Chapter 2. The Rabid Bloodhound

"Hah! Hah! Hah!" I panted uncontrollably as I ran on all fours with everything I had. The rustling sounds of the dried-up leaves and the snapping of the twigs, as well as the growls I could hear all around indicated just how close they were to me now.

For the past thirty minutes or so, I had done nothing else but run, and run, or otherwise bear the risk of suffering a fate even worse than I had experienced in the past. I knew I wasn't going to get death even if I wanted it. Jason would never relent until he's exacted his revenge for what I'd done. And I feared that'd be the last of me. I was already on the brink of going insane from the previous tortures.

The sound of my heart beating right in my ears wasn't anywhere close enough to the feeling of dread that enshrouded my being. I could feel my furs standing on end cautiously and brushing against the cold wind. The feeling of a hundred ants crawling on my skin was nothing but a subconscious reaction of my body to fear and pressure that served to fuel my innate instinct to survive.

All that I thought of at the moment was just how to escape. If I kept going this way without a change in plan, it'd only be a matter of time before I get caught and dragged back to Jason where I would surely meet my end. However, it was even harder to think in this situation as my whole being screamed to just run and never stop. I wasn't as strong as even a Beta, thanks to Jason. So I couldn't even think of doing anything as stupid as facing them.

"Awuuuu!!!" "Auuuuu!!" Moreso, I was outnumbered in every way. Is there even any chance that I'd escape this alive??

"There's no escape for you after what you've done, you whore!" I knew whom that voice belonged to, all too well.

If she's here then Jason was nearby too. I looked about in search of where the sound came from while still running at full speed through the dark woods. Cautious I could do and had to be, but I dare not stop for a second on my escape as that would mean the end of everything for me.

I could barely sense the scent of the others from the pack, they were near, very close to me. But where was she...

It was at that exact moment that I caught, from the corner of my eyes, a glimpse of two brown irises with golden rings gleaming sharply to my right. Her silver claws that shone like daggers reflected sharply in my eyes as they drew closer. This was it for me, this was as far as I could go.

"Aaaooowww!!" I couldn't help but let out a loud shrill as her claw dug deep into my shoulder and tore straight down to the sides of my belly. It was so unexpected that I lost balance and everything else became a rolling blur that left me dizzy. The only thing keeping me conscious being the stinging pain that lit my right side ablaze.

"Agh!" I let out a short grunt from the impact of my bones crashing unto the ground and sliding along.

I felt my whole body ache from the fall and I could feel my bones aching and threatening to break from the impact, despite the fact that I landed on a patch of dry leaves. I had my furs to thank as well for preventing me from sustaining several bruises. But I could tell they weren't in a good shape as well by the burning sensation I had from the friction as I slid along the ground. Contusions without a doubt.

I felt cold and hot. My body ached, and was so heavy that I could barely lift my eyelid. I was spent.

I heard the sounds of their feet thumping on the earth and as they got closer and caught up, it became only louder. I knew that everything was over by then. I had thought I had everything it took to finally escape Jason... How foolish of me to even think I ever would.

"There she is!" "Traitor!"

"Hurry, surround her!" It turns out this was as far as I could go. All I wanted was to leave this damned place that I've lived my whole life in. That person had shown me a way out, even if I had to risk my life. And this was all I could do with the chance.

How would she feel if she saw that even with all the chance she had given me, I still couldn't escape the misery I've spent my whole life living in. Of course, she was bound to give up on me as well. Why not? I'm of no use for anyone, not even for myself. Perhaps Jason was right about me, I really am nothing but a worthless toy.

'I give up...' I have no reason to run anymore. Nothing else could be done to change this fate of mine. Even the moon goddess isn't looking down on me with any mercy. Her divine imagery isn't visible in any way in the moonless and hazy sky. She's looking away from it all. I am of no importance after all. My sight became blurry once again and I could feel wet tickles running down my snout.

"You think you could do all of that and escape the whole pack without any consequence?!" Paige words echoed through to my hearing. "You joke!" She scoffed. I could see the face of contempt she made through my blurry vision. I never really understood why she hated me so much. What am I thinking? I am her leader's toy anyhow.

"Tie her up and take her back!" Following her words, loud steps of paws came closer to me and soon they became heavier steps. The next instant I felt four rough palms on my limbs and body, trying to bind me with a rope.

"Aar- egh!" I was going to let out a groan but I was hit by the back of one of their hands before I could. What care do they have for my wounds and pain? None. And that was clearly shown by their actions. I could only whimper in silence and bear with their roughness. What's left? Nothing but wait to be brought to Jason and have my fate decided by him. There's nothing left to do but give it all up. Nothing else...

"Raaaaarghhh!!!" I wasn't certain if i was hearing things or if something strange had just roared just now. Any beast surely didn't have enough courage to stay anywhere around a pack. Unless...

"H-hey, that's not the Rabid bloodhound right?"

Rabid bloodhound? That's right, lately there's been rumors about a strange monster running wild and making brutal killings of those who dared to venture too deep into the woods. We might as well have intruded in its territory now.

"Aa-aaaahkkk!!!" A hoarse outcry resounded and I could tell from the sound of flesh and bone breaking that followed, that whoever it was had already died a horrible death.

'Perhaps, the only true escape is death.' At least I could have death. It was a better fate to suffer. That way, I'd be free, truly free. But if it all were to end here, I should at least see the beast that will set me free with my very own eyes, and perhaps say my thanks.

I forced my eyes open and raised my head to see what was going on. Everyone left in the scene were tense and had already morphed into their wolf form, they grouped together and stood at alert. It seemed Paige had returned and left the task of bringing me back to these lots. Unfortunately for them, they'd meet their end here. And so will I.

"Raggh! Raggh!!" All that could be heard was its growls that were nothing short of madness which conveyed its wrath and berserk nature.

The name Rabid bloodhound given to it was befitting as it seemed to know nothing but blood and to destroy and kill mercilessly. Its movement was so swift that the group of omegas and betas fell one by one like flies, and were degraded into nothing but chunks of meat and torn fur. Only its dark silhouette could be seen as it hopped from all angles of the woods about, with each leap leading to a brutal kill.

When they had all fallen, it suddenly appeared. It hurried to scatter about the remains of what was the corpse of those it had just killed. And although, It was only for a moment that I saw its form in the darkness of the wood and the night, I was more surprised seeing that it was not just any beast or monster, it was a...

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