Chapter 152. Real Identity (3)
“Usually cheaters have slush funds to hide the evidence of their cheating. If you don’t want to be an amateur sleuth on the divorce finances, hire a forensic accountant.
6. Go no contact. How you announce you’re divorcing is a very personal decision. You might just want your cheater served at work. Or do it in the therapist’s office. Or if your cheater is volatile, be very careful and just get out safely. Don’t be afraid to seek the services of a domestic abuse hotline. Whether you remain separated but living together (pure hell, don’t do this unless you absolutely must), or one of you moves out, don’t talk with your cheater unless it is about kids or finances. Preferably do all this communication by email so it is documented. It’s easier to be less emotional this way as well. No contact means less pain. Don’t get sucked back into their drama. Don’t tell them how you hurt (they don’t care, and if they act like they care, it’s usually to further manipulate you). Now is the time
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