Chapter 4

I finished my breakfast, feeling skeptical about Mr. Devereaux’s claims. “This has been an entertaining story, but I think it’s time to call it quits. I need a job, and you must have spent a fortune on that doctor visit. I appreciate the clean bill of health, but now I have to go back to the clinic for birth control, which is just inconvenient.”

“I assure you, I’m not joking,” Mr. Devereaux insisted.

“Alright, then prove it to me.”

“Not here. We can do it at your house or out in the woods.”

“You expect me to go to the woods with someone who seems a little unhinged?”

“Okay, your house then.”

“And that’s safer?”

“Before you let me in, have your phone ready to call 911. I’ll prove it to you, but I have to strip naked before I shift, so be prepared.”

The thought of seeing this attractive man naked ignited my curiosity, and he seemed to know it. Did I really want to take the risk for a chance to witness his transformation? Maybe.

“Fine, you can follow me to my house. But don’t get out of your car until I signal you to, and I’ll have my gun and phone ready. Or do I need silver bullets?”

He smirked. “Regular bullets will do. Silver bullets work faster. I’ll take care of the bill. You don’t have to worry about me following you; I already know where your house is. It’ll give you more time to prepare. I’ll stay in my car until you invite me in.”

I had provided my address in the application, so I suppose he did know.

As I drove back home, I questioned the wisdom of letting a potentially unstable stranger into my house. However, I wasn’t lying about having a gun. I kept a Ruger .357 loaded with Hydra-shocks close to my bed. So, I grabbed it before heading to the door. I didn’t bother bringing the phone. Rene was waiting in his car when I reached home. I opened the door and gestured for him to come in, all while keeping the gun visible. He smirked again.

“I’m going to undress now,” he announced.

“Sure, just do it slowly.”

He followed my instructions, removing his clothes gradually. Shoes and socks first, then his shirt, and finally his pants and underwear. Holy fuck! Everything his clothes had hinted at, his naked body revealed in full glory. He was hairier than my usual preference, but damn, it looked good on him. And his cock... it was a marvel. Even flaccid, it measured five to six inches. My heart raced, and you can guess what got even juicier.

“Are you married?” I blurted out, realizing it was a foolish question, considering I might have to kill him.

“Yes, well, mated, which is almost the same thing,” he responded.

“What does your mate think about you trying to impregnate another woman? Or are some other wolves supposed to have a go at me?”

“It’s for the good of the pack, and we hope that more than one of us can participate. I’m about to change soon. It’ll happen suddenly, so please don’t shoot me just because I’ll look like a wolf. I won’t pose a threat to you. In fact, you might want to take your finger off the trigger.”

“Step back another ten feet.”

“Very well.” He complied. “In about five seconds.”

I cautiously removed my finger from the trigger and began counting internally. In all the werewolf movies I’d seen, their transformation was depicted as a long and painful process, but this was far from it. In just a second, I was staring at the largest dog I’d ever laid eyes on. Its golden eyes were a shade yellower than Rene’s when he was human. It sat down, looking harmless, and even seemed to smile when I let out a startled “Jesus!”

In another quick change, Rene was kneeling on the floor of my living room. I noticed that his penis looked even more erect than before. He wasn’t shy about acknowledging it either. “I can smell your arousal. It tends to make us ready when a woman is in heat.”

“In heat, huh? That’s an apt description,” I muttered, feeling a mixture of fascination and apprehension. “So, were you the wolf that ran alongside me when I was jogging one day?”

“That was me. I wanted to get closer to catch your scent. Wolves rely heavily on their sense of smell.”

“Well, now that I know you’re real, what other fairy tales might actually be true?”

“There are other types of shapeshifters here in the country: panthers, bears, a few eagles. However, wolves are the only ones with a treaty with the government. The others are mostly lone individuals, and sometimes, we help the government track them down if they’re endangering humans.”

“And what about vampires?”

“The Undead. I believe the last of them were exterminated about two hundred years ago, but I can’t say for sure. If they do exist, they keep a low profile.”

“How long do you live?”

“We live a long time, but not forever. About three hundred years. I’m a hundred and thirty. I was just a young pup when I witnessed the treaty between humans and wolves. Shapeshifting seems to enhance our ability to heal and fight diseases, slowing down the aging process. I can’t give you an STD; we’re immune to them. We also have remarkable recuperative abilities from most injuries. However, we do eventually age, but it tends to be quite sudden. I’ll remain in this prime state for another hundred and seventy years or so, and then I’ll rapidly age and die.”

“That’s unreal.”

“It’s our reality. And now that you’re aware of it, would you be willing to help us?”

“Alright, I have to ask though, what’s it like having sex with a wolf?”

He chuckled. “Think of two dogs mating. It’s similar, but we’re obviously furry in our wolf form. Our penises are roughly the same size, whether in human or wolf form.” He paused, then continued, “You might not want to kiss during intercourse because of the teeth.”

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