Chapter 5

Davina pov

I had been in the hospital wing, which was in the palace, for another week. Admittedly in a back part, but there was one there. I had never left this building since I was in the dungeon.

A doctor explained to me that I was initially in a coma for three weeks. I had narrowly escaped death. So close to failure, my hatred grew. I almost made it, but unfortunately, I survived.

I remembered being awake briefly after the three weeks. Amun had spoken to me then before I stepped away again.

Afterward, I was unconscious for two more days.

Then another week in the hospital wing to recover. It had taken me a long time to get well.

The stay was very boring. Gwen had visited me again and again, but she had little to do here. There were enough nurses and doctors to look after me.

By now I had become friends with her. We were on the same wavelength and hit it off straight away. That was a small consolation in this situation.

The doctors and nurses were all human. This was certainly Amun's intention so that I would not harm anyone.

I hadn't seen Amun once that week. He understood that I wanted to be left alone. Good for him, but I knew I would see him again at some point. At the end of the day, I was still his mate.

Something inside me missed him and wanted to see Amun. It was screaming, I didn't want it one bit. I didn't want to want this man, but did. Nevertheless, I did my best to suppress this urge and suppress this feeling.

Today I was discharged and Gwen would accompany me to my room. She had already told me that it was the one in which I had already awakened once after Amun was anesthetized. I had no problem with that because it was a nice room.

I was trying to come to terms with my current situation, so I tried to look at everything positively. This was quite difficult for me, but I dared to try.

Gwen offered me her arm and I linked her arms. We left the room together and I said goodbye to the employees we passed. They made every effort and were always polite. At least the humans among the werewolves seemed nice.

When we left the hospital wing, I couldn't help but be amazed. This palace had to be huge and it was beautiful. Gwen was like a friend to me, so I didn't hide my surprise.

We walked down a hallway together and it was eerie how much money someone had to have to own this building.

Everything looked new and modern. In my opinion, that didn't fit any werewolf. Everything looked too elegant for that.

Countless pictures hung on the walls. Somehow art was a rich thing. It may look nice, but most of the time it was just over the top.

Gwen grinned broadly at me and asked, "That's breathtaking, isn't it?" I shook my head in disbelief and replied, "That's incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

We went up a flight of stairs and I took another quick look at what was behind us. There was a serious chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was a large piece with several crystals. This is probably the entrance area that he illuminated.


I turned forward to concentrate on the steps, otherwise I would fall to the ground, which was the last thing I needed.

But this large wooden door seemed to be the exit from this behemoth of a building. I would remember the way there well. I didn't allow myself to lose my optimism that I would be able to escape at some point.

After clearing my throat, I said to Gwen, "It wasn't clear to me that these monsters had beautiful houses or a stunning palace." This description was much better. It could hardly be called a house.

Outraged, Gwen replied, "Werewolves aren't monsters." Then this discussion started again. We had a big disagreement there.

But I forgave her for that, otherwise we got along well. And I was aware that the woman had been brainwashed. I would never judge her for that. In the end, she was human, they were much easier to manipulate.

I sighed in response. I postponed the discussion when I had the nerve for it. In theory, I had to get her on my side. After that, Gwen could help me escape.

When we reached the other end of the stairs, I was relieved. They had exhausted me a lot, which told me how far from fit I was. It was hard to believe how exhausted an element carrier was when his element was suppressed.

Gwen seemed to notice because she explained, "We'll be in your room soon." I just nodded, grateful for her support.

After that, it was only a few meters until we finally stood in front of a white wooden door.

Thanks, I got there.

Gwen opened the door for us and we were able to enter the room. The room was exactly as I remembered it. However, the delirium and the unbelievable pain were not good.

We walked over to the bed and before I sat down, Gwen pulled the covers back over me. I looked at her and said, "That's nice, but..." She looked at me reproachfully, which made me quiet. "Davina, this is my job and I enjoy doing it. Besides, you're still sick."

I sat down with a sigh. "Thanks." I gave her a small smile and she dismissed it with a wave of her hand.

"You should rest. The doctors said that you shouldn't do much today." I nodded and had no problem with that. I felt the tiredness deep inside me, I could use a little rest in my condition.

Gwen pointed to the nightstand and said, "If you press this button, someone will come over in a short time. So if you need something or something is wrong, all you have to do is press it."

I looked over and sure enough, there was a small device with a black button on it. How nice, they didn't just lock me up, but allowed me to report myself.

"Alright, and thanks."

She continued, "Someone is always here, so you don't have to worry. No one will ignore you and will be there if you need anything." I nodded and was amazed. They probably wanted to give me a pleasant stay.

I lay down under the blanket and as I did Gwen said, "I'll come back tomorrow morning. But for now, I'll let you sleep." That was one of the best ideas ever. In a friendly tone, I replied, "Good night, and sleep well, Gwen."

"Thank you likewise." After a final smile, she turned away and started to leave the room.

Of course, she locked the door behind herself. Since my outburst, the door has always been locked, which was the same in my hospital room.

Well, I had myself to blame for that.

The next morning I felt a little better. Probably alone since I was no longer in this dreary hospital room. It was good to see something different and somehow it was always uncomfortable lying in a hospital bed.

Since I was locked up, it was good that I had my bathroom. Otherwise, I would have had a big problem. After all, at some point, you had to go to the toilet and a shower was necessary at some point.

I recently came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me and the big question in my mind was what I should wear. I should have asked myself that before I took a shower. If necessary, I could of course wear the clothes I was wearing before, but something fresh would still be better.

So I went to the door opposite the bathroom. The wardrobe is probably behind it, as there wasn't one otherwise. Maybe a few things had been prepared for me in the last few weeks. Hopefully, they had thought that I would need clothing.

