Chapter 4


Usually, I would get excited while entering my room. But today was different. I didn’t know how to react when I walked in. It was my last day living in my house – in my bedroom. Leaving everything behind and settling in the Beckett mansion took a toll on me. Taking the star master lamp that I had, I turned it on, placing it in the middle of my room, on top of my tea table. The whole room looked like a starry night.

I loved watching the stars.

I hugged an emoticon pillow and let out my tears as quietly as I could, not letting anyone hear my ugly sobs.

Why did this have to happen? I didn’t ever want to get married without love. I couldn’t believe I was married to Ian now – the same Ian who had put chewing gum on my hair on my fifth birthday.

I felt so helpless and lonely. There was no one to wipe my tears, as usual. I was so unlucky.

Why did I have no one? Why didn’t anybody understand me? My chain of thoughts was interrupted by the loud ringing of my phone. I looked at the caller ID.

Asshole Ian

“Why is this asshole giving me a video call?”

Wiping my tears, I picked up the call. It was rare for him to call me. We barely talked over the phone. Usually, if we called each other, it meant an emergency.

“Done packing up?” As soon as I received the call, he asked with his calm voice.

Ian was looking so fresh and handsome. He was sitting on his bed. There was no doubt that he had just gotten out of the shower. Whereas I was still on the bed, wearing the gown from this evening.

I responded, “I haven’t even started.”

“You didn’t even change. It’s three in the morning. When will you change, pack, and sleep?”

I arched an eyebrow and teased, “Is this concern I am seeing from you right now?”

He rolled his eyes. “Think whatever you want. Explaining stuff to women is like stepping on a dog’s tail on purpose.”

“Ouch. That was mean.” I feigned looking shocked, placing a hand over my chest.

He deadpanned, “It was intentional.”

“Did you just call me to humiliate me? Because if you did, I still have plenty of things to do,” I breathed out.

Ian seemed to have gotten up from the bed, judging from the whirling of the camera and lag. He started walking, still holding the phone in front of him.

“I just enjoy wasting your time. The- ouch!”

Everything happened so fast. Ian slipped, and his phone fell, automatically turning on the back camera. I could clearly see him lying flat on the floor. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He looked so funny. The fall he had was well worth wasting my time for.

I continued to laugh.

“Crap it! Who left this stupid Rubik’s cube – shit! It’s mine. But I- ouch!”

I saw him holding his back, hissing in pain. It made me laugh more.

He grabbed the phone from where it had fallen. “Why are you lau- crap it! The camera switched. And you think you are the unlucky one, Autumn.”

I stopped laughing.

The way he said my name – gave me goosebumps. I didn’t like the impact he had on me just by calling my name.

I asked abruptly, “How did you know that I thought that?”

“Just a rough guess,” he replied curtly. He got up and stood straight. “I don’t have all the time in the universe to give you. Get lost.”

I retorted, “As if I asked for your time.”

We both ended the call at the same time. Though I didn’t like him, he made me laugh and lightened my mood. I was thankful to him for that. Only for that.

I tried to go back to sulking at my bad luck, but the way Ian fell replayed in my mind, and I ended up laughing again.

“Get up, Autumn. You have a lot of work to do,” I told myself and got up.

I took a bath and finished packing. Then I decided to sleep, even though it was 5:30 a.m. It’s okay if I get three hours of sleep maximum; that has always been enough for me.

Plopping on the bed, I wrapped myself with a blanket, closing my eyes until sleep engulfed me.


I got up at the alarm, getting up to visit my restaurant. As a profession outside the mafia, I ran the ‘Blooming Restaurant.’ I was the owner of it, and I had started it on my own after graduation. My restaurant soon became famous, and it was now the number-one restaurant in my city. I never regretted starting this business.

I didn’t want to run the Emerson Fashion Industries, but I was a model there. Handling the mafia was enough for me; I didn’t want to handle Dad’s companies as well.

I went downstairs to have breakfast. Mom and Dad were already in the kitchen.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” Mom greeted. Dad just smiled.

“Good morning,” I said, pulling out a chair and sitting down. I started eating the omelet Mom had put in front of me.

“Autumn, I am so sorry. I should have asked for your permission.” Dad’s voice was filled with guilt. I remained silent and continued eating. “The reason is that-”

“I know, Dad. It was for the mafia, I know. I am okay with it now. I have to do it for my people. I am their leader.”

Mom continued after I interrupted Dad’s words, “No, dear. This is not the only reason. The mafia was one of the reasons. Listen, you’ve known Ian since birth. Even we know him. He is the best choice for you. Only you both can control each other. That’s why we agreed to this.”

Dad handed me the chocolate shake.

“I hope you understand. Everything we do is to help you, honey. You are my princess. I would rather die than hand you to someone whom I don’t know and trust,” my dad said and continued, “I made your favorite chocolate milkshake. Just know, we are always there for you. If Ian ever hurts you, just call me and everything will come to an end.”

Smiling, I drank the milkshake. Only I knew what I was going through. They would never understand my feelings. Feeling uncomfortable, I decided I had to leave.

“I will be late for work if I continue gossiping with you. I have finished packing everything, so please send my luggage to the Beckett mansion. I will go there straight after work,” I said and got up, finishing my breakfast.

I hugged my mom.

“I will miss you, dear. I can’t believe you won’t come back here after today.” She sniffled.

“I love you, Mom.”

Then I went to hug dad. He was trying hard to keep a tough and strong posture.

“Take care, Princess. Tell me if Ian ever harms you. One shot from me and he would never be able to lay a finger on you.”

I chuckled. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too. I will really miss you a lot. Don’t you dare stop calling me. I want regular updates, okay?” asked Dad.

“Okay,” I said, and we pulled away.

I grabbed my purse and left the house, taking my car keys with me. I turned back one last time to spare a glance – with almost teary eyes – to face the white mansion where I grew up.

“Bye, bye,” I said to the house and got into my car.

My phone chimed.

Asshole Ian: I emptied a nightstand. Will it be enough to keep all your stuff?

Autumn: I will kill you.

Asshole Ian: Already threatening your recently married husband. I must really be a lucky man. Wow.

Autumn: Whatever.

I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and drove toward my restaurant. I tried to focus on work, but the events of yesterday replayed in my mind. No one apart from the mafias knew that I was married to Ian. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want my work to end. After all, I didn’t want to go to my new home, the Beckett mansion, but the evening made no exception. It was going to be dark soon, and I needed to go home.

I stepped into the car and exhaled a sigh deeply.

God, please take care of everything. Here I come, my new so-called home.

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