Chapter 2

Kim spreads her legs as a finger slips into her, teasing her with his thumb, breathing heavily with her locked eyes with him, the unknown man kisses her neck while he caresses her tits firmly. He trails his kiss to every part of her body making Kim moan as she enjoys the sensation. Kim closed her eyes, while her head went backwards in pleasure, her waist moved according to his fingers vigorously as she was about to cum.

"Hey, Kim!" Her eyes popped open, looking around, her gaze focused on Ava. "You're going to be late for work," she says.

"Huh?" She jumped off the bed.

"Did you enjoy your sleep?" Ava asked.

"Huh... " she picked up her towel, speechless, for a minute her dream looked so real.

"I guess you did, I'm off to work" she picks up her bag.

"Wait for me!"

"You left the club early because you wanted to wake up early but I'm leaving before you."

"You should have woken me up! Besides, how did you get up earlier than me?" she raised her voice.

"Maybe you're affected by time difference or something. I'll see you at work."

"Ahhh!" Kim slams the bathroom door.


The next day

"Good morning," Kim greets the nurses at the desk. Her hand is around the strap of her shoulder bag and she smoothes out her skirt — one of her favorites that stops somewhere between her mid-thigh and knee. She also has on a white t-shirt.

"Good morning." the nurses replied.

" I'm Kimimela Cortes," Kim introduces herself.

"Oh, the new nurse. Welcome to California."

"Thank you," Kim spots Ava going through a clipboard. She absentmindedly walks towards her, dressed in blue scrubs.

"There you are," Ava pulls her hands and leads her away.

"What?" she followed her.

"You have a patient," she increased her pace.

"Already?" she whined.

"Yeah, he has a case of gaseous inflammation and constipation," she looks back at her.

"What?" she laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Ava asked.

"Well, it's funny."

"You're a nurse" Ava scolds her.

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes.

She opened the door and walked in.

"She's here," Ava introduces her.

"She?" a young man says, scanning her. The other nurse looked at her, she felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Isn't that skirt too short?" a nurse says.

"That isn't the problem," the man says.

"He is your patient," Kim looked at the old man, she thought it was going to be a young man.

"Okay..." she gulped.

"He just came out of surgery, you have to watch him closely for any side effects," she looked at Ava, she had given her the wrong information.

"Doesn't mean you won't attend to other things," the other nurse says.

"Alright," she agrees.

"After you change to your uniform," she adds.

"Oh, right. I was about to do that," she walked out.

"Kim, this way," Ava directs her.

"You mislead people," she complains.

"What?" Ava says, they walked to the changing room

"Constipation?" she mumblings.

"That's what I thought" Ava shrugs.

"Who's that woman?" She struggles with her shirt.

"Mrs. Willy?"

"She's married?" Kim's eyes popped. She looked young.

"Yeah, has a kid too. She's very annoying," Ava brushed.

"I noticed."

Kim took off her clothes. Ava sees Kim's tits bounce as she takes off her shirt, it seems like they were waiting to be free.

"You're blessed, girl." Ava comments.

"Why? that I work under her?" she gawks at her.

"Actually no, I'm jealous of your body." she cried.

"Again with this, you're insane" Kim laughed.

"And you don't work under her. What does that even mean?" Ava laughed.

"I don't know, it's so confusing here," she wore her uniform.

"I can show you around. During lunch," Ava offers.

"Thanks," she wore her trousers and white crocs.

"See you later," Ava says.

"Where are you going?" She grips her hand.

"To work. I'm usually assisting the doctors in the theatre," Ava breaks loose from the hold.

"I don't understand you," Kim wraps her hands around Ava's waist.

"What?" Ava rolls her eyes but smiles. "You're being clingy."

"You just said..." Kim stops, seeing Mrs. willy by the door.

"What is going on here?" Mrs. willy opens the door. Her eyes trained on them. They pull apart.

"I'm sorry, it's not what you think. I was just—" Ava tried to explain. This must look bad.

"I don't care. This is a workplace. Lives are at stake, you don't have the time to frolic or dilly-dally around."

"Sorry about that," Ava apologizes as she and Kim find their way out of the changing room.


Kim walked down the hallway. She held her phone in her hand and looked at the time. She was exhausted and on her first day? They seemed to have more patients than in the hospital she worked at in Mexico.

"Kim!" a female voice calls her, she quickly narrowed her gaze toward her

"Yes? What is it?" Kim asks, taking the strands of her hair away from her face.

"You're needed at the emergency room!" she says running off.

Kim ran along with her, she got to the wide area and Ava waved her over. She looked around, the emergency was huge and the whole day she hadn't been into wards only.

Kimimela came closer to Ava, she heard a man growl as she came closer the sound became louder.

"He got stabbed," Ava says, rubbing her hand.

"What?" she breathes hard trying to catch her breath from the little race she had just done.

"I think we know him," she whispered in her ears, she graced her lips with a cunning smile and winked at Kim.

"Huh?" Kim returned the smile awkwardly, she walked over to the curtain and opened it. Seeing the young handsome, bad, playboy she had met at the club, her smile vanished and her face filled with disappointment. He was the reason why she had a sex dream and now he was right at her front.

