Chapter 4

"You shouldn't do that Aunt Jessica, let me help you carry that bucket of water," Emerald muttered, running towards Jessica to help her with the bucket of water she was fetching. "What are you doing there Emerald?" Aunt Clara's voice filled the Air. 

"I need you in the house right now, how do you expect me to stack up all those snacks and carry them to the market alone? Get over here and help me," Aunt Clara said. "I'm just going to help aunt Jessica with her bucket of water inside the house Mother," Emerald said.

"You silly child, let her do it. Moreover, she can carry the bucket of water herself. Isn't that right Jessica?" Aunt Clara asked. 

"Of course," Jessica muttered with a small smile. "Since you heard her already, can you just come inside and help me out? Hurry up Emerald," Aunt Clara mumbled.

"Just go help her out, I will be fine," Jessica muttered with a smile. The minute Emerald had gone inside the house, Aunt Clara came back outside before pouring some liquid su*****ce on the floor. She smiled a little before walking inside. 

Jessica lifted her bucket of water before walking inside the house. The minute she stepped on the slippery su*****ces that were sprayed earlier, she lost balance and fell heavily on the floor with the bucket of water spilling everywhere. 

"Arhh, my tummy," she yelled in pain. 

"Aunt Jessica, what happened here?" Emerald asked, running towards her. "Let me help you get up," Emerald said, trying to lift her up but couldn't. "Mother," Emerald yelled as Aunt Clara came running towards them. 

"This is why I told you not to fetch some water, how did you slip? You have to be extra careful because you're pregnant, I hope you aren't hurt," Aunt Clara asked.

 "I hope you didn't break any bones, aunt Jessica," Emerald asked worryingly.

"Arhhh, blood," Jessica muttered as she stared at her clothes that were soaked in her own blood.

 "Aunt Jessica," Emerald muttered almost in tears.

"You're bleeding! Hurry Emerald. Go get some help or call the cab so we could get her to the hospital," Aunt Clara said. 

"Wait right here aunt Jessica while I get the cab, you would be fine," Emerald let out before running to get help. "Hurry Emerald before it gets literally disastrous," Aunt Clara yelled.


"Nurse, where can I find Jessica Franco?" Travis asked, panic laced in his voice. "The first bed on your left sir," The nurse said, making Travis nod. 

"Brother?" Emerald called the instant she noticed Travis. "Emerald? Jessica?" He called before taking a seat close to his wife. "Babe?" Jessica called as Travis held on her hands tightly. 

"What happened to you love? how did you get here?" Travis asked. "Please forgive me, babe, I didn't mean for this to happen," Jessica muttered with a little sob escaping her lips. 

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Franco?" The woman dressed in a white laboratory suit asked as Travis sprang up from the chair. "Yes, doctor," Travis replied. "Well, your wife is out of danger," The doctor said. 

"Thank you, doctor," Travis said with a sigh of relief. "What about my baby doctor?" Jessica asked. "Both of you shouldn't worry, your baby is safe." The doctor let out, with a smile. "Oh, thank goodness," Jessica let out. 

"Next time Jessica, be careful and don't do heavy house chores. It is not good for you and the baby," The doctor warned. "Yes doctor, I won't," Jessica said with a nod. 

"Everything seems stable, I need to attend to another patient! Please excuse me," the doctor muttered before leaving. "Love, please would you stop exhausting yourself too much from now on?" Travis pleaded softly as Jessica wouldn't stop sobbing, the thought of losing her first baby scared her to death.

"Household chores aren't something that's hard Travis," Jessica let out. "Brother, I have something to say," Emerald said. "What's it, Emerald?" Travis asked gazing at her.

"I have been feeling guilty for a long time now, it's about my mother. She has been doing and harboring bad things towards aunt Jessica," Emerald explained. 

"Emerald, don't say that about your mother," Jessica said.  

"Is that true love?" Travis asked but Jessica couldn't stare him in the eyes.

"I don't want to ruin your family and the relationship you have with your stepmother," Jessica said.

"No, if she doesn't like you, she shouldn't involve our baby. I need to talk to her about this," Travis said with anger visible on his whole face. "No need, don't just mind her." Jessica pleaded. 

"Careful aunt Jessica," Emerald muttered as they walked inside the house. "Emerald please get Jessica a cup of water," Travis muttered, making her head to the kitchen. 

"Oh, I see you are back from the hospital Jessica! So tell me how you and the baby are doing?" Aunt Clara asked. "No complication, we are doing fine," Jessica replied. "Well, thank Goodness that both you and the baby are safe," Aunt Clara said, holding her chest.  

"Aunt Clara? Love? I need to get back to the wine factory. Please take good care of Jessica for me while I'm away," Travis said. "Of course Travis, I would take good care of her," Aunt Clara said. 

"Thank you," Travis said before staring back at his wife. 

"You should be careful," he warned before pecking her on the lips. He walked out of the room before lurking at the back of the door. "Nothing went wrong with your pregnancy? Oh no, that means there is no stopping another mouth to feed in this house. I just can't believe this." Aunt Clara said a little mad.

"Aunty, I know ever since I came to this house. You never liked me for Travis but I hope you would leave my child out of this," Jessica said. 

"Are you threatening me?" Aunt Clara asked. 

"I'm asking you with respect because I respect you and since my husband looks up to you as his real mother but if you ever threaten the life of my child again, I won't allow it anymore." Jessica let out firmly.

"What're you going to do? Huh, you talk asive you are someone high and mighty. If you feel you have grown tough now then let me warn you because I'm someone a lot tougher " Aunt Clara let out. Jessica felt it was a waste of time arguing with her as she turned to leave but aunt Clara hauled her by the hair. 

"Uhhh," Jessica wimps in pain.

"Where do you think you're going when I'm not finished talking to you?" Aunt Clara asked, hauling her grip harder on Jessica's hair. 

"Aunty please stop," Jessica begged. 

"I won't let you push me around, remember that," Aunt Clara let out as she put up her hand to slap Jessica but Travis held her hand tightly before she could succeed.

"Don't you dare hurt my wife aunt Clara," Travis muttered angrily. "You only act nicely towards her when I'm around and treat her badly when I leave for work. I can't take this anymore, I want you out of this house." Travis let out with finality in his every phrase.

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