Chapter 2

After hours of driving, we pulled into the Murston campus, and my dad parked the car. “Are you ready for this, Brie?”

“I'm more than ready, Dad. I can't wait to get started on my new journey,” I replied as I looked out of the car.

The campus was huge, filled with excited students and their families. They were all either moving in, greeting their friends, or saying goodbye to their loved ones. I spotted Payton hugging her mom and dad. I guessed she'd arrived a while ago because all her stuff was already gone. I stayed in the car for a bit while she said goodbye to her family, not wanting to intrude while they had their moment. Once her parents had disappeared back into their car, I watched as she waved goodbye to them, before wiping her tears away.

My dad got out of the car and had started removing my stuff from the trunk, laying it on the grass bank. Payton saw my dad and immediately ran towards us. I got out of the car and while waiting for her to reach us, I spotted my dad sniffing the air. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he was more fascinated by someone over by the trees. I thought I heard him growl a little, but I couldn’t be sure because Payton yelled over to him.

“Hey, Mr. Miller.”

My dad snapped his head around and instantly greeted Payton.

“Hi Payton, are you excited?” He asked as he placed my suitcase onto the grass. I shook my head. My dad had some odd behaviors, but I was used to them. I’d often catch him sniffing stuff, and mom told me it was just one of his weird quirks.

“Yeah, I'm super excited. I can't believe we managed to talk them into letting us room together. This is going to be the best four years ever!” She squealed.

My dad chuckled and then locked up the car.

“Come on girls, grab a box. Let's get you moved in, shall we?”

I hugged Payton, but we didn't have time to celebrate yet. We hurried over and picked up a box each, then my dad threw a duffle bag over his shoulder and grabbed the handles of my two suitcases, dragging them behind him. He followed behind Payton, and I trailed at the back. She obviously knew where our dorm room was, so letting her lead the way seemed like the best idea.

With all the excitement she was practically jogging through the halls. My dad and I were finding it hard to keep up, even though he was pretty much running. Both were gradually moving further and further away from me. I peered over the giant box in my arms and panicked when they turned a corner, instantly disappearing out of view. I quickened my pace, going as fast as my legs would allow while trying to balance the enormous box. I finally got to the corner where I saw them disappear and rapidly turned, trying to catch them.

“Oooff!” A guy let out a loud exhale as my box smashed right into his chest, crushing the cardboard between us and throwing me backwards.

I staggered and fell to the floor, the box smashing even more and bursting open. I watched as if in slow motion as my clothes sprinkled the air. Dazed, I sat still for a second, just staring at my underwear floating through the air until it gently settled on the ground like autumn leaves. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as all my panties and bras were strewn across the floor for everyone to see.

“Are you fucking blind or just stupid?” The guy yelled, not even bothering to see if I was okay.

“I’m so sorry. It was an accident. I couldn't see around the box. See, I'm new and...” I began to explain while I crawled around the floor, frantically gathering up all of my underwear.

“Watch where you're going next time, got it!?” He said through gritted teeth, somehow still managing an authoritative tone.

Frowning, he squatted down and tried shoving my underwear into the box for me.

What the fuck is his problem? I already said it was an accident. I looked up and spotted him picking up a pair of my panties.

Oh God, he's touching my panties. I'm gonna have to burn them now.

I dropped my head down and went back to gathering up my things.

Why did it have to be my underwear box? Why couldn't it have been my paperwork instead? I asked myself with a sigh.

This is so damn humiliating, not exactly how I pictured my first day, I thought with another deep sigh, while I continued to pick up my personal items, nudging them back into the broken box.

I spun around on all fours, checking if I had left any behind, but I couldn't see anymore. I crawled back around and glanced towards the guy's feet. He had stood while I’d been collecting my belongings, and as I peeked around his ridiculously expensive sneakers, my mouth fell open in shock.

Oh no, God no! Please don't let this be happening, please don't let him see it!

“I am so sorry. Thank you for helping me, but I think I've got it from here,” I said sweetly, trying to get the guy to leave.

I didn't even bother to look up at him because I didn’t want to show him my face. Surely, I looked like a damn lobster right now. Maybe if he didn’t get a good look at me, he might not be able to hold this against me later on. I stayed silent and pushed my box towards him a little, hoping that he would move to the side, and then out of the way enough for me to grab what was sitting on the floor right behind his feet. But as I pushed the box toward him, he stepped backwards.

“Nooo, watch out!” I screamed, but it was too late.

He stepped right on it, twisted his ankle, and fell to his ass with a thump. Dropping my head in embarrassment, I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.

“What the hell? What did I trip over? No, no way, that isn't what I think it is, is it?” He cried out, before releasing a chuckle.