I opened the door and was not disappointed. I took two steps in and was amazed when I looked around. This room was full of clothes and everything.

They had thought of this and at first glance, everything was in stock. There were hanging rails attached, as well as shelves and drawers.

I went through it and the selection was huge. There were countless possibilities. Practically every style was represented in the range, which surprised me.

In a royal family, people were more likely to be bourgeois and women were perhaps expected to wear dresses and skirts. But I was wrong and I was happy about it.

I looked through everything superficially and was finally able to find a pair of black leggings. They were comfortable and that was exactly what I was looking for. For the top, I took a black top, which felt comfortable. Essentially, I was still considered sick, so this was the perfect choice. I found underwear in one of the drawers.

My greatness was met in everything. Gwen was most likely behind all of this. At least it would be logical if a woman had done it. Men had no idea about bras and very few were even interested in fashion. Although there were plenty of women who weren't interested in that either.

Once I was dressed, I left the closet and had to wait for Gwen. No idea what awaited me afterward or what the plan for the day was.

"Good morning, Davina." I jumped and almost screamed. I hadn't heard anyone enter my room.

Then Amun, of all people, sat at the foot of my bed. It may be his palace, but he still gave me this room. For that, I would classify his behavior as cheeky. But he probably didn't care at all.

I automatically stopped and looked into those beautiful golden eyes. These were exactly the ones that had always chased me in my dreams. I could barely handle the sight of him.

How could you be so attractive?

It was unfair and I wanted to punch him right in the face. How lucky I was to have myself under control.

I was unable to say anything back, so I continued to remain silent. Even if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have managed a greeting. At least I didn't have to show friendly behavior around werewolves.

Amun stood up and at his full height, he was much more threatening, even though he had been that way before. No one could miss the fact that he had a high rank.

I was tempted to back away but remained steadfast in the same spot. I covered up my inner concerns and cursed my own heart. I was aware that werewolves had very good hearing. If he was paying attention, it would be clear to him that my heart rate was increased due to fear. This meant there was no point trying to cover it up, but I still kept a deadly serious expression on my face.

He seemed to realize that nothing would come from me, so he said, "There are a few rules for you. I advise you to follow them." His tone was cold, like his facial expressions. The initial friendliness was gone and nowhere to be found.

The whole thing became more cruel because his behavior bothered me. This stung me in a way it never should.

I cleared my throat, but that didn't bring any improvement. My vocal cords didn't feel like working.

Amun looked at me and finally continued, "First of all, you do not attack anyone. No matter whether human or werewolf. You will keep your distance and under no circumstances will you hurt anyone." The rule was completely logical and I expected it. Whether I would stick to it was another question.

"Secondly, you can move freely in this house to a certain extent, as long as you stay good.

Gwen will always be by your side. From what I can tell, you have become friends. Please show your heart and continue to be nice to her. You'll get in big trouble if you hurt her or anyone else." I just nodded, but he just made the last part clear earlier.

"Thirdly, you're always locked in this room overnight. Don't even try to break out, you'll make unnecessary noise, but you won't achieve anything. You can't open the windows, they have their security."

He took a step closer and I managed to stop. Still, I felt more uncomfortable with it. Without my fire, I felt so lost. With this minimal amount of my actual strength, I was almost defenseless, like a normal hunter.

"Next we should discuss your fire. I understand that you need to use it from time to time. But with moderation and purpose. You will never use it to cause harm, otherwise you can do whatever you want with it."

Wow, how nice of him. He allowed me to use my element.


My fear eased somewhat as the anger took over me. I wasn't a lap dog who did whatever he wanted.

Amun continued undeterred, "If you plan to burn down your room, be sure to come to my room afterward. You have the choice whether you want to stay in this room or share a bed with me."

The decision was very simple, but I noticed one illogical detail. Thanks to this, my voice worked again. I tilted my head, looked at him blankly, and asked, "You're not afraid that I'll flambé you?"

He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "The little flame you can produce hardly hurts me. But..." Suddenly he was right in front of me and I wanted to back away, but Amun grabbed my chin. He lifted it, forcing me to look into his eyes.

On the one hand, I liked the touch and his closeness. First of all, that smell, the man smelled way too good. On the other hand, I had a gigantic worry that he would do something else to me. A king was much stronger than me. As a simple hunter, I couldn't hold a candle to that.

My body was running on adrenaline, which was useless. I was stuck as he held me and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. For a second I couldn't hide my fear.

Amun continued, "But we have our means, fire devil. At the moment I'm still being nice and giving you certain freedoms. Disobey my rules and I'll resort to other means. Don't think for a second that we have nothing against your species. We know very well probably a few things about you and how to put a leash on you." This sound could cut ice. But the voice didn't match the eyes 100 percent. They might seem cold, but there was something different about them.

I knew I had to have a practical effect on him. Nevertheless, I wanted to run and was worried about my well-being. I may know a bit about the Mate stuff, but it might be wrong information.

His grip tightened a bit and his eyes darkened. It was a sight you never wanted to witness. Inappropriately, he gently stroked my chin with his thumb. "Make one more attempt at suicide and you'll lose all bonuses. Then you'll get to know the other side of me and believe me, you'll never want to know that."

Afterwards, we looked at each other and I hoped that he would finally let go of me. It had given me goosebumps for a long time and negative reasons.

My silent request was heard because he let go of me and took a step back. "Gwen will pick you up for breakfast soon." Amun turned away and walked towards the door. That was a small relief, but the big relief would come once the beast was out of this room.

While Amun opened the door he said, "I have a lot to do in the next few days. Until we see each other again, you should stay good. You know the consequences." After that, he finally closed the door behind him and was out of my sight.

I breathed a sigh of relief and clutched my heart. At least for the moment, it was over.

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