Chapter 4

Davina pov

The next 24 hours were pure torture. My symptoms steadily got worse.

Up until that point I had always managed to brush off Gwen. With the request that I wanted to rest. She always understood me and thought that I was very exhausted.

Thanks to my last question, Amun hadn't sent me a healer. They would probably notice that I would die soon and my current plan would be invalid. So I was lucky and would soon meet my end.

I could only hope that Gwen gave me the peace I wanted. My condition deteriorated rapidly. On her next visit, she would notice that something was very wrong.

The fever plagued me and I had all sorts of conditions. The pain consumed me, everything inside me burned and hurt like hell. This pain was now almost unbearable and was getting worse.

When the next wave of pain hit me, I became dizzy. The fever rose and I was no longer completely sane. The madness had certainly already reached me.

Chills set in and my head was pounding. It was like someone was swinging a hammer inside.

I don't know when, but I fell asleep again, probably more likely unconscious from all the symptoms.

I was shaken awake by someone, which increased my suffering. It was difficult for me, but I opened my eyes a crack to find out who the troublemaker was.

The light was blinding and it took me a moment before I could see anything.


It was Amun and his voice sounded very muffled, as if it had been packed with cotton wool. It was tiring, but I studied him. He looked completely distressed, it took me a moment to understand the situation. My brain worked slowly.


He would now understand what was wrong with me. Even if not, he would get a healer.

Sooner or later one would realize that death would soon take me.

His lips moved so he said something, but I barely heard him. My head was too dizzy and my surroundings were spinning slightly. At that, my vision became blurry so I closed my eyes.

A new wave went through me and I couldn't suppress this moan. The pain was too much, but soon I would have made it, not for long.

Someone squeezed my upper arm and I opened my eyes on my own. After blinking a few times, I regained normal vision.

The king came into view first. Behind Amun, I noticed a frantic Gwen. She must have called him when she found me in this condition.

Amun shook me slightly and my eyes snapped to him. His lips moved again, but I didn't hear his words. I furrowed my eyebrows slowly, barely managing to do so. It felt like it was an incredibly strenuous movement. I was far too weak. The fever made me weak and my body couldn't do anything about it.

I closed my eyes, soon I would pass out and hopefully never wake up again.

He shook me slightly again, causing me to grumble. I wanted to sleep and have peace. But Amun wanted me to stay awake.

I slowly opened my eyes and I immediately found his golden ones. Amun said something, but I only managed to blink.

He brushed a strand of hair from my face that had stuck to my forehead thanks to feverish madness. Afterward, he put his hand on my cheek and somehow it was pleasant. I liked his touch.

My eyes threatened to close, but Amun stroked my cheek with his thumb, so I kept them open.

Gwen handed him what I identified as a cloth. He gently placed the thing on my forehead and it was cold. At first, the cold was a bit of a shock, but after that, it felt good.

Suddenly the next wave of pain came and it reminded me of my actual goal. Under no circumstances should I get better. I wanted to die. The beasts should let me go in peace.

My suffering was certainly visible to me because I could no longer cover up or hide anything.

Even less so when the next wave of pain came, but I was grateful for it because it pulled me into the darkness.

When I woke up again I was completely disoriented. I no longer had any pain or fever.

I slowly opened my eyes; I was still weak and couldn't even open them properly. It was too tiring and tedious.

Then I heard a voice, "Davina?" It was Amun and he sounded very relieved.

No, I wasn't dead.

The king had very good healers. My plan had gone wrong and I hated myself for it.

It had been such a safe plan until Gwen found me in my bad state. She had ruined everything. That only annoyed me more.

"Davina?" That beautiful voice, but unfortunately the owner was a beast. Amun took my hand, which showed that I could feel the sparks, which was why it had to be him. I wanted to take it away from him, but that was impossible when I couldn't even open my damn eyes.

He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb as he said, "It'll be okay."

No, it would never happen again.

I tried to stay awake, but shortly after stepped away. The darkness took me by itself.


The next time I woke up I felt much better. This time I had no problem opening my eyes. For a moment my vision was blurry, which made me blink a few times. The light stung my eyes slightly, but they slowly got used to it.

I looked around and realized I was in the hospital, which made sense. As logical as it could be if you fought to ensure that your arch-enemy survived. It was all a complete joke.

I have no idea how long I slept. However, my condition was much better. But that's not exactly how I was supposed to feel, I was supposed to be dead, and I wanted to be dead.

