Chapter 2


I never wanted to go to the stupid post-coronation party of that guy, just to be clear.

Why did our parents have to become friends? Couldn’t they just be enemies? Though they were friends, my acrimony for Ian could never subside. Rather, it kept increasing day by day.

But my mom had threatened to demolish my restaurant if I didn’t attend the party. Having no other choice, here I was, entering the Beckett mansion for the second time today.

I was attending the party of the person who was holding my bodyguard hostage. Ian was the craziest of all, I swear.

As soon as I entered the party, my eyes, unfortunately, met his blue ones. Despite having the most beautiful eyes that I have always admired, he held the most arrogance out of all. It was a shame that all his handsome features – which I appreciated every time – go to waste after thinking of the things he does.

He started to approach me, a smirk playing on his lips. With every step he took toward me, my heartbeat quickened, but it was not because of unusual feelings. It was due to the fear of what stunt he might pull next.

The song ‘Perfect’ started playing in the background.

Ian extended a hand, and trying to be polite, he asked, “Wanna dance, Autumn?”

I hesitated for a brief moment, before agreeing as I saw my gang members watching me. I had to put a perfect image of mine in front of them if I wanted for them to obey me.

Ian snaked an arm around my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

We both were dancing, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. I tried to scan for some emotions. He looked so calm, so peaceful. He twirled me around and my head landed on his chest. I could hear Ian’s heartbeat. It was fast, just like mine.

He sucked in a deep breath and whispered in my ear, “I will release Spencer if you make pastries for me by yourself. You know, I love that red velvet pastry you make every New Year.”

“Yeah, what about it?” I deadpanned.

“I know you only make them in the New Year, but I have been craving for those for a few days. So I need you to make a few boxes of those pastries for me,” he informed me.

I gaped at him in disbelief. Did he kidnap my bodyguard just because of those pastries?

I loved cooking – especially pastries. Every New Year, I sent a box of different flavored pastries to the Beckett mansion for my friends, including Isabel, Aubree, Lia, and Steven. Also, for Ada and Simon. Not for Ian though – absolutely not. If I knew he received one of those pastries, I would have surely poisoned them.

“So, will you make it?” he asked me.

Shaking my head in denial, I replied curtly, “No.”

“Okay, then. Say bye-bye to Spencer.”

We had stopped dancing.

Ian took his phone out of his pocket, but I snatched it away, realizing what he was about to do.

“No, Ian.”

“Then agree to it. I only asked for your handmade red velvet pastries. Not your kidneys.” He also added, “I have my men everywhere. I can just make a command, then the last thing you’ll ever say to your bodyguard is, Rest in peace, Spencer. “

I rolled my eyes as I handed him back his phone. “Fine but just a box,” I said sternly.

He smiled brightly with his dimples popping on his cheeks, as he agreed, “Deal.”

“Ian, can I have a dance with you?” I heard the most annoying voice ever; the high-pitched familiar voice of Brianna Colson. She was the only blonde after Ian. She thought she could flirt with him because she was one of the executives of the Silver. She was also the daughter of Niko Colson, who was the right-hand man to Simon Beckett.

I took that as my cue to leave. If I stayed here one more minute, I would really blow up her head with a gunshot. I was about to leave, but Ian held my hand, much to my dismay making me frown.

He replied to Brianna, “I want to, but I am busy. Please enjoy the party, Brianna.” Then he walked away, pulling me with him.

“What am I? Your faithful dog?” I questioned, getting annoyed.

“If you say so,” he responded, pulling me toward his chest. “You can also be an obedient little girl, you know. I don’t mind.” He cupped my cheeks, smirking because he knew I understood the double meaning of his words.

I shot a fake smile and stomped my heel into his foot. I felt proud after hearing him hiss in pain.

Ian shot a glare in my direction. Before he could say another word, he was interrupted by his father’s voice.

“I would request Ian Beckett and Autumn Emerson to come here, at the center, please,” Simon spoke on a mic.

Avoiding each other, we walked together toward the center of the ballroom.

Mom, Dad, Ada, and Simon – everyone – were standing there, smiling at us.

“Finally, our babies are here. I was scared that you both killed each other already,” Ada said, feigning an act by placing a hand over her chest.

“Or maybe they went to resolve their arguments,” said Mom, making me roll my eyes. As if we would ever resolve our arguments!

“I wish,” I heard Dad mumble under his breath.

Simon said, “Okay, I think we should make the announcement now. I am turning the mic on again.”

I was eager to know the announcement my mom was talking about today. She said that Simon and Ada were announcing something important today at the party.

What was the special announcement? Would it ruin Ian’s life? I would love to hear something like that if that’s the case.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you all know, tonight is the post-coronation party for my son, our Silver king, Ian Beckett.” Simon continued speaking, “The Silver and the Shadow have shared a great bond for the past twenty-six years, and we hope it will stay that way for more years to come. On this happy occasion, the Becketts and the Emersons have decided to merge our two gangs. Thus, we are announcing the marriage of Ian Beckett and Autumn Emerson. The wedding papers will be signed at midnight.”

As Simon ended his speech, I stood dumbstruck. I was wondering if I heard him correctly or if I was dreaming.

Did he just announce my marriage with Ian that too for the beneficial purposes of our gangs?

This wasn’t happening.

I wanted to marry someone I love, not someone I couldn’t even tolerate. Why didn’t anyone ask me? Didn’t I have the right to give my opinion on it?

I glanced at Ian, wondering whether he knew anything about it.

My eyes went as wide as saucers when I realized what was happening to me.

Oh, my God, I was going to be Autumn Beckett.

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