Benjamin,” she greeted him as she placed his coffee on the desk.

“Good morning, Bella,” Benjamin greeted back with a smile.

Isabella looked at him, surprised.

Nobody ever called her Bella. She was Izzy, in short.

“Uh. Everyone calls me Izzy,” Isabella said.

“Why? Bella suits you more,” Benjamin said as he went through another file. He missed the blush that crept up her cheeks.

Isabella looked around and noticed that baby Sapphire was awake and was playing in a playpen placed near the couch.

“She seems happy today,” Isabella commented.

“Why? Do you want to dance, Bella?” Benjamin teased her.

“Oh no!” Isabella shook her head in horror.

Isabella walked towards the playpen and kneeled down beside her.

“Hello, angel. How are you? Do you remember me?” Isabella asked in a babyish voice.

Sapphire stared at the woman curiously, trying to remember where she had seen her.

Sapphire held the boundaries of the playpen and stood up when she remembered it was the woman who had danced for her a few days before. She had also seen the woman coming in and out of the room she stayed in.

“Up-up,” Sapphire said, raising her hands.

Isabella happily picked her up and gave her a loud kiss on the little girl’s cheek, earning a giggle in return.

“Go, go,” Sapphire said, pointing her fingers towards the door.

“Go where?” Isabella asked.

“Go…” Came the response again.

Benjamin was watching them with a smile on his face.

“Seems like she got bored sitting in the playpen and looking at my face,” Benjamin said.

“Shall I take her out for a walk around the floor?” Isabella asked.

“Sure. If you don’t mind,” Benjamin said.

“Not at all. Come on, angel. Say bye to uncle,” Isabella said.

Sapphire raised her hand in a wave.

“Bye-bye, Benji,” she said, and Benjamin groaned.

“Uncle Ben,” Benjamin ordered softly.

“Benji,” Sapphire repeated with a mischievous giggle, enjoying irritating her uncle. Isabella laughed along with Sapphire.

“Bella,” Benjamin called in a warning tone.

“Bell-Bell,” Sapphire repeated, and Isabella made a face, and it was Benjamin’s turn to laugh.

“Serves you right.”

Isabella walked out of the office with Sapphire in her arms.

Sapphire waved happily at the employees around, making them all smile.

“Down, down,” Sapphire asked Isabella to let her down.

Isabella placed Sapphire down, and she wobbled on her chubby little legs towards the aquarium kept at the corner of the floor.

Sapphire climbed on the couch below the aquarium and tried to reach for the aquarium. She raised on her toes and extended her arms in an attempt to touch the aquarium on the wall. But it was too high for her.

She tried again and again but started getting frustrated as she failed multiple times.

Isabella was watching on with amusement but was caught off guard when Sapphire threw herself on the couch and started hitting the couch angrily.

She rushed to the kid and picked her up high enough for her to touch the aquarium.

“Angel, look at the fish,” Isabella pointed at the aquarium.

“Ishh…” Sapphire squealed happily, touching the aquarium and patting it gently.


“Benjamin! Mr Gabriel is here,” Claire informed.

“Send him in.”

Gabriel Clarke walked in, looking tense.

“Gabriel? Everything okay?” Benjamin asked.

“Nothing is okay, Ben. John’s family had gone to the court with the appeal for custody,” Gabriel said.

“What are the chances of them winning the case, uncle?” Benjamin asked.

“Usually, in cases of the sudden death of the parents, the custody goes to the grandparents. The paternal side will be given priority.”

“Why? Why the parental side?”

“That’s the law, Benjamin. And since John’s brother is already married with a family of his own, he will be getting priority.”

“That’s total rubbish. All they need is money,” Benjamin gritted out.

“We don’t have proof, Benjamin. And moreover, you do not have any blood ties with the child. That’s another plus point for them,” Gabriel said.

“But Eleanor was my sister!”

“In the eyes of the law, she was your stepsister. No blood relation. Our only relief is Eleanor’s will. But the court would consider the future of the baby, which would always be better with a mother in her life.”

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“That social worker you met the day you got Sapphire called me half an hour ago, informing me that she is on her way here. John’s brother informed her about you never once visiting Sapphire after she was born. I came here in a hurry to get to you before she does,” Gabriel said.

“What am I supposed to do? I’m not going to give up on Sapphire. Not ever.”

“Our side of the case could have gotten stronger if you were married,” Gabriel said.

Claire poked her head in from behind the door.

“Benjamin. One Mrs Fort is here to see you,” Claire said.

Benjamin panicked.

“She is here.”

“Just tell her you are engaged. We will find a solution soon.”

“What rubbish? Where am I to find a bride now?”

“I talked to William. It’s time for you to get married. We will find a suitable bride for you. Meanwhile, keep up the ruse that you are engaged,” Gabriel said.

“Why should I lie?”

“That woman is very strict. In a second, she can take Sapphire away from you and hand her over to John’s family. Do you want that to happen? We have to play carefully until the final court decision. Until then, Mrs Fort holds the reigns regarding Sapphire.”

“Fine-fine. Claire, let her in.”

Mrs Carla Fort, a woman in her mid-fifties, walked in.

Pleasantries were exchanged, and Mrs Fort dived into the matter of concern.

“Is it true that your family had disowned Eleanor after her marriage?” Mrs Fort asked.


“And you haven’t visited her once since Sapphire was born?”

“No. My family was really hurt by her decision.”

“I heard that your parents are not at home. You are alone managing the baby?” Mrs Fort asked.

“My mother is a little depressed with Eleanor’s sudden demise. I thought it would be better if she stayed away for a while.”

“You are caring for Sapphire single-handedly? Or do you hand her over to workers at home? A nanny, perhaps?” Mrs Fort asked.

“Oh no! No nanny. My fiancée has been a great help in the last one week,” Benjamin said, and Mrs Fort looked at him in surprise.

“You are engaged?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I didn’t know.”

“Oh. We just got engaged when we lost Eleanor. And we couldn’t get around to making an official announcement,” Benjamin said with a nervous chuckle.

“And where is your fiancée? I would like to meet her. Preferably today,” Mrs Fort said.


“Yes. I would like to be sure about the facts.”

At that moment, Isabella pushed open the door with a giggling Sapphire in her arms, and Benjamin’s smile brightened.

“Darling! Come meet Mrs Fort,” Benjamin drawled, startling Isabella.

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