Chapter 2

Katelyn's POV

Seeing my students enjoying my lesson brings so much joy to my heart, and I feel happier since I teach them the thing I love the most: arts.

Since I was a child, I have always loved to make or draw something because, in this way, I can express my emotions and thoughts, and it is my stress reliever every time I have a problem. Through making art, I can show my imagination in my drawings, and I am glad my students also like and praise the drawings I show them.

I am currently teaching grade three students, and most of the lessons I am teaching them are composed of activities since I prefer to use an interactive way of teaching my students. In that way, I will help my students express more of their talents and creativity. Also, for me to create a fun time and bond with these children.

At this very moment, it is already my second class for this morning, and since today is their first day in class for this semester, I started the class with a simple activity, which is to make their own name cards. And so I will also be able to familiarize their names more easily since they will be wearing those name cards after finishing it. In addition, doing this activity is fun for the students, which helps me leave a positive and fun impression on my students.

After some time, the bell finally rang, signifying the class’s end. It also means it is already time for the student’s recess and the teacher’s break time.

“Okay, class, times up! You can bring your name cards to your house and finish them as homework. But make sure that you all have your own name cards by tomorrow, alright?” I said to my students.

“Yes, ma’am!” all my students responded, so I cleaned up the teacher’s table before stepping out of the classroom. Then, I saw Aimee walking out of the classroom where she had a class, so I approached her.

“Ms. Hansley, are you finished with your class? Do you mind if we have our break time together?” I invited her with a smile and walked towards the faculty room with her.

“Ooh, I’m sorry, but Charles is on his way to fetch me today since we plan on eating lunch outside the campus, so I’m sorry, Ms. Hernandez, but I won’t be able to join you for today’s break time,” she apologized and smiled sheepishly at me while rubbing her palms at each other.

“Tsk. Right, boyfriend over a friend. Again,” I complained to her since it was the first day of the semester, and now, I’ll be eating alone.

“As I said, you should get a boyfriend already, Ms. Hernandez, that way, you will no longer be a loner. Plus, someone will always treat you to lunch and dinner. And you know what? I can testify that it is a great way of saving money,” Aimee said as she gave me a wink, which made me giggle at her joke.

“It’s fine. I have my own credit card. I can afford my own lunch and dinner. I don’t need anyone to buy me a meal,” I replied, which made her shake her head in dissatisfaction. Then, she placed her arm around my right elbow and pulled me back to the faculty room since we both still had to place our belongings back on our respective desks.

“You know what? You should start making some moves with those two new High School teachers. Both of them look like they are both single and handsome. Oh, by the way, have you seen them?” she asked, and I just looked at her with an uninterested look on my face, but she ignored my expression and continued speaking.

“Here, picture this out and make your choice. One of those newbies looks cute and has this innocent vibe around him. And the other one looks cold and a mature type of guy. So, who do you think is much more attractive, huh? Did any of them catch your attention?” Aimee asked in my ears while we both walked up the stairs. I carefully looked around the area, and thankfully there were no students around, or else they might see Aimee and me as unprofessional teachers.

“Ssshhh— don’t be too loud. You know we are not allowed to talk about that topic, right? We don’t want our students to overhear those words and start a commotion, like a group of gossiping bees around here, do you? You know that they are most curious about that kind of topic at their age,” I whispered back at her, and she sighed deeply at my response.

“Ugh, that is why you still don’t have a boyfriend. It’s because you are so strict with policies. Come on! Just let loose a bit,” Aimee complained as she shook her head in disappointment.

Yes, I know I am being strict with myself regarding policies and everything in life. And maybe it is because I don’t want to impact those around me, especially my students, negatively.

After a few more minutes of walking to the faculty building, we finally reached our office and placed our things on each desk. Then, Aimee and I walked out of the building again. And as soon as Aimee’s boyfriend, Charles, arrived to fetch her, they left the school campus ahead of me. Right after Aimee stepped inside Charles’s car, I walked towards my own car and stepped into it, and then I drove my way out of the campus to look for a good place to have my lunch.

When you have been working in the same place for some time, you will start to get used to the things served in that place’s cafeteria, and that is probably why I no longer have any appetite for the foods they serve. So, I left the campus and went to my favorite restaurant. It was only five minutes from my workplace, and since elementary teachers have a two-hour break, spending my time outside in my favorite restaurant might not be a bad idea.

“I still have extra time to take a nap later at lunchtime, or I can also stay in the campus’s back garden’,” I uttered while planning how to spend my remaining break time after I finish my lunch in this restaurant. I continued to drive until I reached the restaurant’s building, so I quickly looked for a parking space near the restaurant and parked my car. After that, I entered the restaurant and quickly lined up to order a single meal for a single person.

The queue line took at least five minutes before I finally had my order in my hand, so after I received my order, I searched for a vacant seat inside the restaurant. Still, to my dismay, the whole place has been fully occupied already since it is also lunchtime for the other companies in this area.

