Chapter 4


“Hello?” I called, waving my hands in front of his face, yet I got no reaction out of him.

“Can’t you speak? Are you talkless?” I asked, resting my palm on my hip.

“Talkless?” he asked, looking deep into my eyes.

I shrugged, “Yeah, talkless.”

“What’s talkless?” he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, meanwhile, I slapped my forehead, creating a scene. Trust me to be dramatic.

“Talk. Less. Less talk. Talkless. You don’t know what talkless is? Seriously? Everyone knows. You know, right?” I pointed my finger at the guy with brown eyes beside him, who leaned back at my rapid pointing.

“No. I don’t actually,” he replied nervously.

I sighed. “Who talks? People. Those who talk, can talk, right? So talkless means those who can’t talk. Simple,” I explained as they looked at me as if I had grown another head.

Both men suddenly burst into laughter, and my goal was accomplished. I smiled shyly at the fact that I could make them laugh. At first, they appeared very gloomy and serious, which made me feel the need to break through that and make them smile.

A huge achievement on my part, plus all people should be happy, right?

“That’s called ‘mute’, you know?” The light blue-eyed man enlightened me and I smiled along with them.

“Glad I could make you guys laugh,” I said as they looked at each other with amusement in their eyes, “Well, are you guys lost?” I asked again, glad that the awkward silence was finally broken. The brown-eyed man cleared his throat, ready to speak when someone else chipped in.

“Oh, they were looking for us.” A voice came from behind the two hulking men. Straining to look past them, I found Cason and Orson approaching us.

“Hey,” I fist-bumped each of them in greeting.

“And he’s our brother,” Cason said, clearing the thick air between us.

“Honestly, how many brothers could you possibly have?” I asked, shaking my head, unable to remember ever seeing the blue-eyed guy who Cason pointed out as his brother.

Cason grinned, “Five, he is the second oldest.”

I had to make things clear. “Let me get this straight. The oldest one is Kendrik who is marrying Pearly. You are the third, no wait, Kace is the third, right? Nevermind, I don’t care either way. Orson is the youngest. And the second one is... his name is...” I trailed off as I tried to remember the second brother’s name as all four of them stared at me as if I were an entertainer about to c**** another joke.

“Wait I got it, you’re Foxen and everyone calls you ‘Fox’, right?” I said turning towards the light blue-eyed guy, as he stood there staring down at me dumbstruck while the remaining three burst into a fit of laughter.

Oops! Clearly, I got his name wrong.

“Did I get it wrong?” I said putting my index finger on my left cheek. “I’m sorry if I got that wrong. Was it Toxon? Boxon? Box? Or Waxon? Wax? No, that sounds weird as hell,” I let out, scrunching up my nose in disgust.

Wax... What kind of name is that?

Cason and Orson were almost in tears, while the light brown-eyed man was clutching his stomach. The second Bevine brother, however, stared daggers at me.

“Ummm...” I said approaching him. “Sorry but I don’t remember your name. Anyway, I’m Ruby Gerund,” I introduced myself, holding my hand out and hoping he would introduce himself too. I always sucked at remembering names.

He looked at me and then at my hand, hanging in the air. Placing his hands in his pockets, he spoke, “I don’t talk to talkmore people with Alzheimer’s.” And with that, he walked away leaving us all dumbstruck.

“Did he just speak her language?” Orson blurted out, breaking the silence.

“Boss just met her today and-”

Cason cut him off, “She’s affecting him,” he said with a smirk.

My mind couldn’t digest one thing though, talkmore wasn’t exactly an insult to me. But did he just say that I had Alzheimer’s?

Realization of what he said hit me like a tsunami, “Did he just say I have Alzheimer’s? Where does he think he’s going? Stop right there, Mister!” I shouted, and as I was about to run after that Wax guy, or whatever his name was, Pearl shouted for me.

“Ruby, my reception is tonight, did you forget?!” Pearl yelled, grabbing the dress, I handed it over to Orson.

“Give that to Pearly,” I instructed.

“But-” And before he could object, I rushed after that Wax guy.

How dare he say I have Alzheimer’s? It’s not my fault that I don’t remember everyone’s names. Urg, I had to talk to him about that.


I was still chasing down the blue-eyed guy, who didn’t even dare to look back once.

“Excuse me, mister!” I shouted, holding up the edges of my gown to prevent myself from tripping.



“Waxon Bevine!”

He turned around frantically, staring daggers at me. “Oh my goodness! It’s Vexon Bevine for shit’s sake!” he snapped, making me flinch at his outburst.

