Chapter 3. Mocked at the Party

Meanwhile, at the Harris family mansion.

"Come over here, Caroline, let me get you a drink."

“Young Master Lopez, I’d also like to offer you a drink. Thank you for helping Caroline secure the contract for my longevity celebration gift." said an older woman, dignified and elegant in her manner. She was Jennifer Harris, head of the Harris household, and Lauren’s grandmother.

“This contract could bring over ten billion in profits to the Harris family! Let's have three more drinks!”

Today, Caroline Harris, with the help of her fiancé Conrad Lopez, successfully secured a partnership contract with Pinnacle Dynamics. It was indeed a good day, and coupled with the celebration of Mrs. Harris’s birthday, it was truly a double joy, so they organized a family party to celebrate.

“I apologize for delaying the fun and making everyone wait." Anderson said as he entered the room, apologizing.

The laughter suddenly stopped, abruptly. Everyone looked at each other, nearly all sharing the same question: Had they been waiting for him? Anderson had been a member of the Harris family for three years now. No one expected him to arrive like this.

"No need to pretend to be friendly, don't you see? We were never waiting for you!" Sofia Harris, Caroline Harris' mother, said coldly.

"What could you possibly do to delay this party? What can a useless person like you do?" Christian Harris, Caroline's brother, said with a laugh.

Anderson felt a bit embarrassed. Just now, he had only wanted to be polite, to say hello, never thinking it would provoke mockery. He was long accustomed to such taunting.

He didn't want to explain further, sitting silently beside a beautiful woman. This attractive woman was Lauren Harris, his wife. Lauren was the most beautiful woman in Lightharbor, a goddess in the hearts of countless men.

Three years ago, no one understood why old Mr. Harris would marry his beloved granddaughter, Lauren, to Anderson – the son of a bankrupt family. The most beautiful woman in Lightharbor marrying a bankrupt, disgraceful man became a joke at the time. Later, when Anderson was merely a house errand runner, it became even more of a joke.

"Watch your mouth, stop talking nonsense, and just eat." Lauren whispered coldly.


Anderson began to silently finish his portion. He suddenly remembered that he had not yet given a gift to Mrs. Harris, and the gift had not yet arrived, making him wonder if the system had tricked him.

Whether he had a gift or not, Anderson's presence was insignificant. Those present treated him like air, continuing to dance and chat.

"We're fortunate to establish a relationship with Pinnacle Dynamics. Our Harris family is one of the luckiest, and this is just the beginning! All thanks to Young Master Lopez helping us." said the Harris family matriarch with a bright smile.

"Yes, my son-in-law is very capable, securing contracts quickly. Not like others who only know how to eat leftovers and wait to die." Chase Harris glanced at Anderson, who was bowing his head to eat.

He was the second son of Mrs. Harris, father of Caroline and Christian. He and Chandler Harris, Lauren's father, had a strained relationship. Naturally, he wouldn't miss a good opportunity to mock Chandler's family. Evidently, Lauren and her father, along with Avery Harris – Lauren's mother, felt embarrassed hearing Chase Harris' words.

"Father, why compare Conrad with someone like that?" Caroline, like her brother and father, seized the opportunity to mock Anderson.

"Conrad was educated in a powerful family. He's a dragon among men, not just anyone can be compared. Not like that rice bucket, only knowing how to eat day and night. The Harris family will soon be eaten up by him!"

Conrad laughed and said: "I come from a good background. Not like some who live in poverty and rarely enjoy a good meal. Why let him eat more? I think it is still better than feeding a dog; a dog can't harm the Harris family."

Conrad has long disliked Anderson. How could such a useless man marry the city's belle? It's like a maggot climbing onto a swan's leg. To him, Lauren's appearance and grace far overshadowed Caroline.

If it weren't for Anderson marrying Lauren, how could he stoop to marry Caroline, who was inferior to Lauren in every way? As the saying goes, a hero doesn't get a good wife, and a useless man marries a flower. This saying seems so true!

"Yes, I like dogs. Even though I already have an Alaskan, I don't mind adopting another one." Caroline scoffed.

Amidst everyone's mockery, Anderson suddenly became the target of ridicule. Lauren looked at her husband, then her beautiful face was flushed with shame. Mocking Anderson was like mocking her, and even her parents were being insulted. At that moment, Lauren remembered her grandfather.

Seven years ago, when Anderson became famous for graduating college at eighteen and taking over the Campbell family business. But a year later, Anderson's business quickly went bankrupt, his father became bedridden, and he himself disappeared for three years.

However, when Anderson returned, penniless, Lauren's grandfather still proposed that he marry his granddaughter. At that time, Anderson was so poor he couldn't even afford the wedding expenses! But under her dying grandfather's pressure, Lauren agreed to marry him.

What puzzled her most was her grandfather's insistence before his death not to underestimate Anderson. He said she would one day understand his intentions.

However, three years into their marriage, Anderson remained unchanged, just like when they first met. Apart from his handsome looks, once a genius, he was now just a useless man. What's the use of being handsome? Can handsomeness be eaten? Being smart but unable to apply it in life, both good looks and intelligence are useless. She increasingly doubted her grandfather's decision, suspecting his lack of judgment.

"Can you let me have a quiet meal for once? Do you think you can be so smug just because you secured a contract with Pinnacle Dynamics? Can't you be a bit nicer!" Anderson finally couldn't take it anymore and spoke disdainfully.

As soon as Anderson spoke, everyone fell silent. No one had expected such a usually reticent and seemingly useless person to suddenly be so outspoken! His words were shockingly thoughtless.

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