Chapter 5. Not Welcome

"Why me?" I look at the guards as Beta Luca pulls me to my feet.

"You're to join the other candidates at the Luna Battle. Alpha Prime Darius has requested that you attend after your submission has made the finals."

My body stills as I’m shocked by their words. I never expected to be chosen. I feel Alpha Draven's eyes on me, and I know his anger is rising because of this. He can't refuse, he can't go against Alpha Prime Darius's orders, but he has the power to announce that I am already bitten and claimed by him.

Standing, I wait for his words, and I wait for his refusal or acceptance. Surely he will speak soon?

"Mutt, I suggest you pack your bag." I move quickly through the house and to my cell, packing the few items I have. Pulling off the top I am wearing, I winch and hold in the screams.

Someone steps into my cell as I begin to pull on my top.

"He sent me to cover your lacerations." Alex smiles, and I turn. "At least you are free." His words are whispered as I bite my lip to stop the screams as he rubs the ointment across my back.

"For a short time." I won't be forever.

"All done, good luck." He walks out. Pulling my top down, I grab my things and walk out.

As I make my way through the house, I bump into Beta Luca.

"You won't be gone long, Mutt. Enjoy the freedom; Alpha Prime Darius will quickly throw you to the curb when he realises you're a wolfless, packless whore."

His words are correct, and there's nothing I can do to change it. Maybe, though, once I am removed from this competition, I can make it to the Nightfall Citadel, the only place for rejected, wolfless people. Alpha Draven will never come there to collect me.

I stop at the door, the guards looking at me.

"See you soon, you can guarantee it." Alpha Draven watches as I walk out. I follow the guards and see the packs outside, watching as I step into the car. I'm lost on what I am meant to do. I don't know anything about this.

I know nothing about the world, either. We stop at the palace, and I step out of the car.

"The maid will guide you inside." The guard points to the door.

"Thank you." I give him a small smile, and he nods. Walking to the door, the maid looks at me.

"Follow me, please. You are the last to arrive." I walk through with her. She guides me through the palace, and I glance around, amazed. I thought Alpha Draven's home was lavish. This is on a whole new level.

"Through here." She opens the door, and I step inside. I see the other women they are standing close to each other. Already, groups are forming. I can clearly see the ones who are high up in their packs. The ones trained to be here are standing together.

Their voices quiet as they speak. Expressionless faces, as if this isn't a big event.

I stand close to the women but try not to draw attention to myself. Everyone is dressed beautifully, and I am in jeans and an old, worn T-shirt. Their dresses are something that you would expect the king’s Luna to wear.

My eyes leave them, and that's when I notice the cameras. I'm not ready for this. Panic builds in me.

"Excuse me." I glance up, looking at the man, confused. "You're too close. Please move back."

"Sorry?" I look at the news producer.

"You heard me. You're too close to the candidates. Move!"

"I-I'm a candidate."

I hear laughter. My body is pushed back, and I stumble before regaining my footing.

"Please don't disrespect the king; he won't be pleased when he arrives to see trash stood with his possible Luna!" The man pushes me back further.

"I am not lying. I was chosen to be here. Ask the maid. She brought me in." I point to her, and he laughs.

"Look, you're making us look bad. Move away, you stink." One of the women looks at me with a disgusted expression. "Surely you should be like in the cellar cleaning the floor?"

I hear some of the women laugh. The producer laughs as well.

"People like you don't belong here! You're not part of this; you would never be, and the king wouldn't allow it!" He pushes me hard, and this time, I fall and am ready for the pain when I hit the floor.

Instead, I feel a hand catch me before I can hit it.

"What is going on here?" I look up to see Alpha Kellan holding me. He has the same emerald eyes as Darius.

"She wouldn't get out of the shot; we were trying to get footage for your highness." The producer looks at him.

"And why was she required to be moved out of the shot?" He steps in front of me.

"She doesn't belong here. I am sure when Alpha Prime Darius arrives, he won't be happy with delays caused by the help."

"Well, you made the delay. Didn't you?" He steps forward. "As you're also 'the help,' you personally caused this delay."

"I didn't mean to do that, Sir; I needed to get a clear and clean shot of only the candidates."

"Which she is." The producer stills upon hearing his words.

"I-I..." He stops.

"Assumed. Didn't the broadcast say everyone was welcome to apply and that everyone had an equal chance?"

"W-we just assumed that was for the cameras, Sir."

"Well, it wasn't. Now, apologise; I will be letting the king know about this, considering she is possibly his future Luna and your queen." His face pales at Alpha Kellan's words.

"I'm sorry, miss." He bows his head.

"Ella." Alpha Kellan waves a maid over. "Please see that Elara is dressed appropriately. Then she fits in." He turns and walks away. Ella rushes and pulls me out. Taking me into a room, she quickly helps me strip and pull on a dress.

I still look awful, but far better than I had before. I can't complain. Putting on the shoes, I stand, and Ella guides me out. I stand with the women again.

"God, they really are letting the Mutt stay." One of them glares at me.

"Well, they need to make it look real. The Mutt will be gone at the first round." One of the women laughs.

"Ladies!" Someone calls our attention to him. I look forward and see the man standing on a stage. "I'm Beta William. The personal representative for the king. He will be joining us soon, at which point I will announce the first task for you ladies. Please do not approach the king. He will not be doing personal meetings today."

The girls all nod, and some are clearly excited. I look through them, trying to find where the hell I would fit in. Right now, I don't feel like that is anywhere.

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