Chapter 4

“You’re doing great!” I said cheering for Dean since he’s trying so hard to memorize some terms for history. We’re currently on our way to the basketball court. He’s going to see Gio play and I’m going to see Christian.

After learning more about Dean, I can say he’s a pretty charming guy. He was born in Australia and then he moved to New Zealand when he was 8. He loves baseball and football. He has a little sister too and they’re 10 years apart.

“Thanks.” He said.

“We should go to the library after this, we can find more books for you.” I said and he shook his head.

“No thanks, library gives me sleepy vibes. I don’t like it!” I laughed when he said that.

“Then we should just go home.” I said and he nodded. We walked into the basketball court and they were currently playing. We sat on the bleachers.

“Gio!” Dean called once they were on break. All the players turned to us and Gio smirked.

“Wanna play?” Gio asked and then Gio turned to Christian who’s currently wiping his sweat.

“Sure, why not..” Dean put his bag down and turned to me.

“Cheer for me?” He asked and I nodded. Dean went down and he grabbed the ball. Dean and Christian went face to face and Dean looked at him coldly. He said something that made Christian jaw tighten. The whistle blew and they started the game.

Christian grabbed the ball and he threw it to Billy. But Dean caught it, he brought the ball to their ring. Dean scored and he looked at Christian. Christian was not happy and he got some scores after that.

I decided to go down near the basketball court with water. The game was still on but Dean’s team was leading the game. Dean was fast and his teammates were good.

“Last one..” I whispered as Dean shot the ball and it went in. The game ended with Dean’s team winning. Christian walked to the bench and I put the water in front of him.

“I told you.. not to follow me around. I don-”

“Thanks.” Dean grabbed the water and smiled. He then turned to Christian before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the basketball court. He put his hands on my shoulders.

“Hailey, you’re wasting your time liking him.” Dean said and I sighed.

“I don’t even know why I like him, my heart is beating for him.” I looked down at the ground.

“Hailey, he will hurt you in the future if you continue this. He doesn’t care about you.”

“It’s hard, I tried to move on before but I can’t. It’s been 4 months but I still can’t find a way to stop.” Suddenly the door opened, revealing Christian. Dean grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the basketball court. I grabbed my things and my phone rang.

“Hello.” Lia called.

“Tomorrow is sports day, wanna watch?” Right.

“Of course!”

“Great! Meet me in front of the school at 10 tomorrow. Wear something cute!” She said in her high tone voice and I chuckled.

“Of course!”

“So.. you’re with Dean now?”

“Yeah.” I said as I followed Dean.

“How are your feelings?”

“Good. Why asking?”

“I mean your.. feelings.” She gave me that.. tone.

“We’re good.”

“I think he likes you.”

“Why? We’re friends.” I said and Dean turned to me.

“He cares about you not like Christian.” She hissed.

“Hey.. you know my heart.”

“It’s time to move on, we need a good man for you.” I chuckled hearing her.

“Not yet.”

“He’s been a jerk.”

“Not always a jerk.” I said.

Christian might be a jerk sometimes but sometimes he will surprise you. 2 months ago, I was writing and doing my project that needed to be sent through email in 20 minutes. My hotspot didn’t work and there’s something wrong with my laptop. He gave me his laptop without saying anything and waited for me to finish.

Also, it was raining one day. I didn’t bring an umbrella. I was waiting for my driver when Christian gave me his umbrella before running to his car.

“He’s not a jerk.” I corrected her.

“Hailey, I don’t like it when he treats you like dirt.” Lia sighed.

“It’s okay, it was not his intention.”

“He hurts you almost every day, he pushes you, bullies you and a lot of other things. He doesn’t care about you, Hailey. You need to wake up.” I sighed and Dean stopped.

“Any problems?”

“No, I’m okay.”

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