Chapter 4

Emma’s POV

Packing my clothes and some other things necessary for my escape, I headed out of the house wondering if it would be the last time I see the house again.

This is all Michael’s fault, I thought as I hailed a taxi and got into it.

Ever since he dropped me back home I’ve begun my plan of escape.

When I was sure that he had left, I went straight to the hospital and got my father transferred. With the help of my little savings and also the nurse taking care of my dad, it had become possible.

As soon as I was sure that my dad would be fine, I came back home and booked a train ticket. Having made all the arrangements, I took the taxi heading for the station.

I prayed silently, hoping that when Michael noticed our disappearance, we would have been long gone.

As soon as the taxi stopped, I got out of the car heading into the train station.

The ringing of my phone stopped me, and when I saw the caller, I felt so scared.

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“It’s me, Emma,” the nurse with my father said lightly.

“What happened?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“We were stopped by some men, and they have taken us hostage.”

“Are you hurt? Did they hurt any of you?” I asked.

“No, we weren’t hurt, but they forced me to tell them where you are, and I had no option other than to tell them. I am sorry, my child,” she apologized gently.

Knowing the kind of person Michael is, I knew that he would have threatened the nurse with something to have her tell him where I was.

“It’s okay, Lucia. He would have found me anyway,” I responded sadly.

“Hello, Emma.” On hearing his voice behind me, I turned quickly and saw Michael staring at me.

He snatched the phone away from me and held me by my arms.

“Think you could play smart, right? You know that I would always be one step ahead of you?” he said looking so angry.

“Let me go, Michael!” I said, trying to break free of his hold.

“Just shut up. How dare you try to run away, huh? After my warning, your father and that stupid nurse will have to pay for it all,” he replied angrily.

“Don’t you hurt them, okay? Don’t you dare!” I yelled up at him.

“You don’t have any right to make any demand, so just shut up,” he replied, pushing me into the car.

I moved to the far end, not wanting to be close to him.

“Think you’re so smart as to leave without my notice? Am I that stupid to you?” he questioned harshly.

“No, you are not, you’re anything but stupid, but for once, I thought I could get out of this,” I said gently.

“You should know that I can’t let you go now. You’re the most important tool for my plan, and I won’t let you go easily.”

“Can’t you see that I am not fit for all this? I could mess up along the way an… Ooouch, you’re hurting me!” I groaned out in pain when he held my chin roughly.

“You have no say in this. You are to do what I say, and that is what you will do, okay? No more fuss!” he yelled at me, and I had no option than to keep quiet.

“Tonight will be the night we start the plan,” he said after a while.

“That soon?” I asked.

“Yes, that good for nothing prince keeps on meddling and getting in my way. I want that to end as soon as possible.”

“So what are you going to do now?” I asked.

“Your father will be kept in my custody, and then the real Dora Baxter will be killed tonight.”

“But I’ve told you not to hurt her.”

“She has to be gone completely. She has to die so that the path can be cleared for us. No matter what, I must succeed with my plan.”

“So if you plan to kill the real Baxter, how would I come in?” I asked.

“As of now, her brakes are being cut, the real Dora will get in the car, and then she will crash her car. My men will be there to get her out of the car, and then you will get in and pretend to be her.”

“But I won’t have any injuries!”

“That can be solved with a bit of accident. Don’t worry, you won’t be hurt too much. I have to make this perfect, Emma, and I won’t let you ruin it, I mean it.”

The car stopped in front of a beauty salon.

“We are going to get you to look like her.”

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I muttered to myself.

“It is, and you better believe it,” he responded harshly.

The next few minutes were taken by the hair stylist who made me look exactly like Dora. When she finished, I was quite shocked with how I’ve changed.

Giving her a huge amount of money, Michael pulled me away from the salon and into the car.

“Where are we going now?” I asked, feeling angry.

“To buy you some clothes.”

“For what exactly?”

“Dora’s clothes are quite different from yours. If you get to the hospital and they see that you’ve been wearing your rag, they would suspect something. Dora never dresses like you,” he said.

I didn’t respond, and I was silent when we got to the boutique too.

I was dressed in a black silk gown, and if it weren’t for the situation, I would have liked the dress, but I didn’t like it.

We got back into the car, and soon, we were at a house.

“Where is this?” I asked.

“Where your father is being kept,” he replied.

“Can I go and see him?”

“No, I just brought you here, so you can see this place and know that he is here, and that any rubbish from you, and this house will be burnt down and your father will be in it.”

“Don’t hurt him, please!” I begged.

“Just do as I say, and all will be well,” he replied, tapping my cheek.

The car drove off once again, and it was getting darker.

The car stopped in the street, and we got down. I saw five of his men by the street already waiting for him to return.

“Why are we here?” I asked.

“Dora’s car will be driving past soon, and we must be ready,” he said.

“There is one thing, Michael. I don’t know anything about Dora or her life.”

“Then you will learn during the whole act. Now it’s time to get you ready,” he said, and before I could stop him, he hit me on the face so hard that I was dizzy for a while.

The next thing I heard was a car bashing into a tree.

Through my dizziness, I could see Michael’s men heading to the car to pull out Dora. And I was lifted by Michael himself to the car.

I saw a bloody Dora being lifted out of the car.

I felt so sick and sad that I could not do a thing for the poor girl being taken away.

I was gently placed in her seat, and Michael made my head fall on the steering wheel, making it look like I had an accident.

The last thing I saw was Michael smiling at me.

“Sleep tight. When you wake up, your life won’t be the same.” His final words made me lose consciousness.


The sun penetrating through the window woke me up.

I opened my eyes only to find myself in a room. Taking in the surroundings, I knew that I was in a hospital.

Memories of what happened last night flashed into my head. Just remembering what happened to Dora made me cry softly. Knowing that I am now forced to live her life made me cry harder.

The door burst open, and I saw a guy walk in. He was the same one in the photo, the one I was asked to kill, Michael’s mortal enemy, Brian Stone!!!

“How do you feel?”

Apart from having a handsome face, he also has a perfect voice. I thought as I kept on staring at him, and just then, the door opened, and someone walked in.

Looking at the door, I gasped out in dismay when I saw the person.

Why is he here?

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