I tried to walk around the restaurant to look for a seat, and luckily, I still found a vacant seat at a long table. However, someone else has already occupied the seat across the vacant one, and what’s worse is that the person sitting on the chair was a man.

Should I have my order for take-out? I am not that comfortable sitting next to a man, so maybe a meal on the go would be a better option. Then, I turned around and saw the queue line, which had already doubled the number of customers, leaving me with no choice, so I faced the direction of the table where a vacant seat was available and sighed.

“I guess there is no other choice then,” I whispered and walked towards the table. Then, I took a deep breath to gather my courage to ask the man next to the seat.

“Uhm, excuse me, sir? Is this seat already occupied?” I asked the man to ensure that no one occupied the seat next to him. Then, the man looked at me, and that was when I noticed that he was wearing the same ID lace as mine. I looked at his ID lace, then at him, and saw him looking at my ID lace as well before answering my question.

“No, you can take that seat,” he answered, so I just nodded my head at him and placed the tray of my food on the table. I felt so awkward while sitting next to this guy, but I knew that I also had to get used to having a man’s presence near me if I wanted to have a serious relationship as well, or else I would surely grow old alone and single for the rest of my life.

“I can see that you’re also working in Ravenn School. May I ask from what department you are?” He asked. I never expected him to start a conversation since he looks serious and quiet.

Maybe he was the one that Aimee was referring to. That one of the new teachers in the High School department. I thought to myself as I nodded my head at him before answering.

“Ah, I’m in the Art department for Elementary students,” I shortly replied to him and started eating my food.

While eating, I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him because I felt so awkward right now, and I am not used to having a man near me, especially a man who looks like he was just around my age.

“I see. I’m Gadreel Park, by the way. I am teaching History class for Senior High students,” he introduced himself and stretched out his hand for a handshake, which was unexpected again. Hence, I stared at his hand in front of me and took a deep breath before shaking his hand with mine, just for professionalism’s sake.

“I’m Katelyn Hernandez. Nice to meet you,” I introduced myself as well, and I saw him plastered a smile with those red thin lips.

This man has a cold expression at first, but when he smiles, you can clearly say how handsome he is with that perfect smile, which will remove the negative first impression you had of him.

He has shiny black hair, fair white skin, a straight nose, and a pair of black eyes that also smile simultaneously as his red thin lips do.

“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hernandez,” he replied, and I quickly pulled back my hand from the handshake and gave him a forced-smile before focusing on my food.

I don’t understand, but I felt nervous seeing his smile. He looks harmless, but I feel like he’s not. Argh, just focus on your meal, Katelyn. Yes, just focus on the food. I thought to myself and ate silently without looking at this man. And I think he also understood that I did not want to talk to him or entertain him, so when he finished his own meal, he quickly bid goodbye and went out of the restaurant first since he is part of the High School department and they only have an hour for break time, so I only nodded my head at him and waved my hand as a goodbye.

I watched the man as he walked out of the restaurant, and I was surprised when he suddenly turned around, faced me again, and waved his hand one more time before he finally left the building.

“That man looks like a flirty person,” I uttered as I ate my food.

After I had my lunch, I went back to the school and went straight to the faculty room to take a short nap, but as soon as I entered the room, one of my co-teachers informed me that the principal was looking for me, so I quickly went to the principal’s office and spent the remaining time of my lunch break in a meeting.

When the afternoon classes started, I had the same routine where I taught other elementary students. And just before the bell rang at three o’clock in the afternoon, I saw the guardians and parents of my students were already waiting to fetch their children.

And when the bell finally rang, the students quickly cleaned up their tables and put all their things inside their bags. Afterward, they all left the room and ran to the exit gate. At the same time, I walked my way back to the faculty room to grab my other things before going home.

“I’ll go ahead,” I said to my co-teachers, who were still finishing their lesson plans for tomorrow, and when they heard me, they all looked at me and waved their hands. I waved back at them and finally left the faculty room. After that, I walked straight to the parking lot, where I parked my car and placed my things in the back seat.

Right. I still have to go to the grocery store.

“Take care on your way home, Ma’am!” I was shocked when I heard a familiar voice, and when I faced the direction where the voice came from, I accidentally dropped my keys when a man suddenly popped out a few steps before me.

I blinked a few times before picking up my keys and looking at him again. He’s holding a can of soda in his right hand, and he looks like he’s spending some time here in the parking lot.

“Th-Thanks,” I shortly replied to him. Then, I quickly stepped inside my car and started the engine. Then I saw him leaning back at the vending machine.

That was him! The first man to greet me earlier this morning. The one in the hallway. Why does he keep on appearing out of nowhere?

I looked him again and remembered when he mentioned my complete name.

Right, I wanted to ask him how he knew my name, but I decided not to mind it anymore since it is only natural for a co-teacher to know a co-teachers name, right? I thought to myself and started driving out of the parking lot.

But when I was still driving in the parking lot, I saw that man from the rearview mirror of my car, and I was not sure if I was hallucinating things or if he was really looking straight at me. 

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