Chapter 4. Giving Fake Gifts

"What are you saying? How dare you insult us?" Caroline nearly exploded in anger.

"You might not be aware of Pinnacle Dynamics Corporation. Just so you know, its market value exceeds a hundred thousand billion USD, making it the strongest enterprise in Lightharbor. Any family could reach the pinnacle of success if they could establish even a small connection with Pinnacle Dynamics!"

"So many families bow down to Pinnacle Dynamics, for it is the emperor of this city's entire business world!"

"Why bother talking to this loser? He's never even looked at the world around him. Do you expect him to understand?" Chase commented dismissively.

"Hmph, maybe that's true. He came to my birthday celebration without even a gift, how could he possibly understand the importance of Pinnacle Dynamics?" Mrs. Harris finally spoke up.

"Grandmother, I do have a gift. It's about to be delivered." Anderson said, then communicated with the system in his mind: "Is my gift arriving soon?"

"In about five minutes. It's the Aurora Luxe necklace from Eclipse Prestige, worth 200 million dollars."

"Alright." Anderson replied briefly, then looked towards Lauren's grandmother and the others.

Conrad, with a look of disdain, said: "If you don't have a gift, just say so. Why try so hard? Unlike me, I can give grandmother a contract with Pinnacle Dynamics. Can you do that?"

Anderson remained silent. According to the system's analysis displayed on the screen, the commission from this contract after completing the project was less than fifty million dollars, nothing compared to his necklace.

"Just five minutes, can't you all wait? My gift will be delivered shortly."

"Hmph, let's see what kind of gift you could possibly have. Don't bring some cheap stuff and ruin my happy day." Mrs. Harris said, clearly displeased.

Meanwhile, Lauren tugged at Anderson's hand, whispering in his ear: "What are you gifting grandmother? Please don't cause a scene!"

"It's the Aurora Luxe necklace from Eclipse Prestige, about two hundred million dollars." Anderson spoke the truth.

But Lauren's eyes widened in shock, and she squeezed his hand tightly: "Stop lying, you can't afford that! Are you giving grandmother a fake? What will we do if she finds out...?"

Anderson frowned, wondering why even his wife didn't believe him? Although he had become impoverished after bankruptcy, he had never been useless. He worked hard every day, never letting her want for anything, even if he couldn't provide a life of luxury like others.

“You…” But before Anderson could finish, someone entered from outside, carrying a gift box that seemed quite small in comparison to what the guests were expecting, prompting them to burst into laughter.

“So this is the esteemed gift from your son-in-law? A present barely larger than a hand?” Chase looked over at Chandler, contempt clear on his face.

Conrad chimed in with scorn: "A poor man can only afford such a small gift. Let’s see, what is it?”

As soon as Conrad finished speaking, Caroline hurried forward to the delivery man, dressed in a very formal vest – a sign of the times even couriers were stylish. She extended her hand to take the gift box, but the delivery man stopped her.

“Excuse me, miss, only the person who ordered can receive this. May I ask, who here is Mr. Anderson?”

“It’s me.” Anderson stepped forward to identify himself but suddenly stopped.

The delivery man was momentarily taken aback, about to say something when Anderson spoke first: "Once you’ve delivered it, leave quickly and don’t bother me.”

The delivery man clenched his jaw. He was Gregory Thompson, known in Lightharbor for his current role but also as a celebrated deputy commander from the Unicorn's Emergence region. He was on a mission in Lightharbor to find a war god who had deserted his unit. Following every lead, his last known location was this city. Thus, Gregory had established a jewelry corporation here, placing many eyes and ears to find this war god.

What Gregory had not anticipated was that this glorified war god would be the infamous useless son-in-law of the Harris family. Gregory couldn't believe he had overlooked such a notable figure, never imagining the hero would end up a ridiculed nonentity.

And now, General Campbell, the war god, was asking him not to disturb, making it seem to the uninformed that he was intruding on the party. But Gregory knew General Campbell had recognized him and wanted him not to disturb this new life.

Gregory didn’t dare act out of line and reluctantly complied. Since receiving the direct order to make this delivery, he had sensed something unusual, never expecting to actually meet Campbell. His current priority was to assist the war god and contact him later.

He bowed and handed a pen to Anderson: "The Aurora Luxe necklace comes with a QR code on the box lid for authenticity verification. Please inspect and sign. Eclipse Prestige jewelry is honored to serve you.”

“What? The Aurora Luxe necklace from Eclipse Prestige? Am I hearing this right?” Caroline exclaimed in shock.

Sofia then said: "I heard that the cheapest jewelry at Eclipse Prestige costs over a hundred million, so how much is Aurora Luxe?"

"Aurora Luxe is a newly launched necklace design last week, worth up to two hundred million dollars!" Caroline replied to her mother, her expression one of disbelief.

"No surprise there, it must be fake." Conrad said, his tone clearly jealous.

At this point, everyone regained their composure, and Lauren also tugged at Anderson's hand: "Do you see the joke you've made of yourself? This is outrageous!"

"Don't worry, that necklace is real." Anderson whispered. Whether the necklace was real or fake, couldn't it be verified with a QR code scan? Why bother arguing over it?

"A dog will always be a dog, never a phoenix. Daring to bring a fake item to celebrate my birthday. Anderson, you should quickly sign the divorce papers with Lauren and then get out of the Harris house!"

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense, with Lauren's parents not knowing where to hide their faces as their son-in-law brought a fake item for Mrs. Harris' celebration. Lauren was no better off; if Anderson insisted on staying, the situation couldn't be salvaged. Why would he dare to bring a fake gift?

"Real or fake, it can be easily checked with a QR code scan." Anderson said calmly: "Besides, here is an employee of Eclipse Prestige. Isn't it necessary to ask whether the necklace is real or fake?"

"Who knows if you just hired someone off the street to pose as an employee of Eclipse Prestige, QR codes can also be easily faked!" Conrad stubbornly refused to believe.

Others joined in.

"Right, how could a bankrupt person like you afford such a luxury item from Eclipse Prestige?"

"Don't even mention Eclipse Prestige, even a ring from a small jewelry store might be out of your reach."

"Exactly, what nonsense, ha ha ha."

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