My eyes fell on him as I scrambled towards him on all fours and reached for it, but as I did, he lunged forward and grabbed it first. While standing up, he couldn’t contain his laughter. I was absolutely mortified, but there was no hiding from the situation. It couldn’t get any worse, so I decided to act bold and confident. I gradually stood up and brushed my clothes down, before straightening my posture while pushing my hair out of my face. My eyes were fixated on his baggy gray sweatpants and my heart was pounding when I noticed how they barely hung on his hips, showing off his delicious v-line. Dragging my eyes up to his naked, muscular torso, I gulped.

Why does he have to be fit? I'm a sucker for a six pack.

My breathing became labored as my eyes scanned his chiseled chest. A mantra flitted through my mind, over and over again.

Please be ugly, please be ugly, please God make him ugly!

I inhaled sharply when my stare reached his face. He was the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He had a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and longish blond hair that he wore slicked back. I couldn't see his eyes because he was wearing a dark pair of designer shades, but with everything else he had going on, even if his eyes were bright pink with yellow spots, I don't think anyone would have given a crap. I gulped again, trying to pull myself together. He had a massive grin on his face and one of his eyebrows raised as he stretched out his arm, waving my vibrator in my face.

“Ugh, seriously? Yes, it's a vibrator!” I shrieked in frustration as I snatched it out of his hand, not caring who was around to hear me.

He chuckled at me, and that only made me stew in anger. I was fed up with childish bad boys, and yes, I'd already labeled him a bad boy. They had a habit of saying and doing whatever they wanted. Yeah, the guy was sex on legs, but that didn't give him the right to be rude or to talk to me like crap. I'd had two years of that from Kyle, and I wasn't about to let a pretty face and a great body throw me off my planned path. I wanted to be strong and confident again, so this guy was going to be the first to know that I wasn't about to take any shit.

“Oh, grow up douchebag! What's wrong? Does the idea of a sexually independent and confident woman scare you? Or is it the fact that my vibrator is more impressive than your own insignificant dick?” I held my little finger up and wiggled it in his face.

Both of his eyebrows raised at me, and his mouth dropped open, but he didn't say a word. I furrowed my brow at him, expecting a comeback, but he just grinned at me. I turned and jabbed my vibrator back into my broken cardboard box, picked it up, and then faced him again. I raised both of my eyebrows at him, and he let out a low hum that almost sounded like a growl. Tilting my head at him, I cleared my throat and huffed while throwing my head back slightly, flipping my hair over my shoulder as I walked past him. As I strode away, I'm sure I heard him sniff me.

Fucking creep! I thought as I walked down the hall and towards my dorm room. I remembered that our room was number thirteen, and I was hoping that it was all the way at the end of the hall, but sadly when I looked to my left, I saw that I was right outside of it. I kicked on the door with my foot and my dad opened it, instantly taking the box from me. I decided to glance back up the hall, hoping that the guy was gone, but I saw him standing at the next door and he was watching me.

“See you around neighbor,” he called out.

He waved at me, before opening his door and stepping inside the room. I rolled my eyes, and exhaled in annoyance, knowing that I was going to bump into the guy regularly.

Ugh, this is going to be a long four years!

I strode into our room and slammed the door behind me, then exhaled as I pushed my back up against the door and let my head fall onto it. I stared up at the ceiling and asked myself,

What are the chances of me crashing into the campus version of Kyle, have my underwear fall all over the floor, and then watch him trip over my fucking vibrator?

“Brie? You, okay?” Payton asked me from across the room.

“Yeah, I'll tell you about it when my Dad's gone, “ I muttered while strolling over to her.

My dad came out of the bathroom, drying his hands on a towel and smiled softly at me.

“Do you need me to stay and help you unpack?”

“No, I'll be fine, thanks. Payton will help me. Thank you for the offer though, Dad. Besides, you'll want to be heading back soon or you'll hit traffic and won't be home until late.”

“You're right, as always. You're intelligent, just like your mother. Well, Kiddo, don't forget to call your mother and let her know that you've settled in okay. And promise me, if you need anything, and I mean anything, then you won't hesitate to ask, okay?” He said with his voice choked with emotion.

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

“I promise, Dad. I love you,” I replied softly, trying to keep my own tears at bay.

“I love you too, Kiddo. Now I best leave before you have this old fool blubbering like a baby.”

He chuckled while I reached up and kissed his cheek.

“Goodbye Dad, text me later so that I know you got home safe.”

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

And with that, he turned and strolled out of the room, gently closing the door behind him. Payton made herself busy while we said our goodbyes, and luckily had taken the suitcases off my bed, so I threw myself onto it, bounced a bit, before burying my face into the soft feather pillow, all the while hoping that this had all been a bad dream.

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