Only then did I notice that someone was sitting on the chair next to the bed? Of course, it was Amun who appeared to be sleeping.

What the hell was he doing here?

The man should be mad because I wanted to kill myself or should have realized that we weren't compatible at all. But no, Amun was sitting on my sickbed.

He was sleeping, but you could see his lack of sleep and his ten thousand worries.

I watched him for a while. This man was incredibly attractive and I felt our bond. Amun drew me to him; I could hardly deny this attraction.

I was his mate.

Whatever the moon goddess was thinking, it was pure madness. A powerful element carrier and was paired with a werewolf king. That was completely irrational.

I would never complete the covenant with Amun. There was no question about it, I would never do something like that. This should be clear to a goddess.

Yet something inside me wanted to wake him up and talk to him. I suppressed this urge with all my might. I wasn't a weak little girl.

I wanted to escape from this beast and finally go home, but I would be killed there. Which in theory I wanted, but the thought scared me.

There was a breathing device in my nose that I carelessly ripped out and threw away. There was something exactly like that on my finger, probably used to measure blood pressure. I tore it off my finger, threw back the covers, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I had to get out of here and quickly.

As I stood up, the machines started beeping. Great. The alarm would surely be sounded and Amun would wake up.

There was no time to waste, unfortunately I felt dizzy. I was probably lying down for too long and my circulation went crazy.

I tried to ignore it and headed for the door because there was no way my circulation would ruin my escape. I wanted to go through this ice cold.

I was about two steps away from the door when Amun suddenly stood in front of me. I jumped in shock, even though it made sense. No one could miss this annoying beeping sound. I could never have been so lucky that he slept through it.

He looked at me coldly and I happily returned it. "Where do you want to go?" His voice sounded threatening and he still radiated this immense power. I replied snappily, "Out the door. Where else?" It was obvious and Amun should have expected that I would at least try to escape. He couldn't be that stupid.

Suddenly someone tried to open the door, so Amun thundered, "No!" That certainly meant me too and not just the people outside.

Amun looked so angry and I could hardly blame him. But neither does he for me.

We both stared at each other and I would maintain eye contact. Amun should never think that he was intimidating me. He did, but I would still keep it to myself.

Just those damn eyes, they drew me to them. No, his entire existence did that. That was unfair.

Why was I chosen to be his wife?

I didn't give up yet and wanted to push him aside, which was completely pointless. Logically, there was no way he would allow that.

Amun grabbed my wrists and pushed me back. I tried to free myself but had no chance. An automatic reaction was to use my fire.

Suddenly small flames ignited where he touched me. That surprised me very much. My fire should be suppressed. However, the flame was much weaker than intended.

Amun was probably doing it a little, but he continued to hold me. I was far too shocked that my element had worked, so I otherwise stayed quiet.

I looked at my wrists in disbelief, it didn't make any sense, not even a little bit.

Wait a minute, but it did.

They had given me back a small part so that I could continue to live. Someone seemed to know their stuff well.

I checked it out and felt my fire immediately. Only a small part of the extent that I used to have was back. However, it was still better than nothing, although I couldn't do much harm with it.

Amun released my wrists and I was completely absorbed in my element. I raised my palms and examined them. I instinctively played with my fire because I wanted it confirmed again.

Small flames danced on my palm, but they were pathetically small. Still, the sight was beautiful and I didn't feel quite so broken anymore. A small smile played on my lips at this little show.

Amun snapped me out of my trance by saying, "You never mentioned that you are a powerful element carrier, that being released from your fire will kill you."

I immediately lowered my palms and stopped playing with my fire. My smile faded and I looked up at him with a stone mask.

Amun looked at me, probably trying to read my expression. But he would never be able to do that. Nobody could read minds, that didn't even exist in this crazy world.

"You knew you were going to die." It wasn't a question, but a statement, so I felt it unnecessary to answer him.

This was generally obvious.

Then his facial expression changed and it was an ice-cold mask again. So Amun understood that I was only too aware of this.

"So you hate me so much."

Oh yes, someone was hurt. I was surprised that my behavior surprised him. Since that wasn't a question again, I didn't answer this time either.

Without my expecting this reaction, Amun turned around and flung open the door. Without looking at me again, he left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Of course not without locking it behind you.

I let out an angry scream and kicked the door hard with my foot. It was very stable because I couldn't do any damage.

I was trapped and probably for the rest of my life. There was no escape here, not from the werewolf king.

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