Ava stepped closer to her "I will leave him to you," she says, pulling the nurses away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" she pulled her hands, whispering beneath her teeth.

"You can do this," Ava says, letting out a soft moan. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes."

"Excuse me?" he called, hoping to get her attention, He was sprawled on the bed. His hands pressed against the piece of clothing on his wound. His hands were stained with blood.

"Hmm?'' She pulled the tray close to her. "How... How did..." Kim briefly closed her eyes, he made her nervous and she bet he could tell "How... Gosh how did this happen?" she stammered.

Playboy had no response, he growled in pain, despite the pain, a pretty smile graced his lips.

"I need you to take your hands off," Kim instructed. She placed her hand over his and he hesitated before slipping his hand out.

"Okay," he says, staring at her constantly, he wasn't taking his eyes off her. The lady at his front was a gorgeous nurse.

Kim pulled closer. She took off the cloth carefully in case there was a cut artery or vein that would cause him to bleed out. Luckily there wasn't. The bleeding had slowed.

"I'm going to clean this up. It's going to sting a lot," She said, not waiting for his reply Kim grabbed her scissors and cut a part of his trousers open so that she had access to his wound.

Kim cleaned up his wound. He watched her carefully like he was going to practice more at home. She wiped the edges and then the cut.

"Ahhh," he grabbed her hands, and Kim gulped. "Could you at least be gentle?" She locked eyes with him.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was being gentle," she took her eyes down. "Can you let go?"

He gently let go of her hand. "Do I scare you?" he says.

Kim continued cleaning up his wound. She replied, "Why should you?" she says, staring closely at him.

"I can feel you shake," he says.

"I'm just nervous, that's all. I have to be careful" she continued, avoiding eye contact, she knew he would have remembered her from last night.

"I see, are you always this careful?" he relaxed.

"Yes, I am," she reluctantly answers.

"You're hot for a doctor" he looked at her, Kim looked up at him. "At the club" he added.

"I'm a nurse," she corrected, "And the club, I guess we are all humans" she defended.

"A nurse" he repeats. "I don't mind, but you're here at my front"

"Yeah, and I'm done. You're going to need stitches. I'll get someone for you in a bit," she covers it with a bandage.

"Are you sure?" he asked, Kim followed his eye, he stared at her chest.

"Yeah, I am. Keep your eyes on my face, please," she says uncomfortably. She could tell he was admiring her body, she knew she wasn't really uncomfortable, she could even let him take them off. She shook her dirty thoughts away.

He chuckled, "Can I at least have your number?" he stopped her from leaving, grabbing her wrist.

She looked at him, he had so much confidence.

"No, you can't," she says holding her lust in.

"Why?" He asked, pouting at her.

"Because you're my patients." she breaks loose from his hold and starts to pack.

"Is that all?" he smiled at her. He looked cute with his smile, his black hair covered his forehead. she shook the thoughts away from her head.

"I also don't want to give you my number. You're a stranger. Who's to say you're not a serial killer who will track my phone and cut me into a million pieces?"

He frowned. "That was gory." he chuckled.

"Excuse me then," Kim says, covering his curtain.

"Do I go home?" he says.

"After your stitches. You can rest up before you leave, come back tomorrow for..." she paused, tomorrow? she would be seeing him.

"I should come tomorrow? alright," Miran agrees.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary," she denied. "But, I think the other nurse would attend to you."

"I should if you say so, although I would prefer if it was you," he lays back on the bed slowly.

"Kim," Ava called.

"Kim huh?" he says softly.

Kim was too stunned to speak. Her name sounded perfect coming from him. She looked back at him in the space between the curtain. "What Kim exactly?" he smirked.

"Are you done?" Ava asks.

"Yeah," she looked back at him, he had his eyes closed, he acted strangely. She walks away with Ava.

"What's wrong?" Ava says.

"Nothing. He needs stitches and I'm not doing it."

"Why? What happened?"

"Why did you call me?" she flares up.

"What? I will soon get off work."

"He was checking me out and he asked for my number!"

"That's good then," Ava says.

"I need to wash up and get my clothes," she drops the tray.

"Alright," Ava says, "I will wait for you outside."

"Let's grab something to eat," she offers.

"Ah, I'm going with Jackson," Ava says smiling. Ava looked at her with disgust.

"Oh, Jackson," she said mockingly, "You aren't making California fun for me. As you promised."

"Then hook up," she nudged her.

"No way, he looks creepy," she shakes it off.

"Hmmm, we’ll have dinner alone," she walks away.

Kim meets Ava at the exit and they head home. Ava prepared for her dinner date with Jackson while Kim ordered dinner.

Kim changed into a large t-shirt and black shorts before she took out her phone. Her mother had left her seven missed calls. She unlocked her phone and dialed her number.

"Mom?" she says laying on the bed.

"Have you eaten dear?" her mother says over the phone.

"Uh, yeah," she struggles with sleep.

"I hope it wasn't pizza or some

fake junk food."

"No. It was real food with lots of carrots and vegetables," Kim chuckled, yawning.

Kim hummed in response, turning to her left side.

"How was work?" her mother says. Kim's eyes slowly closed as she spoke with her mother on the phone.

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