Chapter 4

Heroic master of heavens.

The Empire’s grace.

Gaerin’s most precious Prince, for whom the commoners would give their life.

The one whose ambitions were higher than skies and deeper than the earth, so hidden in his roots that people who tried to pry withered.

A lone wolf in sheep’s clothing.

One that brought gods to shame.

Prince Vzeus.

And his weakness: his master’s daughter and childhood love, Princess Lyra.

The history says that Prince Vzeus was uninterested in throne and was a weak willed man who gave up his titles since he feared the wrath of Empress Daphne…all fabricated lies.

Empress Daphne along with her sons Crown Prince Kyzm and Prince Ragel with the ill Emperor Fleunix, none had the ability to match the aspirations and strength of the said eleventh Prince.

Fables that the virtuous and the most beautiful woman to ever grace the regimes, Princess Lyra was Prince Vzeus’ downfall were all impudent assumptions.

There was never a downfall that could be created for Vzeus since he was born victorious, there were no conspiracies that could touch him for he knew just like a hidden viper when was it benefitting him to retreat and when to emerge.

Prince Vzeus was born to be the Emperor and Princess Lyra had a mark of Phoenix destiny.

Beyond that he was a truly loving husband, touching his wife meant touching a rattle snake’s shivering tail that would eventually lead to those wide poisonous teeth which had no cure possible to sink in one’s neck and make him go on the journey of hell.

At the age of thirteen Prince Vzeus made friends with the great Commander General Avaram of The Eastern Deserts by saving his life, years later the regime of Eastern Deserts that hated any foreign influence was in the palms of Prince Vzeus as he was the one that helped the fourteen year old Emperor Zerzerus to be established on the throne by his military strategies and also controlled the court behind the veils to help the young emperor.

Relations between Gaerin and Ambrose would have never deteriorated to such an extent if Prince Vzeus was declared the crown prince, yet the destiny was changed and fates were being prewritten to combine the ancient Heriodonus Empire.

But despite every single thing, Prince Vzeus was humane and just, the one who knew strength yet did not used it against those that were his family since their life was considered more precious than his own. Once there was a time after losing his birth mother that he regarded even Empress Daphne with respect and affection yet he soon came to realize that he was a mere chess piece in their game.

Then they must not blame him for being ruthless.

“This servant will not marry any other than Prince Vzeus, whom one has considered husband since this one was fifteen.” Princess Lyra was stubborn and relentless when it came to the people she loved. Despite being considered the pearl flower of the Kingdom and offered hands by various Kings and Princess across regions Lyra never accepted.

There were men that came forward to offer her the position of Queen, some even going as far as to be ready to wage a war against her yet the only man that burned ablaze in those honey irises was Vzeus. If there was a person in the entire Gaerin that Crown Prince Kyzm was ready to give up his throne for…then it was Count Izar’s daughter, Lyra. Prince Ragel that was cruel to his bones also sent countless precious gifts to the Count’s manor in hopes to conquer the young lady.

Factions and Power, Glory and empires all became dust when it came to the woman, Crown Prince Kyzm and his blooded twin brother Prince Ragel had swords against each other’s neck making their Empress mother- Daphne step forward.

“Impudent wench! How dare you, a mere count’s daughter seduce my sons and then show me your shameful face. This Empress went as far as to offer you the crown princess position yet you dare refute! I will have you skin peeled off if you did not marry Kyzm.” Empress Daphne with golden nail claws wrapped around her fingers touched Lyra’s face before drawing a deep scratch that bleed vermilion blood.

“Asking forgiveness from the Empress yet this servant feels that peeling off this one’s skin is rather suitable than marrying any other than the one I love.”

A count’s daughter?

No she was her father’s pride who never accepted defeat since it was better dying with honor than living with a poisonous heart and disgraceful bearing. If the empress thought that the dazzling gems on the golden crown or hellish pain can waiver her heart then she might as well call someone else to imitate her, since Lyra was fearless.

“Servant! Burn this slut’s face!” Two hand maids came forward clutching the hands of the girl that was hoisted as another maid brought a blazing knife near her cheeks but before the burning metal could touch Lyra it’s direction was diverted to the maid holding it instead burning her eyes.

Desperate screams scared the fellow maids that left Lyra’s shoulders making her fall into the arms of Vzeus who stood in front of her.

“This impudent son greets the imperial empress and would accept death for my actions yet if your ladyship allows one had to tell you something.” On his knees with head bend the prince called Daphne making her initial anger cool off as she dismissed the maids with an angry glare.

“What is there to say? This shameless girl has insulted me, the empress and you come here to plead for her, this one was lenient enough to not kill her.”

“This one understands that her highness’s anger stems since Lyra and I decided our fates on our own but this one would not dare to overstep boundaries and promise your ladyship that if the Empress bless both of us for our marriage then this prince shall give up the fight for the throne and let elder brothers have their rightful positions.”

Rightful position?…take it as a charity of this prince…

You touched my woman and now dream of a good future, this one shall retreat now and hide in shadows yet one day when this Prince will return, I will not even leave your bones intact.

Violet irises that were veiled by the thick lashes bowing down had darkened with bloodthirst.

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