Chapter 2

Enzo opened the bathroom door and rushed in only to find Tallulah in the bathtub in a pool of her own blood.

Her hand was placed at the edge of the tub with blood dripping from her cut wrist unto the white tiled floor.

The glass she had used to cut her wrist was sitting in the pool of blood.

"Ma'am?" Enzo called going down on one knee.

He slightly tapped her shoulder but got no response.

"Ma'am?" He called again but louder this time as the atmosphere seemed tense.

The men rushed over to help get her out of the tub. She was lifted out of the tub and taken into the bedroom.

Enzo held the front of his suit jacket and spoke into the little chip plugged on it.

"Send Camille upstairs, first aid required. Fast!".

Later, Tallulah opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Everything was blur and she could not decipher anything.

The only thing she could tell was that the room was different from the one she stayed in before the incident.

"Ma'lady?" She heard Camille and diverted her gaze to where she heard the voice.

She could not see Camille clearly but saw a small yet reassuring smile on Camille's lips.

She opened her mouth to speak but felt a sharp pain in her head. She squinted her eyes and used both hands to hold her head when she felt another synchronizating pain in her wrist.

Then everything went pitch black.

The next thing she knew, sprinkles of water came in contact with her face making her open her eyes again.

After a split second, everything became clear.

The headache had subsided and she felt her wrist being attended to. She was pleased that Camille was still with her.

But the thought of still waking up and facing the reality that she was married to a mafia lord who was probably old and she had never met was disturbing.

Tallulah used her injury free hand to support herself as she got up from bed.

"Be careful".

She heard a husky male voice say but it did not sound like he cared if she hurt herself again.

She finally sat upright in bed to find not Camille but a dominant looking male sitting beside her on the bed.

"Mateo?" She whispered having remembered the name from the contract her father gave to her. He was not even close to being old.

"It's quite a pleasure that my wife knows my name, isn't it?" Mateo spoke gruffly removing a fresh bandage from the first aid kit.

He held Tallulah's hand and brought it towards himself but she withdrew her hand immediately.

"I am not your wife". Tallulah summoned enough courage to say though the look in his eyes were frightening.

She looked away and repeated.

"I am not your wife and will never be".

The silence became so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Just when she thought Mateo would not utter a word, she felt a harsh grip on her cheeks and then her face was turned towards him.

"Look at me when you speak princess". He said in-between gritted teeth.

Tallulah was holding back tears.


She muttered shutting her eyes tightly.

"You're hurting me".

"Look at me". Mateo commanded and Tallulah opened her eyes. They were wide in horror.

"You're one courageous woman aren't you?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"You say you're not my wife but daddy dearest thinks otherwise, doesn't he?"

Mateo inquired and let go of her cheeks harshly.

The marks of his fingers reflected on her cheeks as she held unto them to soothe the pain. Mateo's stare intensified as he stretched his hand towards her.

Tallulah turned her face away with her eyes closed as her chest rose and fell rapidly.

She thought he was going to hurt her again.

But when he didn't, she opened her eyes only to find him tangle her hair with his fingers.

"Your hair". He started but paused. "Quite exotic". He stated simply.

Tallulah shifted uncomfortably letting her curls fall from Mateo's fingers.

He instantly grabbed her hand and brought it closer then started wrapping the bandage around her wrist before she could react.

He placed the first aid kit on the lamp stand and got up from the bed.

"You'll need that for next time when you decide to do something stupid to yourself".

He walked to the door and paused.

"And then wake up two days later".

With that, he opened the door and walked out.

Tallulah's eyes widened. Two whole days asleep?!?!

How could she have slept for that long?.

A knock at the door, distracted her from her thoughts.

Then Camille walked in.

"I can't stay here Camille". She said turning to look at Camille who just entered.

"Oh you poor child". Camille said walking over to the bed and sitting beside Tallulah.

"Oh dear!" She exclaimed with a hand over her mouth.

Tallulah knew Camille was referring to the marks on her cheeks.

"I look like a cat with wiskers don't I?".

"No silly, what happened there".

"That monster….."

"Shh…". Camille interrupted Tallulah placing a finger on her mouth. "Don't say that, Mateo is not a monster".

Tallulah did not understand why Camille was standing up for Mateo. But it wasn't any of her business so she needed to focus on her business….

…leaving that mansion….

"I can't be here because I do not want to be here and I do not belong here".

Tallulah said bitterly and broke down in tears.

"Don't cry, you're still recovering plus you have to do more of eating and not crying".

Tallulah cried all the more, tears streaming down effortlessly.

"Come here". Camille stated with open arms which Tallulah hesitated but later crept into.

"Has it crossed your mind that this could actually be where you belong?"

Tallulah shook her head.

"You have to embrace and enjoy the present moment".

Tallulah knew there was no such thing as embracing or having fun presently. All she wanted to embrace was the freedom to leave and never come back.

"You cannot undo this Ma'lady. That has to sink in".

"What if I can undo it?".

Tallulah asked breaking the hug and wiping her tears.

"What do you mean?"

Camille asked looking skeptical.

"I'll just leave".

"It's not that simple to just leave, ma'lady".

"Then what can I do?" Tallulah asked and sniffed.

"Should and should not". Camille said and Tallulah looked confused. "All I can say is that you should obey Mateo and you should not get on his nerves".

"I can't…"

"You need you alive don't you?".

"I need me alive? What….".

She stopped talking and her eyes widened when she realized where Camille was getting to.

"Exactly! You could be alive one minute and dead the next. Anyway…". Camille said getting up from the bed. "Don't think about it too much".

Even though Camille left the room, her words still lingered in Tallulah's ears as she could hear them echoing within the four corners of the room.

Did Camille just hint her death notice to her face and just play it off saying she shouldn't think about it?

How would she not think about it? And how was she expected to embrace or even have fun under that roof.

No way in hell was she gonna stay there for yet another night.

If she was going to leave, she had to do it soon and fast.

She quickly got down from the bed staggering a little as she supported herself by placing her hand on the bed before she fell.

She walked out of the room and headed downstairs limping as she took every step.

"Ma'am". A bodyguard called to her. "You can't be out here".

Tallulah ignored him and kept moving towards the front door.

"You can't leave ma'am". Another said and started approaching her.

"No one speaks to me nor comes close". She warned and walked towards the door happy she was about to leave.

"Move a muscle and I shoot".

She heard Mateo warn behind her and the trigger was pulled.

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