Seriously, Ruby? You thought of all the possible names except the ones beginning with V. Heck! I’m an idiot. If only I could go back a few minutes earlier and use the next letter after W.

Maybe I could have said the correct name that very moment, and then he wouldn’t say I had Alzheimer’s either.

All your fault, Ruby.

“Well, thanks for introducing yourself,” I said with a grin, mentally praying he would smile and forget everything.

Instead, he exhaled a deep breath. “Creep,” he muttered and walked away again, his hands in his pockets.

Did he just call me a creep? First I have Alzheimer’s and now I’m a creep. Urg, I’m so gonna- Urg. Stay calm Ruby, try to stay calm, I thought to myself as I tried to calm myself down.

“Let me go check on Pearly, the wedding begins in an hour anyway,” I said with a sigh, as I walked back in the direction of Pearl’s room.

“Maybe I should run away? There’s still an hour left,” I heard Pearl mumbling to herself, and without knocking, I barged into her room.

“If you elope now, then rotten tomatoes will be waiting for us, with flying sandals,” I said, watching her flinch at my sudden appearance, placing a hand over her heart.

“Good Lord! You could’ve killed me,” Pearl said, glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes, “Good, then you wouldn’t need to escape,” I commented, she narrowed her eyes at me, and that’s when I finally noticed her attire.

Pearl was wearing her wedding gown, and My Lord, she looked like a princess. “You look absolutely flawless!” I shrieked, unable to believe that I had spent twenty-three years of my life with her and now she was going to leave me.

Why was life so weird? I felt a sudden warmth on my cheeks and sighed. Why couldn’t I realize when I cry or at least begin to?

Pearl wiped my tears and hugged me. “Thank you. The same goes for you. You look awesome!”

“Today, only you have the right to look like the most beautiful woman. It’s your day after all,” I said.

“No. You also have the right. Who knows, some mafioso might see you tonight and then decide to forcefully marry you?” Pearl teased as I glared at her while she laughed.

“Not again, Pearly. Stop saying such bad things,” I whined.

What if it really does happen? Please, Lord, don’t let it.

“Uh-huh, here are my babies,” mom said, having just gotten all decked out for the event. We hugged her as she kissed our foreheads and hugged us. “You both look gorgeous.”

We smiled and Pearl sat down on the bed, and said, “I am damn nervous.”

“Well, everyone gets cold feet before their wedding. But hey, don’t worry. I’ll be by your side, always,” I let out, flashing her a toothy grin.

Mom cleared her throat. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Ruby. But you have to go to church now. I’ll bring Pearl,” she announced and smiled.

“Okay.” I stood up from the bed, ready to go to the venue when mom stopped me.

“The Bevines are leaving now as well except Kendrik. I want you to accompany them all the time. Take good care of them,” mom explained, and I nodded. Well, I guess it was time to serve my sister’s soon-to-be in-laws.

“Hey, Vanera!” I said to Kendrik’s mom as I gave her a brief side-hug, not noticing her sons including that brown-eyed guy.

She gracefully smiled at me and said, “Hello, Ruby. Are you going to church too?”

I nodded. Glancing behind her, I saw three of her sons waiting and it made me wonder where Vexon was.

“Ruby, we’re also just about to leave. Come on, let’s go together,” Cason chimed in.

“Sure,” I replied and glanced at Kace. “Umm... Kace? Where’s Newana?” I asked, watching as he scratched his head, hesitating to respond.

“Maybe she’ll come with Kendrik,” he answered. Newana Bevine was Kace’s wife. They had gotten married five years ago because she was pregnant. I still haven’t met their baby even though I really wanted to.

I had met Newana once when she had asked me where the washroom was. We never talked, except for me guiding her to the washroom. She seemed moody as heck.

“Well then, let’s go,” Orson let out as he took my hand, and dragged me with him as we walked to the car.

“Mom, you go with Cason, Orson, and Vexon. I’ll take Ruby along with me,” Kace explained and all agreed but me. They were a family, so they should travel together.

“There’s no need for that,” I protested. “You guys can go together and I’ll go with that brown-eyed good-looking yet way older guy over there,” I said and everyone chuckled.

“I am Mane Cands,” the brown-eyed man finally introduced himself.

“Ruby Gerund, nice to meet you,” I answered with a smile.

Soon Vexon came to join us, sliding his phone into his suit pocket. Glancing at me for a second before he focused on Cason and spoke.

“So, what have you decided?” he asked, and Cason decided to reply.

“Me, Mom, Kace, Orson, and Mane are going together and you are going with Ruby.”


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